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Welcome ! CFA International Award Banquet Europe 2011/2012 Bremen. CFA International Europe Distinguished Merit. 2011/2012. Distinguished Merit. GC CALIVANS‘S DIRTY HARRY OF ALLALUX DM Black Exotic male Br. Kathleen P. Holahan Ow . Alla Antropova. Distinguished Merit.
Welcome !CFA International Award Banquet Europe 2011/2012 Bremen
Distinguished Merit GC CALIVANS‘S DIRTY HARRY OF ALLALUX DM Black Exotic male Br. Kathleen P. Holahan Ow. Alla Antropova
Distinguished Merit GC, DW D‘EDEN LOVER ABOVE STARS OF KUORII DM Brown Patched Tabby Persian female Br. Frederic Gaspard Ow. Carnevaletti-Gaspard-Michel
Distinguished Merit GC, NW D’EDEN LOVER ONE STAR OF WISHES DM Calico Persian female Br. Carnevaletti - Gaspard Ow. Steward – Gaspard - Carnevaletti
Distinguished Merit GC D’EDEN LOVER TWINKLE STAR DM Cream-White Persian male Br. Gaspard – Boucher - Carnevaletti Ow. Frederic Gaspard
Distinguished Merit FARE MADEMOISELLE OF D’EDEN LOVER DM Dilute Calico Persian female Br. Annie Leclerc Ow. Gaspard – Leclerk - Carnevaletti
Distinguished Merit CH LAC HONG UPSILA DM Bombay female Br./Ow. MireilleSicart
Distinguished Merit LE CHATON TENESSY DM Black S/E SH Scottish Fold SH female Br. Y.V. Kalinina Ow. Natalia Gfeller
Distinguished Merit CH MARJA’S LIGHTS UP OF VAREDA DM Cream Persian female Br. Shelly Stoltz Ow. Diane Trinka – Olivier Grin
Distinguished Merit NOBLESSA’S LARISSA DM Tortoiseshell Persian female Br. Mary-Jo-Ben Gavitt Ow. VitalyOreshkin
Distinguished Merit GC, DW PAWSH HOPE FLOATS OF ALEMARS DM Black Persian female Br. Stacy Firth Ow. Alex Dergachovs
Distinguished Merit SONGGWANGSA MARIKO DM Dilute Mi-Ke Japanese Bobtail female Br. Olivier Grin Ow. Valerie – Olivier Grin
CFA International Division Winner Top Cats in Premiership 2011/2012
10th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW POISON‘S JAY-RIN DTAA KoratSpay Br. / Ow. OutiNiemi
9th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW DOUBLE TAKE ARTHOUSE Black PersianNeuter Br. Vitaly Oreshkin Ow. N. & R. Gfeller – V. Oreshkin
8th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW DESDECADOS SAMURAI SHADOW CreamPersianNeuter Br. Ann Kristin Hook Ow. Anna-Karin Staflin
7th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW DOUBLE TAKE MAKE-UP TortoiseshellPersianSpay Br. Vitaly Oreshkin Ow. N. & R. Gfeller – V. Oreshkin
6th best Cat in Premiership PR, DW BEAUTYBURM‘S CHESTNUT Champangne Burmese Neuter Br. OlesyaRamazanova & T. Gorbachea Ow. OlesyaKolosova & Elena Kobzeva
5th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW SUN STROKE FEEL LOVE SilverSpottedTabbyScotishFold SH Neuter Br. DmitriyGubenko Ow. Anna Nikitina - Mykola Fylymonov - Mary Hofer
4th best Cat in Premiership GP, DW SWEET MELODY FAIRY TALE Creme TabbyExoticNeuter Br./ Ow. Alexandra Bogomolova
3rd best Cat in Premiership GP, DW ERITREAN RED BUMBLEBEE RedAbyssinianNeuter Br. Ivanova-Fedorova-Vyshinskay Ow. Natalia V. Vetokhina
