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2018-19 Manson SD Bilingual Programs

2018-19 Manson SD Bilingual Programs. January 28 th 2019 – Board Program Review. What Are These Programs?. State Transitional Bilingual Program Federal (Title III) Bilingual Program Provide supplemental supports to ELs

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2018-19 Manson SD Bilingual Programs

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  1. 2018-19 Manson SD Bilingual Programs January 28th 2019 – Board Program Review

  2. What Are These Programs? • State Transitional Bilingual Program • Federal (Title III) Bilingual Program • Provide supplemental supports to ELs • Offset additional costs associated with providing more effective programming for eligible students • Provide professional development pertaining to language acquisition.

  3. State Transitional Bilingual Program • Choices in Program Type • Early Exit (K-2) • Instruction progresses gradually toward using only English over approximately a 3-year period  • Goal of English proficiency and grade-level academic achievement with gradual reduction of native language support

  4. State Transitional Bilingual Program • Supportive Mainstream  (3-12) • Mainstream and supplemental English instruction conducted using English with specific strategies to foster English language development and make grade-level content meaningfully accessible • Mainstream content teachers collaborate with ELL teacher or ELL coach to facilitate language support in content classrooms

  5. State Transitional Bilingual Program • Program Funds = $260,000 ($240,000 staffing) • Para-educators – parts of five staff – total 3.0 FTE • Secretarial and admin support - .2 FTE • Teachers – 2 staff – total 1.0 FTE • Professional Development • ELP Standards • WABE, GLAD training and strategies

  6. Federal Bilingual Program Title III • Ensure that English Learners (ELL) students, including immigrant children and youth, develop English proficiency and meet the same academic content and academic achievement standards that other children are expected to meet. • Aproximately$35,000 in funding • Utilized to pay a portion of our ELL Coordinator($28,000) • Small portion ($1,500) to pay for membership in ESD Language Co-op

  7. ELL Coordinator (Katie Sperling) • Reviews bilingual programs and helps schools align to state and federal guidelines • Provides ongoing professional development to staff district wide (Focus on GLAD at the Elementary) • Trains and supervises work of bilingual instructional paras • Supports English Learners with Spanish and English literacy as well as English oral language development • Coordinates the district English Language Development committee that includes parents, administration and content teachers from each building and meets 2-3 times a year

  8. Federal Migrant Program (Title 1 Part C) • Provide supplemental support services to eligible migrant students • Eligibility: moved within the past three years, across state or school district lines with or to join a migrant parent or guardian who is seeking to obtain qualifying temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture, fishing, or dairy.

  9. Federal Migrant Program (Title 1 Part C) • Total Funds Received = $ 23,500 ($22,000 staffing) • Recruiter and Para-educator • Some summer support • Records Secretary (.1) • Approximately 35 students Pre-12th (7%)

  10. Program Data • Students in the Bilingual Program • 237/615 38.5% • 35 students qualify for Migrant Program 6%

  11. ELPA 21 Language Acquisition Assessment

  12. Program Data • 2017-18 • EL Grad Rate = 87.5% (State = 64%)Non-English Language Learners = 100% (82%) • Migrant Grad Rate = 90% (State = 71%) Non-Migrant = 96.9% (81%) • State Assessment 3-12 ELA Math Science • ELL students met standard 5.3% (14%)13.8% (16%)7.1% (9%) • Non ELL students met standard 54.5% (64%)42.1% (53%) 52.1% (49%)

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