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South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2013

South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2013. South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2013. SOUTH-EAST FINLAND – RUSSIA ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013. Kaakkois-Suomi – Venäjä Naapuruus- ja kumppanuusohjelma 2007-2013 Lahti 4.9.2007 Markus Hulkkonen, pääsihteeri EKL.

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South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC 2007-2013

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  1. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013

  2. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 SOUTH-EAST FINLAND – RUSSIA ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 Kaakkois-Suomi – Venäjä Naapuruus- ja kumppanuusohjelma 2007-2013 Lahti 4.9.2007 Markus Hulkkonen, pääsihteeri EKL

  3. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme Background • CBC – key priority and component of • the European Neighbourhood Policy • the EU-Russia Strategic Partnership • the Northern Dimension Policy

  4. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme Background • ENPI = European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument • new funding instrument for CBC / 2007-2013 • joint programming under one funding instrument for partner countries

  5. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme Background • Building on experiences of the Neighbourhood Programme 2004-2006 (Interreg III A 2000-04) • Objectives and priorities of the participating regions • EU-Russia Strategic Partnership/Road maps • Northern Dimension • Complementary to bilateral relations

  6. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme Background • Equal and balanced participation in the programming process • Joint decision making structures between member state and partner country • Local, regional and national level involvement • Programming horizon – 7 years

  7. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Eligible programme area

  8. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme area

  9. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013

  10. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 CBC Strategy Paper: four key objectives / EC • Promote economic and social development • Address common challenges • Ensure efficient and secure borders • Promote people to people co-operation

  11. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 The aim of the Programme: • Promote CBC between participating regions • Basis: the geographical position and long-established co-operation • Themes to be implemented on an annually basis • Jointly agreed strategy and priorities

  12. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Priorities of the Programme • Economic development • Common challenges: • border crossing and environment • Social development and civil society

  13. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Priority 1. Economic development • local and regional development • transport and logistics • SME and business development • research, innovations and technology • trade and investment promotion • energy cooperation • tourism and rural development

  14. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Priority 2. Common challenges • Environment: • Environment and nature protection • Waste and water management • Protection of natural heritage, • Ecological safety (incl. Eastern GOF) • renewable energy sources • new technologies

  15. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Priority 2: Common challenges • Border crossing: • Improvement of border management operations and equipment • Increase of efficiency and security of border passage and smooth border crossing • Joint rescue actions

  16. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Priority 3: Sosial development and civil society • ”People to people co-operation” • Cultural and education exchange • educational co-operation • co-operation in health care and social welfare

  17. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Financing sources • EU funding36,186 M€ • National co-financing by Finland and RF: EU funding / participating countries 50/50% (?) • Project partners own financing on project level requested

  18. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Management of the Programme • Joint Monitoring Committee JMC • decides on selection criteria & themes for Call for proposals • approves the selection of projects • Joint Selection Committee JSC • Joint Managing Authority JMA • progr. management and implement. • Regional Council of South Karelia branch office in St. Petersburg parity between participating countries Contracting: Use of External Relations rules: PRAG

  19. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Programme management • Lead Partner Principle: • LP responsible for all aspects and other partners of the project • Grant Contract: Lead Partner /JMA • LP and project partners: from the programme area • One partner from FI and one from Russia as a minimum • All project activities within the programme area

  20. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 ENPI - Framework • ENPI Regulation (EC No 1638/2006) of the European Parliament and the Council (November 2006) • ENPI CBC Strategy Paper 2007-2013 provides the strategic framework for EU support to CBC • Implementing Rules (EC No 951/2007) – August 2007

  21. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 ENPI Framework • ENPI –laki l. Laki ulkorajayhteistyön hallinnosta (FI) • valmistelussa, voimaantulo 1.1.2008 (?) • PraG - Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions, 2007 • EC Decision: adoption of the Joint Programme • Financing Agreement with the partner country concluded and co-signed by Commission and partner country / Russia

  22. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 Envisaged timetable 2007-2008 • September/October - submission of the first draft Programme to the Commission for ex ante evaluation • October/November – final draft of the Programme • Kansallinen hyväksyminen FI • End 2007/early 2008 - Commission decision/adoption of the Programme • Signature of the Financing Agreement with Russia - ? • First call for proposals – Spring 2008 ?

  23. South-East Finland – RussiaENPI CBC 2007-2013 www.southeastfinrusnpi.fi

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