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Continuum of Care Funding 2011

Continuum of Care Funding 2011. A Preview for Applicants July 28, 2011. Requires a local collaborative planning process CoC applies as a single body in Exhibit 1 Contracts are with individual agencies in Exhibits 2 (for now) 2011 NOFA expected by the end of August

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Continuum of Care Funding 2011

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  1. Continuum of Care Funding 2011 A Preview for Applicants July 28, 2011

  2. Requires a local collaborative planning process • CoC applies as a single body in Exhibit 1 • Contracts are with individual agencies in Exhibits 2 (for now) • 2011 NOFA expected by the end of August • Pre-HEARTH rules apply this year, but many HEARTH-related adjustments already issued Continuum of Care Funding

  3. Competitive Block Grant – Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Shelter Plus Care (S+C) Programs • Formula need for Sonoma County + Santa Rosa + Petaluma = $903,607 • Where renewing contracts for 1 year outstrips this amount, HUD will fund the higher amount as a Hold Harmless CoC. This amount is $1,137,934 in SHP awards • S+C contracts renewed based on Fair Market Rents, 89 units – about $1.3 million • Total package = approx. $2.5 million Pro Rata(formula) Need /Hold Harmless Need

  4. As a Hold Harmless CoC we can reallocate dollars if a project is not needed, or under-performing (Exhibit 1) • Analysis of homeless population since 2009 indicates a negative need for family transitional housing and shelter – the need is to place families in permanent housing • Discussion of re-purposing resources to address single individuals • System unmet need analysis incorporated into evaluations of renewal projects Reallocation in Hold Harmless CoCs

  5. We can apply for a single bonus project, maximum $135,541 • This is 15% of the PRN figure ($903,607) • Cannot mix with reallocated funds • Use for SHP or S+C • This year, HUD allows 1-year initial contract in SHP projects Permanent Housing Bonus

  6. Encouraging CoCs to strategically review HMIS needs to prepare for HEARTH reporting requirements • Suggestions there may be an HMIS set-aside for this purpose • Suggestions of a youth set-aside as well • Registration NOFA states HUD will adjust requirements to address homelessness in “extremely high need areas” • Logic Model eliminated Highlights of 2011

  7. NOFA will allow about 8 weeks to submit a 2-phase application • Applicants will have about 4-5 weeks to submit in e-snaps (electronic submission systems) • As soon as NOFA is released, a calendar of events and local RFP will be published • Local bidders conference for bonus project, technical assistance sessions Local process 2011

  8. Sign up for a listserv at http://hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewJoin to receive HUD notices • Obtain a DUNS number by phone at 1-866-705-5711 or on line at www.dnb.com - this takes 10 minutes • Register with the federal government’s Central Contractor Registry at www.ccr.gov - this can take 2 weeks • Set up an individual user profile on the “e-snaps” electronic application site, https://esnaps.hud.gov/grantium/index.jsf • Contact Jenny to get on local CoC listserv Prepare now

  9. Permanent housing with supportive services for homeless families or individuals who are living with disabilities • Extra points for projects that serve chronically homeless individuals • To earn the bonus points, the project must serve 100% chronically homeless (CH) • CH clients must come directly from the street or shelter (not transitional housing) Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus Project

  10. Acquisition or rehabilitation ($1:$1 match, not renewable) • Leasing (no match required) • Housing operations ($1:$3 match) • Supportive services ($1:$4 match) • Rental assistance (S+C projects only) Eligible expenses – PSH Bonus

  11. No more than 20% supportive services (case management) • 80% must be spent on housing expenses (any eligible expense other than supportive services) • Scored on Housing Emphasis • Must document leveraged resources of at least $2 for every $1 requested to be assured of funding Other PSH Bonus Project Requirements

  12. Any private non-profit, public non-profit community mental health center, or entity of local government is eligible to apply • Initial contract can be 1, 2 or 3 years • Different levels of cash match required depending on expense • 5% of program expense allowed for administrative expense Supportive Housing Program

  13. Note: HUD rounds all figures less than $1.00 down. Sample 1-Year SHP Budget, Master Leasing

  14. Sample 1-Year SHP Budget with Housing operations expense

  15. Application is made only by a Housing Authority in partnership with one or more non-profit service provider Sponsors. • The Sonoma County Housing Authority manages all Shelter Plus Care programs by mutual agreement. • Rental assistance partnership: • The Housing Authority manages rental assistance • Service provider provides the services disabled residents need to remain stably housed. Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C)

  16. Award is for the Fair Market Rent for a specific number of units. Can be: • Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (portable) • Project-Based Rental Assistance (remains with a specific facility) • Sponsor-Based Rental Assistance (tied to the Sponsor) • Initial award minimum: 5 years (60 months) • After 5 years, the project is renewed annually for the current Fair Market Rent equivalent • Service providers must demonstrate a 100% “soft cash” match – delivery of the monetary equivalent of the rental assistance as in kind services Shelter Plus Care Rules

  17. Award must be matched dollar for dollar (“soft cash”) with services funded through a non-McKinney-Vento source • Services must be committed to in writing, and delivery of services must be documented on an annual basis • On completion of the initial award, HUD allows renewal of all existing units and encourages consolidation of S+C awards. Shelter Plus Care Notes

  18. This is a 5-year S+C budget based on the 2011 Fair Market Rent (FMR) for a 1-bedroom apartment in Sonoma County • Could use a combination of apartment sizes to maximize the dollars available • Rental assistance is provided at 30% of tenant income. Shelter Plus Care budgets are set up based on no income and rental assistance at 100% of FMR. As incomes rise, Housing Authority can use to expand the number of people housed • Housing Authority can use up to 8% for administrative expense Sample Shelter Plus Care Budget

  19. HUD’s Homeless Resource Exchange www.hudhre.info. Newly redesigned site integrates IDIS and HDX info, easier to get to Virtual Help Desk, make requests for technical assistance, calendar, listserv sign-up • Direct link to e-snaps portal from HRE home page (lower left of screen) • E-snaps Portal: https://esnaps.hud.gov/grantium/frontOffice.jsf • E-snaps training site: http://esnaps.hudhre.info/ Important Resources

  20. Questions? Jenny Helbraun Abramson, Coordinator Sonoma County Continuum of Care (707) 824-2852 continuumofcare@comcast.net Contact Information

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