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REVIEW OF DNA. DNA: The Double Helix Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Phosphate and Sugar Backbone. Nitrogen Bases Adenine -Thymine Guanine-Cytosine A t T he G rand C anyon. The nitrogen bases are responsible for our genetic code because they hold the instructions on how to make proteins!.

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  2. DNA: The Double HelixDeoxyribonucleic Acid Phosphate and Sugar Backbone Nitrogen Bases Adenine -Thymine Guanine-Cytosine At The Grand Canyon The nitrogen bases are responsible for our genetic code because they hold the instructions on how to make proteins!

  3. Sample TAKS Question All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except – • Carbon Dioxide • Deoxyribose • Nitrogen • Phosphate

  4. RNA: A Single Stranded MoleculeRibonucleic Acid Phosphate and Sugar Backbone Nitrogen Bases Cytosine-Guanine Adenine – Uracil YoU’re A Great Chemist! RNA comes in different forms. Messenger RNA = Takes Instructions to the Ribosomes Transfer RNA = Transfers Amino Acids to Polypeptide Chain

  5. DNA or RNA? 2 types: Messengar and Transfer Ribose Sugar Cytosine Uracil Deoxyribose Sugar Found ONLY in the Nucleus Single Stranded Adenine Guanine Phosphate Thymine Double Helix DNA Ribose Sugar Phosphate Guanine Single Stranded Adenine 2 Types Cytosine Uracil RNA • Double Helix • Phosphate • Thymine • Found only in the nucleus • Guanine • Adenine • Cytosine • Deoxyribose Sugar

  6. Sample TAKS Question 3’CGGUAU5’ This is a short section of mRNA. Which DNA code probably produced this section of mRNA? • 3’GCCTUT5’ • 3’GCCAUT5’ • 3’ATTGCC5’ • 3’GCCATA5’ A G C C A T Since it wants the DNA sequence, there should be NO uracil (U).

  7. DNA/RNA Terminology

  8. Codons A codon is a group of three nitrogen bases that is a “code” for a specific amino acid. Amino acids then combine for form proteins.

  9. UUU  Phenylalanine

  10. Today’s Activity In groups of 2 or 3, • Complete the pre-lab questions. • Using the Codon Chart, • Name the amino acids in the original strand mRNA in order. • Name the amino acids in the mutated strand mRNA in order. • Circle the amino acids that have changed.

  11. Mutations Mutations… • Are Changes in your DNA. • Can be Helpful, Harmful, or Neutral. • Can be Passed on to Offspring if Mutations Occur in Your Sex Cells or Gametes

  12. How Do Mutations Happen in the Sequence of Nitrogen Bases? • Substitution occurs when a nitrogen base is changed to a different nitrogen base. • Insertion is the addition of an extra nitrogen base into the sequence of nitrogen bases. • Deletion occurs when a nitrogen base is removed from the sequence of nitrogen bases. • Inversion occurs when two nitrogen bases switch places.

  13. How Do Mutations Happen in Your Chromosomes? • Deletion occurs when a piece of a chromosome is removed. • Inversion occurs when a chromosome piece reattaches backwards. • Translocation occurs when a chromosome piece reattaches to a different chromosome. • Duplication occurs when extra copies of genes attach to a chromosome.

  14. Sample TAKS Question A mutation in a DNA molecule is passed to offspring only when the mutation occurs in a — • neuron • cell wall • nuclear membrane • gamete

  15. Sample TAKS Questions This illustration is an example of a normal DNA sequence. Which of the following represents a single base change in the sequence? A) B)C)D)

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