1. 1 Airpower Through WW I
2. 2 Airpower!!
3. 3 Airpower Through WWI Define Air and Space Power
Distinctive Capabilities
Air and Space Doctrine
Principles of War
Tenets of Air and Space Power
4. 4 Airpower Through WWI Lighter-than-air vehicles
Potential of the airplane
Heavier-than-air vehicles
Early Uses of Airpower
Airpower in WWI
The Battle of Air Supremacy
American Participation in WWI
5. 5 Airpower Through WWI Close Air Support and Interdiction in WWI
Development of Tactics in WWI
Strategic Bombing Theorists
Lt Col Edgar S. Gorrell (American)
6. 6 Air and Space Power The synergistic application of air, space, and information systems to project global strategic military power.
7. 7 Air and Space Power Synergistic application
Air, Space, and Information Systems
To project global strategic military power
8. 8 Core Competencies Fundamental qualities that enable the Air Force to develop and deliver air and space power
(1.) Developing Airmen
(2.) Technology-to-warfighting
(3.) Integrating Operations
9. 9 Distinctive Capabilities Capabilities that the Air Force does better than any other service.
Air and Space Superiority
Information Superiority
Global Attack
Precision Engagement
Rapid Global Mobility
Agile Combat Support
10. 10 Functions Functions = Missions
Broad, fundamental, and continuing activities of air and space power not unique to the Air Force
11. 11 Air and Space Doctrine A belief in the best way to implement/use air and space power
Based on:
- History
- Technology
- Future Threats
- Leaders’ Experiences
Provides Guidance
Must NOT Stagnate
12. 12 Doctrine Examples WWI
- Armies vs. Machine Gun
- Daylight, High Altitude, Unescorted Precision Bombing
13. 13
14. 14 Principles of War
“those aspects of warfare that are universally true and relevant”
-Joint Pub 1
15. 15 Principles of War Historically Tested
Apply equally to all U.S. Armed Forces
Unity of Command, Objective, Offense, Mass, Maneuver, Economy of Force, Security, Surprise, Simplicity
16. 16 Principles of War UNITY OF COMMAND: Ensures unity of effort for every objective under one responsible commander.
OBJECTIVE: Directs military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic, operational, or tactical aims.
OFFENSIVE: States that we act rather than react and dictate the time, place, purpose, scope, intensity, and pace operations. The initiative must be seized, retained, and fully exploited.
17. 17 Principles of War MASS: Concentrates combat power at the decisive time and place
MANEUVER: Places the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.
18. 18 Principles of War
ECONOMY OF FORCE: Creates usable mass by using minimum combat power on secondary objectives. Makes fullest use of forces available.
SECURITY: Protects friendly forces and their operations from enemy actions which could provide the enemy with unexpected advantage.
19. 19 Principles of War SURPRISE: Strikes the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.
SIMPLICITY: Avoids unnecessary complexity in preparing, planning, and conducting military operations.
20. 20 Other Principles Restraint: limits collateral damage and prevents unnecessary or unlawful use of force
Perseverance: ensures commitment necessary to attain desired end state
Legitimacy: develops and maintains the will necessary to attain desired end state
21. 21 Tenets Fundamental truths that are unique to the air and space environment.
- Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution
- Flexibility/Versatility
- Synergistic Effects
- Persistence
- Concentration
- Priority
- Balance
22. 22 Tenets Centralized Control/Decentralized Execution
Air power must be controlled by airman…JFACC
Delegation of execution authority
Flexibility and Versatility
Exploit mass & maneuver simultaneously
Parallel attacks…parallel attacks at strategic, operational, and tactical levels
Synergistic Effects
Higher effectiveness than sum of individual contributions
23. 23 Tenets Persistence
Continuous efforts
May need to hit targets more than once…do not need to remain in close proximity to do so
At a point where it will be decisive
Avoid spreading air and space power to thin
Prioritize applications to have greatest impacts
Must consider finite force structure
Principles of war and Tenets
Offensive and defensive application of power
Strategic, operational, and tactical impacts
24. 24 Early Years of Flight Introduction Man first flew aloft in a balloon in 1783
Airpower did not have an immediate impact
Flying machines were not readily accepted by land oriented officers
Airpower’s first major impact was not until World War I
25. 25 Balloons Montgolfier Brothers flew first hot-air balloon in 1783
Ben Franklin saw first balloon flight and immediately he saw military potential
First used for military purposes by the French in 1794 at Maubege.
