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Global warming in the Czech Republic

Global warming in the Czech Republic. Since November 2012 we have learned some facts about global warming , about our changing climate. During our second project period we tried to concentrate on this topic and we spent a lot of time by searching

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Global warming in the Czech Republic

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  1. Globalwarmingin theCzechRepublic

  2. SinceNovember 2012 wehavelearnedsomefactsabout globalwarming, aboutourchangingclimate ... Duringoursecondproject period wetried to concentrate on thistopicandwespent a lot oftime by searching forinformation, taking part in presentationsgiven by expertsandmaking a quiz. Finallywemade a presentationcontainingourresults. Take a look atourwork

  3. Ourprojectactivities on GLOBAL WARMING • We had a meeting withMrsKrzyžanková – a specialist in environmentaleducation. • Wetried to findout as much as possibleaboutglobalwarming, itscauses, ... • Wemade a presentation on thistopic. • Wecreated a quizforourmatesusingthe data wefound in thelibrary, on the internet, in ourtextbooks, in magazines, in newspapers.

  4. Globalwarming– this term youcanseeandhearalmosteverywhere. But do youknowwhatitmeans? Itmeansthat the average temperature of Earth'satmosphere and oceans has beenrising. (Itstarted in the late 19th century.)

  5. Itisundeniablethattheaveragetemperaturearoundtheplanet overthe last hundredyearsorso has risen.

  6. Eventheaveragetemperature in theCzechRepublichas increased.

  7. Theaveragedailytemperature in our country atthehight 600 m.a.s.l. is 3.3 degrees Celsius higher.

  8. Whyandhowisclimatechanging? Scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhousesgases produced by human activities (such as the burning of fossilfuels, deforestation.)

  9. Do allthescientistsbelievethistheory? No ! Someclaim, thatincreasing concentrations of greenhousesgasesin theatmosphere are not produced by human activities. According to themitis a naturalprocess.

  10. Whereisthetruth?

  11. WeinvitedMrs. Krzyžanková to ourschool to get to know more abouttheglobalwarming.

  12. Shetoldusaboutthegreenhouseeffect

  13. Shetoldusabouttheseacurrentsandtemperatures on differentplaces on our planet.

  14. Sheshowedusthepresentsituation, toldusabouticemelting. Wewereshownalsothefuture map ofourworld – whenglacierswould melt down.

  15. Welearnedthatpolarbears are in dangerbecauseoftheincreasingtemperatureofour planet.

  16. Nowweknowthat in theCzechRepublic transport andaccommodation are thebiggestproducersofgreenhousegases.

  17. Observablechanges in theCzechRepublic People in theCzechRepublicgrowsucculents andtropicalplants.

  18. Observablechanges in theCzechRepublic People go mushroomingandfindnew species typicalforwarmercountries.

  19. There are somepoisonousspiders in ourterritory – youcould not findthem in the past here. Observablechanges in theCzechRepublic

  20. In any case, itisgood to know more aboutECOLOGY

  21. Canwemake a difference?Canpeople in Třinec themselvesmake a difference?

  22. Wetalked to ourfamilyandfriends to findoutwhatwecan do together to try to stop globalwarming.

  23. Here are sometips: • Turntheheatingdown in winter. Dresswarmerifyou are cold. • Buyfoodfromlocalfarmers, supermarketsbuyfoodallovertheworld, importit by planesortrucks. • Takethe bus, walkorride a bikeinsteadofgoing by car. • Youcansaveelectricityand money whenyou use sun andwindenergy. • Use carsthat are friendly to nature – somecars use gasand not petrol. • Separatewaste! Collectoldpaperandcompost green waste. • Recycle!

  24. Thankyouforwatching

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