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A MOBILE SPONTANEOUS SEMANTIC P2P SYSTEM. University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics Berlin / Germany (HTW Berlin) thomas.schwotzer@htw-berlin.de. Speaker : Huang, Jiann zhang RFID Applications Lab zhangccastroltw@gmail.com. Outline. Introduction WWW / P2P Addresses
A MOBILE SPONTANEOUS SEMANTIC P2P SYSTEM University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics Berlin / Germany (HTW Berlin) thomas.schwotzer@htw-berlin.de Speaker:Huang, Jiann zhang RFID Applications Lab zhangccastroltw@gmail.com
Outline • Introduction • WWW / P2P Addresses • Spontaneous Networks • Mobile WWW on spontaneous nets • Shark Architecture • Applications, Status and Outlook
Introduction • This paper gives an overview of the Shark framework. Shark merges P2P paradigm, and Semantic Web concepts and brings the result into the realm of local spontaneous networks, e.g. Based on Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi (in ad hoc modus) but also to mobile sensor networks.
Shark applications are mobile spontaneous semantic P2P applications. • Shark differs from to the Web. Nevertheless, it will to be seen that Shark can help to build mobile Web applications based on a different communication and programming interface. Shark has its strength in location based services, mobile social networks and mobile sensor network.
WWW / P2P Addresses • OSI • Each layer has its own addressing schema. A layer n-address includes layer n-1 address(es). In WWW URLs are used. • They include a logical name of a computer (e.g.http://conference.bupt.edu.cn/iccta2009/) and a resource in this server (e.g index.html). • Current P2P systems are usually overlay networks on top of the Internet or the WWW.
Spontaneous Networks • Imagine, data between two passers-by shall be transmitted. Let's assume a speed of 50 m/min (3 km/h / 1.86 miles/h). • Bluetooth components on mobile phones can send over a radius of 10m. • With the given speed there are just six seconds in which both devices are in communication distance. • It takes about one second to establish a Bluetooth connection. In reality, we have less than five seconds for a transfer. • There is no time to establish a TCP like communication channel. A faster communication paradigm is required.
Applications, Status and Outlook • First ideas of Shark were presented in 2002[Sc02]. • The work on the theoretical foundations including a little algebra on distributed context spaces were finished in 2006[Sc06]. • Until 2006 a couple of prototypes and technology studies had been build. Since 2008 we work on an implementation. • We have now an alpha version of the Shark core framework. Shark is an open source project[SharkSF]. • The Shark core is written in Java 1.3. • Thus, it works on nearly any computer, J2ME devices (which are nearly any smart phone) and on Google Android. File system as permanent memory for the context space works on J2SE, Android and a reasonable number of J2ME devices. • We work on a Topic Map implementation for both J2SE and J2ME. Another subproject deals with a tool chain which will automatically transform Java 1.3 code into Objective C code. • There are promising first tests. Microsoft .NET must be supported later as well.