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English IV

English IV. Unit 1 Day 8- Vocab 2, Discuss issues in Tattoos. HAPPY MONDAY!  Do-Now:. Fix these sentences. Write "correct" if correct: She wrote quick as the ideas flew through her mind. The old woman drove so slow that I thought I was going to go crazy. The flowers smell so good.

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English IV

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Presentation Transcript

  1. English IV Unit 1 Day 8- Vocab 2, Discuss issues in Tattoos

  2. HAPPY MONDAY!  Do-Now: Fix these sentences. Write "correct" if correct: • She wrote quick as the ideas flew through her mind. • The old woman drove so slow that I thought I was going to go crazy. • The flowers smell so good. *Reminder: summary quiz tomorrow

  3. Prayer (Bebeto) • Tuesday: Jason, Thursday: Michelle

  4. SWBAT: Discuss structure, style, content, and bias of a text and their effects on an author’s purpose • Working toward 8.12.7 Evaluate the effectiveness of an author’s efforts to achieve his or her purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness, or eloquence of a text.

  5. atrophy (v) • Don’t let your mind atrophy over the summer, but keep reading and working your mind to keep it strong. • belabor (v) • Though it’s important to get your point across and emphasize it once or twice, there’s no need to belabor your idea, as that becomes old quickly. • acquisitive (adj) • How acquisitive she was, shopping endlessly and always seeming to find money to spend. • insatiable (adj) • Her insatiable appetite for reading was incredible; she must go through at least three or four books a week!

  6. Vocab 2: • banal (adj) • Cynthia was disappointed with how banal the new Fast and Furious movie was, as it was just like every one before it and she knew exactly what was going to happen. • malice (n) • The malice that Adolf Hitler had for the Jews led him to carry out one of the worst genocides in our history. • emulate (v) • After seeing how wonderful the Cristo Rey school in Chicago was, the Ryan family wanted to emulate that greatness and build a Cristo Rey school in Minneapolis.

  7. coherent (adj) • When we went from doing algebraic equations to then doing simple addition and subtraction, I couldn’t find any coherence to the way our teacher structured the class. • eschew (v) • Fr. Greg Boyle urges his gang members to eschew rival members’ areas, hoping to keep everyone safer. • substantiate (v) • Though John believed her, he wanted her to substantiate her beliefs and show him some proof.

  8. Discussion of early issues • In assigned groups… • You will be assigned to one of the questions on the following slides that you will discuss • Be ready to explain what your discussion was about or any conclusions you have come to about your question(s) • If you finish your conversation early, begin discussing another question (even though it’s not assigned to you)

  9. Questions: • How does Fr. Greg structure the text? Why might he structure it in this way? Is it effective in contributing to his purpose? • What is Fr. Greg’s purpose in writing the text? Do his style and content contribute or detract from how effective he is in achieving his purpose? Explain your responses. • What are potential biases that Fr. Greg might have? How might these biases affect the way he writes the text? How might these biases affect the way we read the text?

  10. Reminder: Summary Quiz • What you will be graded on: • Format (indented? not too long or short?) • Main Points (include all of the most important ones without unnecessary info, is it logical?) • Explanations (Clarity of explanation of main points, mastery of writing norms)

  11. HW: • Finish chapter 3 (Compassion) • For each “story” within the chapter, write a 1-2 sentence explanation for why you think Fr. Greg included the story in this particular chapter.

  12. Exit: • Tell me something you learned or thought was interesting in class today.

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