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Bringing Structure to Deeper Learning Deeper Learning 2014 March 27, 2014 Mary Moss

Bringing Structure to Deeper Learning Deeper Learning 2014 March 27, 2014 Mary Moss. Welcome & Introductions. Please share the following: Name, organization, and role Your experience with PBL/CBL and the greatest challenge you’ve faced as a facilitator of PBL/CBL

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Bringing Structure to Deeper Learning Deeper Learning 2014 March 27, 2014 Mary Moss

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  1. Bringing Structure to Deeper Learning Deeper Learning 2014 March 27, 2014 Mary Moss

  2. Welcome & Introductions Please share the following: • Name, organization, and role • Your experience with PBL/CBL and the greatest challenge you’ve faced as a facilitator of PBL/CBL • One thing you’d like to improve on as a result of this workshop

  3. Why is structure important to Deeper Learning? • How do you know what your students are getting out of it? • How do we demonstrate the power of deeper learning for our students’ academics, mindsets, confidence, and aspirations?

  4. Workshop Outcomes By the end of the session, participants will: • Identify and share common challenges of Deeper Learning; • Analyze and discuss the root causes of these challenges; • Review a process and strategies designed to combat such challenges; • Evaluate the potential use and effectiveness of these strategies for the challenges they face with the implementation of deeper learning; and • Propose possible strategies and solutions to make deeper learning more effective.

  5. Workshop Overview • Session overview • Session materials, “Facilitator’s Guide” and “More Module Resources” located at: http://novareschools.wordpress.com/resources/ • Work group options: • lack of rigor • low quality student work • subjective assessment and grading • unproductive classroom time • unfinished student work • other?

  6. Critical Friends Group* Protocol*modified from nsrfharmony.org • 10 minutes: Share specifics about your challenges and how you have encountered it in your DL work • 15 minutes: Discuss the possible root causes of the challenge(s) you encounter with DL: • What important expectations can’t my students meet? • Why can’t my students accomplish these things? (Is it a student skill or understanding issue, or a facilitator clarity issue?) • What has my students’ previous work revealed? On what evidence am I basing my assumptions about this challenge? What has/hasn’t worked in the past? • 5 minutes: Independently review the Guide (steps and appendices) and resources • 15 minutes: Share possible strategies identified in the tools, make suggestions from your previous experience, or together develop new strategies • How can we help our students overcome what’s been challenging? • What is our role as facilitators of deeper learning? • 5 minutes: Prepare a brief presentation of strategies & solutions to the group

  7. Sharing Out • Group Presentations via Google doc: Collaborative Solutions for DL Challenges • What is the root cause of the challenge? • How does/will the strategy or solution address the root cause? • What challenges will remain? • What new challenges will arise? • For which students will these solutions not work? • Which tools can you tweak/adapt for your own use? • Which strategy will you commit to trying?

  8. Wrapping Up • On the post-it: Provide one “plus” (positive) and one “delta” (needs improvement) for this workshop • Beyond the Workshop: • Email:mmoss@novareschools.org Resources: www.novareschools.org How to Innovate: The Essential Guide for Fearless School Leaders March 2014, ISBN:978-0-8077-5523-5

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