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Travis St L awrence CE Primary School . Where are we now?. What we needed to do: . Improve teaching and pupils achievement so they are at least consistently good or better. . Action taken to ensure work matches different abilities by checking their progress and understanding rigorously: .
Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School Where are we now?
What we needed to do: Improve teaching and pupils achievement so they are at least consistently good or better.
Action taken to ensure work matches different abilities by checking their progress and understanding rigorously: • Comprehensive tracking system in place which charts progress from nursery to Y6. • Assessment for learning approaches adopted in every class. • Planning identifies lower and higher attainers. • Additional targeted support for children who require support or stretching to achieve potential .
Action taken to address teachers questioning skills to help children think more deeply: • Training on levelled questions given to all staff. • Blooms taxonomy used as a structure to scaffold questioning. • Senior leader taken on responsibility for the monitoring and development of questioning skills as part of an external qualification.
Action taken to ensure teachers make it clear to pupils what they are going to learn and help pupils know when they are successful • Whole school approach to sharing learning objectives with children. • Embedding of a progressive approach to developing success criteria with children appropriate to their age and stage of development. • Use of visualisers and review opportunities to allow children to evaluate work.
Action taken to give pupils more time to respond to their teachers marking: • Development of the green pen working approach to review and feedback. • Further embedding of the two stars and a wish system.
Action taken to increase the proportions of pupils achieving at the higher levels in writing insisting that pupils presentation and quality of writing is high in all subjects : • Whole school CPD on and development of guided writing system. • Refined targets in writing. • Whole school moderation activities in writing. • Topic books bringing all learning together for each subject. • Increased frequency of dedicated handwriting session in KS1.
Action taken to address pupils poor use of basic punctuation and spelling errors much more quickly particularly for the more able and older pupils • Middle leader under took a research project on developing SPAG (spelling punctuation and grammar) in Year Five • New basic skills lessons introduced • Spelling passports to be introduced Jan 14 • Guided writing sessions also address SPAG
Secure pupils knowledge of letters and sounds, showing how they can use this to improve their spellings • All staff have had training on Letters and Sounds • Middle leader release to assess phonic provision • New system for assessment of Letter and Sounds in place • Direct phonic interventions in place on both sites
Action taken to train middle leaders so they are involved in closely checking the quality of teaching and can hold others responsible for the work they do with pupils: • Phase leaders trained in lesson observations • Member of staff completed the middle leader programme • Member of staff trained and deployed as local authority moderator • All leaders trained in monitoring and review including work scrutiny • All teachers trained in action planning • Target linked to leadership roles included in individual appraisals
Action taken to ensure the governing body is involved in making decisions about how the funding for pupil premium is spent • School finance group meets half termly. Pupil premium funding is a regular agenda item • Governors receive regular updates on the impact of pupil premium funding from the headteacher
Outcomes, what’s working well: Teaching well matched to individual children. Rates of progress improving in core subject across the school and especially in Key Stage Two. Pupil premium teacher targeting children who need additional support. Quality of teaching improving across the school.
What’s working well: • Writing data shows an upward trend. • Higher attainers outcomes improving. • Exciting curriculum stimulating children to write at a higher level. • Green pen working giving children ownership of their improvements. • Middle leaders strongly supporting development in their area. • Governors actively involved in holding the school to account for its development and use of pupil premium.
Areas for development: • Embedding the development activities undertaken to ensure they are secure. • Consistency in all classes. • Continue to increase rates of progress leading to an improvement in value added data. • Increasing children’s ability in spelling. • Increasing progress in maths particularly in increasing the number of children achieving 2b at the end of Key Stage One and lower attainers achieving level 4 at Key Stage Two.