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REDESIGNING OTHER DISCIPLINES NCAT’S Six Models. HUMANITIES British Literature Communication Studies Developmental Reading Developmental Writing English Composition European and US History Great Ideas in Western Music History of Western Civilization Public Speaking Spanish

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  2. HUMANITIES British Literature Communication Studies Developmental Reading Developmental Writing English Composition European and US History Great Ideas in Western Music History of Western Civilization Public Speaking Spanish Technical Writing Visual & Performing Arts Women & Gender Studies World Literature PROFESSIONAL Accounting Education: The Curriculum Elementary Education Engineering Nursing Nutrition Organizational Behavior

  3. SIX REDESIGN MODELS • Supplemental Add to the current structure and/or change the content • Replacement Blend face-to-face with online activities • Emporium Move all classes to a lab setting • Fully Online Conduct all (most) learning activities online • Buffet Mix and match according to student preferences • Linked Workshop Replace developmental courses with just-in-time workshops

  4. SUPPLEMENTAL MODEL • Retains the basic structure, especially class meetings • Supplements lectures and textbooks with technology-based, out-of-class activities to • encourage greater student engagement with course content • ensure that students are prepared when they come to class • May also change what goes on in class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting.

  5. ACCOUNTINGBoise State University • Deliver the course in a more efficiently while meeting growing student demand • Create greater course consistency • Provide an active learning environment • Reduce tenure track teaching loads to support more research

  6. Traditional 1700 students annually ~44 sections (~40 students) Taught by 6 FT faculty & 2 PT faculty 6 GTAS offer optional tutoring $121 cost-per-student Redesign 12 sections (~150 students) taught by 3 faculty Software used for homework and practice quizzes Clickers used in lectures for greater engagement 1 lecture replaced by lab with ULAs to provide assistance $62 cost-per-student ACCOUNTINGBoise State University Comparable learning outcomes in both traditional and redesigned formats

  7. THE SUPPLEMENTAL MODEL • Of the 22 NCAT resign projects using the Supplemental Model • 6 are in Social Science (primarily Psychology) • 10 are in Natural Science • Most used pedagogical techniques • Team-based development and delivery • Low-stakes quizzing prior to class meetings • Web-based projects completed outside of class • Guided problem-solving sessions within class • Student response systems (clickers)

  8. REPLACEMENT MODEL • Reduces the number of in-class meetings • Replaces in-class time with online, interactive learning activities • Determines what activities require face-to-face and what can be done online • Provides 24/7 access to online learning resources • Includes online self-assessment activities with immediate feedback

  9. ENGLISH COMPOSITION Tallahassee Community College • Create a student-centered active, learning environment • Primary objectives • Increase writing skills • Improve student success (<60%) • Increase consistency (100 sections) • Replace classroom time with lab time and online activities • Integrate reading and writing, provide immediate feedback and support collaborative learning

  10. Traditional 3000 students annually in sections of ~30 ~50% lecture ~50% discussion High inconsistency among sections Taught predominantly by full-time faculty Redesign 3000 students annually in sections of ~30 Taught in computer labs Interweave writing and reading Menu of reading & writing activities Discussion board for peer collaboration SMARTHINKING tutors ENGLISH COMPOSITIONTallahassee CC

  11. ENGLISH COMPOSITION Tallahassee Community College • Individualized programs of study, immediate feedback and increased time-on-task • More time for writing activities, small-group conferencing, collaborative activities, critiques & discussion • More time to explore ideas, and develop critical thinking skills • Success rates Increased from 60.7% to 68.4% • Final essay scores increased from 7.32 to 8.35 • Cost-per-student declined by 43% How: shift in FT/PT ratio

  12. STATISTICSPenn State University • Goals: reduce lecture, replace recitations with computer-mediated workshops, add online learning materials and testing, shift faculty role from presentation to learning facilitation • Learning outcomes: 68% on a content-knowledge test (redesign) vs. 60% (traditional) • DFW rate reduced from 12% to 9.8% • Cost-per-student reduced by 44% ($176 to $98) How: # of GTAs reduced from 12 to 4 and enrollment increased by 240 students

  13. EMPORIUM MODEL • Eliminates all lectures • Replaces them with a learning-resource center (lab) model • interactive software • on-demand, personalized assistance • Permits the use of multiple kinds of personnel • Allows multiple courses to be offered at the same time and place • Can be adapted for different kinds of institutions and disciplines

  14. STATICSMississippi State University • Improved student performance • Improved performance in subsequent mechanics courses (e.g., Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials) • Greater engagement with the course content • Improved retention in Engineering • Reduced time to degree in Engineering

  15. Traditional 3 hours of lecture Students do homework and problem-solving outside of class on their own (and this is the toughest part!) 5 full-time faculty and 5 adjuncts teach 11 sections (~35 each) STATICSMississippi State University • Redesign • 3-hour laptop lab with hands-on experiments • Peer-to-peer and GTA assistance • Lectures streamed for students to watch and review on their own • 1 instructor teaches all sections supported by GTAs and ULAs Reverse content presentation and practice

  16. Redesign students performed significantly better on assignments (average 90 vs. 73) and in-class tests (average 79 vs. 66) Overall completion rates about the same as historical rates Cost-per-student dropped from $323 to $242 (25% reduction) STATICSMississippi State University