Union and Confederate forces employed balloons during the American Civil War
26. 26 Balloons Adolphus W. Greely, the grandfather of military aviation in U.S., revived interest in military capability of balloons in 1891
-1892- Greely balloon used to direct artillery fire during the Battle of San Juan Hill
Interest in balloons dropped quickly with the development of heavier-than-air vehicles
27. 27 Dirigibles Steerable balloons -- often called “Airships”
1884 -- first successful flight in a dirigible
Ferdinand Von Zeppelin -- person most readily identified with dirigibles
- Zeppelins first flown in 1900
- Germans used to bomb England in WW I
- Germans used to fly observation cover for their surface fleet in WW I
Vulnerable to winds and ground fire
28. 28 The Early Years of Flight Uses of Balloons and Dirigibles
- Reconnaissance
- Artillery spotting
- Bombing (extremely limited prior to WWI)
- Morale Booster/Escape Means
- Air transport of supplies
29. 29 Early Pioneers of Flight Otto Lilienthal -- studied gliders and first to explain the superiority of curved surfaces
Percy Pilcher -- built airplane chassis
Octave Chanute -- Developed a double winged-glider/wrote history of flight to1900
Samuel P. Langley -- First to secure government support to develop an airplane
- Failed twice to fly from houseboat in 1903
- Congress withdrew monetary support
30. 30 Orville and Wilbur Wright First to fly a heavier-than-air, power-driven machine -- 17 December 1903
- Flight traveled 120 feet and lasted 12 seconds
Approached flying scientifically and systematically
Used experience of Lilienthal, Pilcher and Chanute
Built a glider in Dayton in 1899
- Moved to Kitty Hawk, N. Carolina in 1900
31. 31 Reactions to the Wright’s Invention U.S. government was very skeptical at first
- Not interested because of the Langley’s failures
Britain and France were very enthusiastic
President Roosevelt directed the Secretary of War, W. H. Taft, to investigate the Wright brothers’ invention in 1906
Dec.1907 -- Chief Signal Officer, BG James Allen, issued Specification # 486 calling for bids to build the first military aircraft
32. 32 Signal Corps Specification #486 Established the requirements for the first military aircraft. Aircraft must be able to:
- Carry 2 persons
- Reach speed of 40 mph
- Carry sufficient fuel for 125 mile nonstop flight
- Be controllable in flight in any direction
- Fly at least one hour
- Land at take-off point, without damage
- Be taken apart and reassembled in one hour
- No military operational requirements specified
33. 33 Specification #486 (Cont) 41 proposals were received, only 3 complied with specifications
U.S. Army signed contract with Wright brothers on 10 Feb 1908
Wright brothers delivered the first military aircraft on 20 Aug 1908
U.S. Army accepted the first operational aircraft on 2 Aug 1909
34. 34 Early Flight Video
35. 35 The Early Years of Flight Until WWI balloons, dirigibles and aircraft were primarily reconnaissance vehicles
Early on, the flying machines were not seen as weapons of war
Few believed the flying force was ready to separate air force
The potential uses of the airplane would evolve considerably during WWI
36. 36 World War I -- Missions Reconnaissance – Collecting visual and photographic information
Counterair – Air-to-air combat
Close Air Support – Support of ground forces
Interdiction – Striking enemy resources close to the battlefield
Strategic Bombing – Strikes deep into enemy territory to destroy war making capabilities
37. 37 WWI – Early Uses of Airpower Reconnaissance and artillery spotting
- Took away the element of surprise
- Hampered by weather / unserviceable aircraft
Pursuit Aviation (Air superiority)
- Grew out of attempts to deny reconnaissance
- 1st air-to-air kill occurred in Oct. 1914
