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National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam

Learn about the Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control Standing Office of CCFSC, focusing on natural disasters in Vietnam and climate change impact. Explore the National Strategy for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, action plans, and stakeholder involvement in reducing disaster risks and managing climate change challenges.

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National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam

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  2. TYPICAL NATURAL DISASTER IN VIETNAM River Flooding Flood Flash floods Flash flood Typhoons Storm and typhoon Storm Surges Storm surges Not on map: • Drought • Salt intrusion • Forest fire River bank and shoreline erosion •

  3. Disaster and Climate change in Viet nam Natural Disaster: Natural disasters in Vietnam have been increasingly severe in terms of magnitude, frequency and volatility Natural disasters such as typhoons, floods and droughts have caused significant losses, and asset damage equivalent to 1.5% of GDP Climate change: Vietnam is one of the 5 countries worst affected by climate change. Climate change will worsen natural disasters If the sea level rises by 1 meter, 90% of the Mekong River Delta area will be flooded during the flood season, and 71% will be salted during the dry season, and about 20 million people will be affected in terms of housing.


  5. NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR NATURAL DISASTER PREVENTION, RESPOND AND MITIGATION UP TO 2020 The principles used for disaster prevention, response and mitigation in Vietnam is the “four-on-the-spot” (command on the spot, man-power on the spot, materials on the spot and logistics on the spot) and proactive prevention, timely response, quick and effective recovery. Radical Flood Prevention for the Red river delta and Northern Central Region Active preparedness, Mitigation and Adaptation for Central Region Living together with flood for development for Southern Region

  6. A roadmap for establishing National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Vietnam

  7. Basis for establishing the National Platform in Viet Nam? National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation to 2020. Action plan for implementing National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation to 2020. Community Based Disaster Risk Management Program National target program to respond to climate change. Climate change and sea level rising scenarios Action Plan Framework adapting to Climate change of Agricultural and Rural development sector in stage 2008-2020 Law of Disaster Management (under construction)

  8. ……Today, the most urgent work is to link climate change and disaster prevention, response and mitigation. In fact, due to the impacts of climate change, disasters have been, and will continue to be increasingly severe. …. ….In order to promote and implement disaster risk reduction activities in the context of climate change, it is very necessary to establish an official national forum which attracts extensive participation from organizations, donors, NGOs and individuals, both domestically and internationally. I hope that this National Platform will be a good starting point based on which a national forum can be established annually. And after this forum, I would suggest that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other ministries, localities and related agencies to promote the establishment of the national platform for information sharing, institutional development, contributing to effective implementation of natural disaster prevention, response and mitigation…….

  9. What should be the structure of the National Platform in Viet Nam? • The National Platform will be established based on the existing organizations which have been working on the field of DRR. (Natural Disaster Mitigation Partnership - NDMP) • Recommending new memberships, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders involved in DRRin Viet Nam. • The Platform, in the shape of a partnership, will have as members the government, donors, NGOs, academic institutions, regional/international organizations, media and private sector representatives. • Under the NDMP, MARD is the Chair for the partnership. • There are a also number of different departments and levels within MARD that should be involved in the National Platform, including the Vice Minister for MARD, DMC, DDMFSC, ICD, ISG, OCCA, and MoNRE, etc

  10. Objectives of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation • To serve as a coordination mechanism to enhance multi-stakeholder collaboration and coordination for the sustainability of DRR activities • To foster an enabling environment between stakeholders for awareness-raising on DRR, integrating DRR into development policies, planning and programmes; • To discuss and address the urgent need issues on DRR in context of CCA in order to strengthen and maximize the effective of DRR activities

  11. Stakeholders should be involved in the National Platform

  12. The Institutional Framework of the Natural Disaster Mitigation Partnership (NDMP) in Viet Nam

  13. Government-led Secretariat establishment Government MARD (Chair) MONRE MoFA MoH MoT MPI MoF Academic bodies Institutes Universities UN agencies Donors UN agencies World Bank AusAID JICA ADB Norwegian Embassy Netherland Embassy NGOs/ INGOs CARE Oxfam Action Aid World Vision DWF ADRA PLAN ADPC Private sectors Companies Individual donors Partners involvement Steering committee Case studies, Draft NP form Fist consultation workshop of partners Commitment of Partners Second workshop of partners on the structure of the National Platform Government Approved Launching NP

  14. Thank you for attention

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