  17. DEVELOPMENTAL READINGNortheast State Community College • Goals: move from traditional lecture delivery to learner-centered, active-learning mode supported by high-quality software; improve 45% DFW rate • Reduce sections from ~12 per semester to one, increase section size from ~17 students to ~270 in fall and ~140 in spring, team-taught by 2 FT faculty (6 adjuncts eliminated) • Modularized content, using MyReadingLab, coupled with diagnostic assessment, supports individual learning plans; individualized assistance in lab • Learning outcomes: pre/post-test scores: 11-point gain (traditional) vs. 21-point gain (redesign) • Cost-per-student reduced by 51% ($176 to $98)

  18. FULLY ONLINE MODEL • Eliminates all in-class meetings and moves all (or most) learning experiences online • Adopts successful design elements of other models including • web-based, multi-media resources • commercial software • automatically evaluated assessments with guided feedback • links to additional resources • alternative staffing models

  19. FINE ARTSFlorida Gulf Coast University • Lack of consistency among multiple sections leading to “course drift” • Difficulty finding faculty and adjuncts with the breadth of knowledge needed • Poor student performance in this required course • Anticipated enrollment growth with limited resources for new faculty

  20. FINE ARTSFlorida Gulf Coast University • Three modules designed and monitored by faculty experts • Students attend performances and art exhibits on campus or in the community • Students divided into six-person learning teams • Undergraduate peer tutors and preceptors guide discussion groups • Online tests graded automatically • Intelligent Essay Assessor evaluates short, focused essays • Preceptors evaluate longer papers • Model is scalable because more peer learning teams can be added as needed

  21. Traditional 25 sections (~30); 6 sections (~15) = 800 Taught mainly by adjuncts “Course drift” $132 cost-per-student Redesign Single section (~950) Taught by 1 faculty, 1 course coordinator, 16 preceptors Consistent & coherent $81 cost-per-student FLORIDA GULF COAST U Visual & Performing Arts • Average exam scores increased from 70% to 85% • Number of A’s and B’s increased from 31% to 75% • DFW rate decreased from 45% to 11%

  22. Traditional 2 lectures per week Paper-based assignments and multiple-choice exams Open lab hours staffed by TAs and graders 26% received C or better $50 cost-per-student Redesign 1 optional lecture per week All content online: assignments, quizzes and projects submitted via the Web Scheduled guidance in lab and online staffed by ULAs 65% received C or better in more difficult course $35 cost-per-student COMPUTER LITERACY Arizona State University

  23. BUFFET MODEL • Assess each student’s knowledge/skill level and preferred learning style • Provide an array of high-quality, interactive learning materials and activities • Develop individualized study plans • Built in continuous assessment to provide instantaneous feedback • Offer appropriate, varied human interaction when needed

  24. STATISTICSOhio State University • Students had highly variable learning styles • Lectures (3 times a week) were poorly attended • 20% of the students repeated the course even though most satisfactorily completed initial modules • Inconsistency among sections • Faculty time was used inefficiently (too many emails for faculty) • Previous redesign using IT increased cost

  25. STATISTICSOhio State University • Students assisted in thinking about how they approach learning and what mode is best for them • Online assessment of student learning styles by Felder and Solomon • Multiple routes to established outcomes for each module: lecture, small group, online, lab options • Student learning plan for each module • Various kinds of learning activities: web sites, software, video lectures, small group discussions, individual and group projects

  26. STATISTICSOhio State University • Redesign students outscored traditional students on common exams (mean = 78.3 vs. 70) • Percentage of students needing to retake the course reduced from 33% to 12%. • Cost-per-student reduced from $191 to $132

  27. OTHER APPLICATIONS • Six other projects have used the Buffet Model • Communication • Chemistry • Technology Fluency • Nutrition • Psychology • Common characteristics • Abandons the "one course, one instructor" model • Creates options: face-to-face, hybrid and online • Students can switch among them without restrictions • Modularizes course content • Students may test out of parts if already mastered

  28. LINKED WORKSHOP MODEL Retains the basic structure of college-level course, especially class meetings Replace remedial/developmental course with just-in-time (JIT) workshops designed to remove deficiencies computer-based instruction, small-group activities and test reviews individually assigned modules based on diagnostic assessments facilitated by students who have previously excelled in core course who are trained and supervised by core faculty JIT workshop activities designed so students use concepts during next core course class session, which in turn motivates them to do workshop activities

  29. DEVELOPMENTAL MATHAustin Peay State University • Eliminated developmental math courses • Provided JIT workshops staffed by ULAs linked to college math course (which is unchanged) • Student Success Rates College CourseBeforeAfter Funds of Math 32.4% 69.9% Elem Statistics 22.4% 52.5% • Reduced costs by 52% ($209,248 savings)

  30. REDESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Redesign the whole course—not just a single class • Emphasize active learning—greater student engagement with the material and with one another • Rely heavily on readily available interactive software—used independently and in teams • Increase on-demand, individualized assistance • Automate only those course components that can benefit from automation—e.g., homework, quizzes, exams • Replace single mode instruction with differentiated personnel strategies Technology enables good pedagogy with large #s of students.

  31. Project descriptions Progress reports Project contacts Program descriptions Monographs Planning resources FOR MORE INFORMATIONwww.theNCAT.org

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