- Developed rapidly in WWI
- Key to winning the air war
38. 38 WWI Technological Developments Roland Garros (French)– Developed metal strips for propellers so machine gun bullets would not shatter the props
Anthony Fokker (Dutch)– Designed synchronizing gear so bullets would pass through the spinning propeller blades
39. 39 WWI Technological Developments Nieuports and Spads (French and British) – most reliable and flexible aircraft in 1916
Fokker Triplane – German aircraft that put the Germans back on top in 1917
40. 40 American Participation in WWI When U.S. entered the war in April 1917, US Air Service was totally unprepared
- Aviation Section had 56 pilots and less than 250 airplanes -- none ready for combat
Congress approved $640 million in July 1917 to raise 354 combat squadrons
At the end of WWI, Air Service had 183,000 personnel and 185 squadrons
41. 41 Strategic Bombing in WWI Limited in scope and intensity
Had a negligible outcome on the war
Laid the foundation for future thought
42. 42 Bombing of Britain Germans conducted daylight bombing raids against Britain using Zeppelins - 1915-16
- Stopped because of poor results
Germans reinitiated daylight raids using Gotha bombers in 1917 – ineffective
Germans begin night bombing using Zeppelins and Reisen bombers – 1917-18 – Primarily terror raids
Strengthened British morale, destroyed little war making capacity
43. 43 Allied Bombing of Germany Began in 1914 – generally ineffective
British bombed German cities and airfields in retaliation for German strikes
Allies created the Inter-Allied Independent Air Force (IAIAF) in 1919 for the purpose of bombing Germany.
- War ended before the IAIAF was used
44. 44 Strategic Bombing Theorists Sir Hugh Trenchard
Giulio Douhet
45. 45 Sir Hugh Trenchard Commander of the Royal Air Force
Primary target should be civilian morale
Believed allies should attack German homeland
Attack around the clock
46. 46 Guilio Douhet General in the Italian Army
Believed airpower was supreme after WWI
Believed bombers would win all wars
Air weapon would be used against ports, railroads and economic structures
Best way to gain air superiority was to destroy the enemy’s ground organization
47. 47 Guilio Douhet Once air superiority was achieved, bombers would concentrate on cities to destroy industry and morale
Influenced by Italian geography where there was little threat of a ground invasion
His doctrine led to total war concept—war on the nation as a whole, not just military forces
48. 48 Lt Col Edgar S. Gorrell Theories mirrored Trenchard, but felt bombing should concentrate on one city at a time until destroyed
Ignored during war, ideas recognized in 1930’s
Believed best way to stop Germans was to destroy production
Stressed continuous day/night bombings to deprive Germans of rest and repair time
Proposed attacks of single to target to complete destruction
49. 49 Review of CFD Model Distinctive Capabilities: Air and space expertise, capabilities, and technological know-how that produces superior military capabilities
Functions: Broad, fundamental and continuing activities of air and space power
Doctrine: fundamental principles which military forces guide their actions in support of national objectives
50. 50
51. 51 Airpower Through WWI Define Air and Space Power
Distinctive Capabilities
Air and Space Doctrine
Principles of War
Tenets of Air and Space Power
52. 52 Airpower Through WWI Lighter-than-air vehicles
Potential of the airplane
Heavier-than-air vehicles
Early Uses of Airpower
Airpower in WWI
The Battle of Air Supremacy
American Participation in WWI
53. 53 Airpower Through WWI Close Air Support and Interdiction in WWI
Development of Tactics in WWI
Strategic Bombing Theorists
Lt Col Edgar S. Gorrell (American)