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Analog-to-Digital Conversion and Signal Sampling Guide

Learn about Analog-to-Digital conversion, sampling, quantization, and coding of signals. Understand the sampling theorem, quantization error, signal manipulation, classification, and periodic sequences.

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Analog-to-Digital Conversion and Signal Sampling Guide

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  1. Analog-To-Digital convertor • Sampler • Quantization • Coding.

  2. Sampling of analog signal This is the conversion of a continuous-time signal into discrete-time signal obtained by taking samples of the continuous-time signal at discrete-time instant

  3. The sampling theorem introduced by Nyquist and later by Shannon is used to determine the appropriate sampling rateFs≥2Fmax

  4. Quantization of Continues –Amplitude Signals … Quantizer convert the continouse amplitude into finite sets of discrete value called quantization level There is an error due to this conversation called quantization error The distance between the two levels is Δ and its computed as

  5. Example (1-3):- Consider the analog signal x(t) is an input to analog to digital convertor ,what is the output of sampler and quantizer if the sampling rate is 1Hz. Let the number of quantization level =11 Where , take only 9 samples.

  6. Coding of Quantized Samples With a word length of b bit we can create different binary numbers

  7. Digital-To-Analog converters

  8. Discrete time signals

  9. representation of the discrete time signal • 3. Sequence representation • An infinite-duration signal or sequence with the time origin (n=0) indicated by the symbol ↑ is represented as

  10. Some elementary discrete time signals

  11. Signal Manipulations a. Transformation of the independent variable (time) ShiftingReversalTime Scaling b. Amplitude modification of discrete time signal Amplitude scaling The sum of two signals The product of two signals

  12. H.w : For the signal shown below ,sketch the following signals • X(n-2) • X(n+3).δ(n-2) • X(n-1)+u(-n+1)

  13. Classification of discrete time signal Even and Odd signals:- A real-valued signal is said to be even if for all n x(n) = x(-n) Whereas a signal is said to be odd if for all n x(n) = -x(-n) X(n)=xe(n)+xo(n) To find the even part of x(n) Whereas to find the odd part of x(n)

  14. Example 2.3: - Find the even and odd parts of the following signal: Periodic and AperiodicSequences A signal x(n) is said to be periodic if and only if x(n)=x(n+N) for all n. Example 2.4: Determine if the following signal is periodic or not then find its period

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