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Growing Awareness

THE HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL TRIO PROGRAMS Amber Mitchell Rose State College Student Support Services *Information in this presentation was obtained from Milestones of TRiO History, Part I & II by John Groutt. Growing Awareness.

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Growing Awareness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL TRIO PROGRAMSAmber MitchellRose State CollegeStudent Support Services*Information in this presentation was obtained from Milestones of TRiO History, Part I & II by John Groutt

  2. Growing Awareness • The Other America: Poverty in the United States Michael Harrington • Our Invisible Poor Dwight McDonald • Council of Economic Advisors • Walter Heller, Chair

  3. War On Poverty President Johnson War on Poverty Task Force on Poverty Sargent Shriver Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

  4. Upward Bound Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 • Office of Economic Opportunity • Demonstration & Research Office Stanley Salett • Policy: Office of Economic Opportunity Administration: Private Agencies • Processed applications • Monitored programs • Conducted sight visits

  5. Snapshot Review • What two publications helped expose poverty as a national issue? • How was Walter Heller instrumental? • Who was over the Task Force on Poverty? • What two instrumental offices were created from the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964? • Who is considered the mastermind of UB?

  6. Talent Search Higher Education Act of 1965 • Educational Opportunity Grants James Moore & Samuel Halperin • Section 408 (17 lines) • Contracts to Encourage the Full Utilization of Educational Talent • Administration: Office of Education’s Office of Student Financial Aid

  7. Two Very Different Beginnings TALENT SEARCH Born From: Access to higher ed for low-income Authorizing Legislation: Higher Education Act of 1965 Administered By: Office of Education, Office of Student Financial Aid Upward Bound Born From: Elimination of poverty through education Authorizing Legislation: Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Administered By: Office of Economic Opportunity & Private Agencies

  8. Student Support Services Higher Education Amendment of 1968 • Educational Opportunity Grants • Must identify & enroll low-income students • Support and remediate academic deficiencies • Services for Disadvantaged Students • 10% funds serve physically disabled

  9. Growing Pains: Birth Of TRiO Office of Economic Opportunity Office of Education UB

  10. Snapshot Review • What was the first program to provide aid to low-income students? • What legislation was this program part of? • How many lines were written to create TS? • What drove the need for SSS? • What legislation was SSS created under?

  11. Nixon’s Decentralization 10 Regional Centers Appropriations divided based on poverty populations Regional Commissioners = full authority Disparity = meetings and congressional relations

  12. TRiO Takes Action • 1972 SWASAP • Peter Mousolite • 1974 Fact Finding Mission • Congressional Relations

  13. Congressional Support Second Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1972 5.8 million for a “temporary one year” program Initiated without regulations Education Amendments of 1972 Senator Jacob Javits Education Opportunity Centers VUB EOC

  14. Snapshot Review • What ramifications did Nixon’s decentralization have on TRiO? • What was the first regional association? • How was Peter Mousolite instrumental in creating the political climate for TRiO? • What drove the need for creation of a temporary program? • Who sponsored the creation of EOC?

  15. Questions?

  16. Milestones Part II

  17. Higher Education Amendments of 1976 • Director of the Division of Student Support and Special Services • Routh Commission (Dorothy Routh) • Pre-collegiate - Educational Opportunity Centers • Collegiate – Institutes of Postsecondary Achievement • Training Authority for Staff Development • Service Learning Centers • TRiO Involvement

  18. A Climate Of Change • Ford Administration Freeze • 64% increase in funding • Shirley Chisholm, Lewis Stokes • Jerry Lewis • Mid-Eastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (MEAEOPP) • December 1977 • 21 representative of regional association

  19. COE Collective National Voice • National Coordinating Council of Educational Opportunity Associations • Arnold Mitchem • March 1981 – National Council for Educational Opportunity Associations • June 1981- Washington, DC office • COE 1998

  20. 1980-funding Imbroglio • Carter’s Recentralization • Department of Education Organization Act of 1979 • Director of the Division of Student Support & Special Services • Grant Competition

  21. National Demonstration Projects • Alfred Moye, Deputy Commissioner for Higher & Continuing Education • Special Emphasis Upward Bound • New Concepts Special Services for Disadvantaged Students Program

  22. Higher Education Amendments of 1980 • Program Administration • Prior Experience Points • Increase Participant Income Level • 1/3 First-generation

  23. Twelve-Day War • 1983 Senator Lowell Weicker • $55 million cut • Grassroots Campaign • Additional $10 million • Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act • 30% reduction • National TRiO Day • 221 Representatives, 34 Sentators

  24. McNair Scholars Higher Education Amendments of 1986 • Association of American Universities & Senator Paul Simon • Authorized in 1986 Amendments, did not receive appropriations 1989 • Minority component

  25. UB M/S Continued Growth • Dr. Richard Fairley • Deputy Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education • No changes in authorizing legislation • Clinton, House and Senate Majority • Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America • Rep. John Kasich, House Budget Com. Chair

  26. 1998 Higher Education Amendments • Senator Jeffords • Dissemination Partnership Grants • Gear Up • Omnibus Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2001 • Amended SSS • College Completion Grant

  27. Dark Days • FY 2003 budget message • Elimination of UB & TS

  28. Questions?

  29. For more detailed information, please refer to John Groutt’s Milestones of TRiO History, Part I & II

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