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South East Europe Programme 2007 - 2013. WS3 : Greener Intermodal Solutions for SEE Accessibility. Thessaloniki 22 Sept 10. Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility What are we going to do today ?. Collecting inputs from the stakeholders on Pilot strategic themes to define the
South East Europe Programme2007 - 2013 WS3 : Greener Intermodal Solutions for SEE Accessibility Thessaloniki 22 Sept 10
Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility What are we going to do today? Collecting inputs from the stakeholders on Pilot strategic themes to define the Terms of Reference for the 3rd Strategic Call of SEE overcoming the following challenge: low number of approved projects in EU policy fields where transnational cooperation in SEE could substantially contribute (high number of low quality proposals, lack of coordination among stakeholders)
Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility The 3rd strategic Call for Proposals Previous steps • Operational Program: general concept (7.2 sub-chapter) • Program Manuals: (strategic project, stakeholders, procedure) • Preliminary MC agreement (MC Vienna) • Questionnaire submitted by the Partner States • Background Study (gap analysis 1st+2nd Call, EU policies, …) • Outcomes of the 1st SEE strategic workshop • Definition of Strategic Directions
Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility The 3rd strategic Call for Proposals (2) Preliminary information on the procedure (tbd) • Outcomes of the 2nd SEE strategic workshop (narrowing of previous strategic directions) • Definition of the Terms of Reference for the 3rd Call • ~40M Euro ERDF allocation * ~8 project proposals (tbd) • 2-Step-procedure with coachedapplication (tbd) • Min number of partner countries involved per each project (tbd) • Refined criteria for eligibility and quality (tbd)
Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility What does this mean for priority 3 SEE faces specific problems for transport related projects: 1. Only 5 projects were approved in the 1st Call for proposals (out of 40), estimated few in the 2nd as well. 2. Difficulties in involving the stakeholders • Are funds too limited and not attractive? • Is there motivation around the transnational cooperation? • Is it only lack of ideas? • Is the timetable (max 36 months per project) not offering the possibility to have concrete results? 3. Unclear what transnational cooperation could achieve (general confusion on the different EU financial instruments) in the field of transport …finally, budget was used for the other priorities…
WS3 : Greener Intermodal Solutions for SEE Accessibility Towards Strategic Directions
Intermodal passenger transport Intermodal freight transport Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility 1st level: GO intermodal! Development and improvement of seamless mobility solutions to and across the programme area, including harmonisation of all forms of existing public transport (and private collective) over national borders, between major urban centres, airports, ports and stations, these acting as natural hubs. Strengthening the efficient links between alternative modes of transport to allow relieving bottlenecks and the territorial and environmental impact, considered the growing circulation of goods and the increased burden on the transportation network.
SLOVENIA integrated public transport within and between metropolitan and functional urban areas better land use / spatial organization (related to transport?) Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility Comments of Partner Countries (some) BULGARIA Passengers 1. alternative transport connections for tourists and citizens (all social categories) 2. Land use and spatial planning for urban sustainability (related to intermodality?) Goods 1. Green Freight Corridors AUSTRIA Transport solutions for passengers Combination transportation – commuters Combination transportation – tourism Environmental friendly solutions for passengers Hub-cities Environmental effects of the shifting from road to inland navigation AVOID TRAFFIC SPATIAL PLANNING ROMANIA Intermodal Promotion Centres Settlement of an interoperable transportation logistic platform and connection to the railway network and to the Danube IT solutions for developing sustainable mobility in the most populated urban areas Internalization of external costs of road transportation in order to rebalance the transportation market ITALY Integrated management of transport system mono-modality as main problem ITC solutions interoperability between air-water-rail-road Logistics and Port management services definition of existing bottlenecks in the connections sea-land from SEE ports to their inner land MONTENEGRO Development of the port environmental management system Development of the handling procedures for dangerous goods
Intermodal passengers transport Intermodal freight transport Horizontal issue Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility 2nd level: intermodality responds to national needs Development and improvement of seamless mobility solutions to and across the programme area, including harmonisation of all forms of existing public transport (and private collective) over national borders, between major urban centres, airports, ports and stations, these acting as natural hubs. Strengthening the efficient links between alternative modes of transport to allow relieving bottlenecks and the territorial and environmental impact, considered the growing circulation of goods and the increased burden on the transportation network 5/6 3/6 Spatial Planning 5/6
Intermodal passenger transport Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility 3rd level: strategic directions for passengers Hub cities railway stations acting as multimodal centres for primary transnational accessibility by (re)organisation of the existing transport network Integrated collective (public) transport at regional level within and between metropolitan and functional areas (included airports and ports) representing the secondary network and feeder of Hub cities railway stations
Intermodal passenger transport List of possible activities • Improvement of the Institutional Framework, transnational agreements, development of common policies (preparation for future investments) • Harmonisation of legislation, procedures and standards • (re) organisation of nodes physically (spatial planning) and virtually (ICT solutions) with a transnational approach (multilingual, common timetables, ticketing) • Hub cities railway stations become nodes where primary and secondary accessibility meets, offered by coordinated transport providers (included private collective) • Increase attractiveness and accessibility for all social categories • Behavioural change towards greener mobility Help us improve and refine this list of activities!
Intermodal freight transport Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility 3rd level: strategic directions for freight Towards Green Freight Transport Corridors by improvement of intermodal connections and operations making better use of existing networks and easing access to intermodality to all (SME) Measures for reduction of bottlenecks and environmental and territorial impact of freight corridors and internalisation of external costs for of road transport to rebalance the transportation market
Intermodal freight transport List of possible activities • Improvement of the Institutional Framework, transnational agreements, development of common policies also for simplification/custom procedures for greener modes • Mapping and definition of priority corridors with a transnational perspective, from/to (IWW/sea) ports to landlocked areas • (re) organisation of nodes in procedures (ICT solutions) and efficiency and solutions considering transnational level of transport and the local level of origins/ destination • Access to multimodality made easy for SMEs, through information and awareness raising activities, transparency, flexibility • Rebalancing of transport market via internalisation of external costs, included environmental impact and reduction of the quality of life Support us in the definition of the competent stakeholders at national level to refine the list of eligible beneficiaries
Greener Intermodal Solutions for Accessibility Let’s discuss! WG 1 : passengers (table at the front) WG 2: freight (table at the back)
GUIDING QUESTIONS for WGs Does the strategic direction chosen by the SEE Programme represents a priority for the Programme area in the field of transport? Do you think that the proposed list of possible activities represents a correct declination of the set objectives and are realistic and concrete? Would you add/delete some and for which reason? Do you think that relevant challenges were not taken into consideration and should be considered for the definition of the ToR? Which are the competent stakeholders able to carry out the activity in your country? Do you think there is interest from the side of the high level stakeholders of your country to participate to projects in this field? Did you already think over possible results to be achieved in this field by transnational cooperation and in consideration of the budget allocation and the time scale of 36 months? Did you already start negotiating a possible project on this topic with other potential beneficiaries? Would you take the lead of the consortium?