2nd best Cat in Premiership GP, DW SWEET MELODY EMMANUEL CameoMackerelTabbyExoticNeuter Br./Ow. Alexandra Bogomolova
SPECIAL AWARDPresented by Cristiano Rossini 22nd Best Kitten GC AKALANKA WHITE PANDA STAR Persian Solid Division Copper Eyed White female Br. / Ow. Clare Muscat Said
CFA International Division Winner Top Kittens 2011/2012
20th best Kitten GC, DW D‘EDEN LOVER GAGA OF BHAKTI Tortie Point-White Sphynxfemale Br. Frederic Gaspard Ow. Gaspard-Rossini-Barsalona
19th best Kitten GC, DW D‘EDEN LOVER GABRIELLE CalicoSphynxfemale Br./Ow. Frederic Gaspard
18th best Kitten GC, DW ATZELHOF‘S BLAEULING Blue British Shorthair male Br./Ow. Michael Hans Schleissner
17th best Kitten DW PYRAMPEPE BANANA Black Exotic LH female Br./Ow. Giulia Di Natale
16th best Kitten CH, DW RUMFOLD REAL GUY Brown Tabby-White ScottishFold LH male Br./Ow. Nadejda Rumyantseva
15th best Kitten GC, DW D‘EDEN LOVER GIPPS OF FARE RedMackerelTabbyPersian Male Br. Carnevaletti-Gaspard-Michel Ow. F. Gaspard & A. Leclerc
14th best Kitten GC, BW, DW LAC HONG FAUSTINE Bombay female Br./Ow. Mireille Sicart
13th best Kitten DW LION BLANC IN SECULA SECULORUM ShadedSilverPersian male Br./Ow. B. Picasso – S. Melti – L. Fipaldini
12th best Kitten GC, DW TOY TRICKSY GRAND ESCAPADE RedTabby & White Persian male Br./Ow. Galina Gurieva
11th best Kitten CH, DW TREKUORII FUJIKO MINE Russian Blue female Br. Cassola-Pasquali-Pelletier Ow. Cassola-Carnevaletti-Pasquali
10th best Kitten DW KUORII UNODUETRE STELLA Copper-Eyed White Persianfemale Br. Carnevaletti & Canal Ow. Carnevaletti-Canal-Fleck
9th best Kitten GC, DW KCDANCERS THOR OF HANSONPALACE SilverTabby-White American SH Male Br. Craig & Kathy Miller Ow. F. Düker-Craig & Kathy Miller
8th best Kitten GC, DW GREENVILLE ZAKKA RedAbyssinianfemale Br./Ow. Kira & Vasil Butorin
7th best Kitten GC, DW GABAN NORDSTERN ChestnutSpt. Tabby-White Oriental SH male Br./Ow. Gabriele & Andreas Lüppens
6th best Kitten DW D‘EDEN LOVER GIULIETTA Blue Ptch Mac Tabby-White Exoticfemale Br. F. Gaspard & A. Leclerc Ow. F. Gaspard & Lydie Battesti
5th best Kitten DW D‘EDEN LOVER G STARDREAM Blue Ptch Mac TabbyExoticfemale Br./Ow. Frederic Gaspard
4th best Kitten GC, DW D‘ARNAUD BOGGY Silver Mac Tby-White Exotic male Br. Teodoro Vargas Huesa, Lessee Ow. Teo Vargas/ Oscar Silva
3rd best Kitten GC, DW SOGGWANGSA NUCLEAR BUNNY DISORDER Black & White Japanese Bobtail SH male Br. Olivier Grin Ow. Grin – Dergachovs - Van Eijk
2nd best Kitten GC, DW LAC HONG GI JOE Bombay male Br./Ow. Mireille Sicart
CFA International Division Winner Top Cats in Championship 2011/2012
20th best Cat in CHAMPIONShip GC,BW,DW, D‘MEDITERRAN RANIA Brown PtchTbyExotic LH female Br./Ow. A. Alcantara & N. Gonzalez
19th best Cat in CHAMPIONShip GC, DW GREENVILLE QUIANA Blue Abyssinianfemale Br./Ow. Kira & Vasil Butorin
18th best Cat in Championship GC, DW SUN STROKE FRENCH DESERT Blue SilverPtchTabbyScottishFoldfemale Br. DmitriyGubenko Ow. Anna Nikitina - Mykola Fylymonov - Mary Hofer
17th best Cat in Championship GC, DW SWEET MELODY BLUE ANGEL Blue Exotic male Br./Ow. Alexandra Bogomolova