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Welsh Phrases for the Workplace.
The following slides provide useful Welsh phrases with the phonetic pronunciation that can be used in every day conversation.In the pronunciation a bold type has been used for where the stress is, and an English word that sounds the same where possible.Welsh[Phonetic Pronunciation]English
Siaradwchynarafosgwelwchyndda[shar-raddoochunnarr-avoss goo-eh-loochunnthah] Please speak slowly
Estyniad263 osgwelwchyndda[es-tin-yahddaichwehch tree oss goo-eh-loochunnthah]Extension 263 please
Daliwch y leinosgwelwchyndda[dall-yoocherline oss goo-eh-loochunnthah] Hold the line please
Ydy Mrs Bridgman ymaosgwelwchyndda? [uddy Mrs Bridgman ymmahoss goo-eh-loochunnthah?] Is Mrs Bridgman here please?
Gaisiarad â Mrs Bridgman?[gaheeshar-rad ah Mrs Bridgman?] May I speak to Mrs Bridgman?
Ydy Mrs Johns imewn?[uddy Mrs Johns mehwn?] Is Mrs Johns in?
Gaisiarad â Mrs Johns?[gaheeshar-rad ah Mrs Johns?] May I speak to Mrs Johns?
Ydy Mrs Johns imewn?[uddy Mrs Johns mehwn?] Is Mrs Johns in?
Dydy Mrs Johns ddimargael[duddy Mrs Johns thimmahrguile] Mrs Johns isn't available
Beth yw'chrhifffôn chi?[behthuwchreevephonechee?] What is your telephone number?
Blemae'rdderbynfaosgwelwchyndda?[bleh mire there-bun-vahoss goo-eh-loochunnthah?] Where is the reception please?
Esgusodwchfi, osgwelwchyndda![ess-giss-oh-doochvee, oss goo-eh-loochunnthah!] Excuse me please!
Sutdychchi'ndweud...?[should duchcheendwayed…?] How do you say...?
Beth yw'rgairCymraeg am.....?[behthehwrgaeerkum-raeeg am…..?] What's the Welsh word for.....?
Siaradwchynuwch, osgwelwchyndda![shar-rad-oochunnuwchoss goo-eh-loochunnthah!] Please speak louder!
Dychchi'ngallu ail-ddweud.....?[duchcheengalleeaisledwayed…?] Can you repeat.....?
Beth yw ..... ynGymraeg?[behth uw … unn gumm-raeeg?] What's ..... in Welsh?
Blemae'rcyfarfod.....?[bleh mire kuv-ahr-vodd.....?] Where is the .....?
Beth yw'rdyddiadheddiw?[behthuwrduthyadheth-ewe?] What's the date today?
Sutmae'rtywyddheddiw?[shouldmiretaoo-withheth-ewe?] What's the weather like today?