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The Quadrennial Review Process for Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians. December 16, 2009. QuickTime™ and a. decompressor. are needed to see this picture. Background. Purpose: To evaluate continuation/placement of the SS/SC For possible salary adjustment
The Quadrennial Review Processfor Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians December 16, 2009 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Background Purpose: • To evaluate continuation/placement of the SS/SC • For possible salary adjustment • To enable the SD to report on allocation of these personnel Process: • Standardized to fairly evaluate SS/SC despite many roles • PRP and CRP provide core expertise for the Quad Review Panels • PRP/CRP review SS/SC appointments and promotions, know level of accomplishment expected
Review Criteria • Scientific evaluation and determination of the overall contributions of the SS/SC to the research program of their PI • Review period is the last four years (2006-2009) • Review should be based on how the SS/SC fulfills their role in the Lab/Branch – whether it’s providing an essential core service, functioning like a PI, or giving scientific continuity to their PI’s program. • Reviewers consider mitigating issues such as the scientific environment, mentoring (or lack of it) by the PI, a poorly prepared package, etc. • Success can be judged through both independent scientific achievement and contributions to collaborations
Performance Measures Staff Scientists: Performance is measured against the following elements: interactions with other scientists, scientific productivity, other achievements, and evidence of being up-to-date scientifically and technically. Measures of performance include collaborations, awards, presented lectures, course work, mentoring/teaching, participation in Special Interest Groups, etc. Staff Clinicians: Performance is measured against the following elements: interactions with other physicians and scientists, scientific and/or clinical productivity, other achievements, and evidence of being up-to-date scientifically and clinically. Measures of performance include patient care responsibilities, clinical skills, collaborations, awards, presented lectures, mentoring/teaching, participation in IRB-approved protocols, etc.
Quad Review Package You and your PI should assemble the package together. Package contains: Check Sheet Standardized Recommending memo from PI 2 letters of recommendation from collaborators Standardized CV and biblio BSC Recommendations Review Report Packages are due to CCR ARC by Friday January 29, 2010.
Staff Scientist Recommending Memo Your PI is asked to describe your accomplishments in the following areas: 1. Scientific Productivity 2. Scientific Presentations 3. Participation in Special Interest Groups, Tech Transfer, Involvement in GMP production, INDs, etc. 4. Collaborations 5. Mentoring/Teaching 6. Continuing Education (training programs participated in) 7. Awards 8. Other significant achievements 9. Description of Core activities, list of collaborators and/or users: (For Facility Heads who are not reviewed by the BSC)
Staff Clinicians Recommending Memo Your PI is asked to describe your accomplishments in the following areas: 1. Patient care responsibilities and specialized clinical skills 2. Role in IRB-approved protocols 3. Intramural collaborations and other intramural activities (faculties, working groups, advisory boards, committees) 4. Scientific productivity 5. Scientific presentations 6. Intramural/extramural activities (editorial boards, cooperative groups, scientific societies, meeting organization) 7. Mentoring and teaching 8. Awards and other accomplishments
Standardized CVMembership in Scientific Societies/Professional Associations:Honors & Scientific Recognition: - Awards received - Fellowships received - Editorial Board of Scientific Journal - Reviewer for Scientific Journals - Membership in Reviewing Boards (grant application boards etc.) - Invited Lectureships - ChairpersonshipsFunding: - Grants and Funding Received - Technology Transfer - CRADA relationshipsPatents: - Employee Invention Reports - Patent applications - Patents awarded
Standardized CVCollaborations: - Intramural - ExtramuralScientific Community Activities: - Academic appointments - Mentoring - Participation in Intramural Faculties & Special Interest Groups - Participation In Intramural CommitteesClinical Trial Participation – role:Investigational New Drug (IND) Applications Submitted:FDA approvals:Consultant Appointments:Institutional Review Boards:Proposals submitted and approvedCore/Program Accomplishments:PRESENTATIONSBIBLIOGRAPHY
SS Quad Review Panel CCR PRP provides the core expertise: - 12 scientists representing a cross-section of CCR research meet monthly to review Staff Scientist appointments - familiar with accomplishments expected from Staff Scientists - ad hoc reviewers are recruited to assist with the Quad ReviewThree reviewers are assigned to evaluate each package - reviewers submit brief evaluations and preliminary score - reviews compiled and grouped by rankReview meeting begins with a discussion of the review criteria - Individual packages are discussed - rankings adjusted taking into consideration mitigating issues such as scientific environment, mentoring, duties, etc.
SS Quad Report Rank 1-1.9 Outstanding 2-2.9 Excellent 3-3.9 Good 4-4.9 Satisfactory 5 UnsatisfactoryNeeds Improvement in Productivity Collaboration Participation in faculties/special interest groups Scientific presentations Teaching/mentoring Continuing education/training Core activities Other
SC Quad Report • Rank • Top 10% - Outstanding • Top 25% - Excellent • Top 50% - Good • Lower 50% - Satisfactory • Unsatisfactory • Needs Improvement in • Patient care • Clinical translational research • Teaching/mentoring • Other
SS Quad Results 50 48 46 40 30 Number of Staff Scientists (Total 110) 20 16 10 1 Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Quad Review Scores 2006-2009
Due Dates Packages are due to the CCR ARC by January 29, 2010. The actual review will occur in March 2010. Results will be sent out in April 2010.