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Learning from our mistakes. Brook Lyndhurst: research consultancy specialising in behaviour change Mainly focused on the environment Fund evaluations (GLF, CCF, EAF, BGC), plus more theory-based work (diffusion of behaviours, schools as social networks).
Learning from our mistakes • Brook Lyndhurst: research consultancy specialising in behaviour change • Mainly focused on the environment • Fund evaluations (GLF, CCF, EAF, BGC), plus more theory-based work (diffusion of behaviours, schools as social networks). • Run through some of the mistakes we see being made on a regular basis and how to avoid them • Snapshot and basis for discussion • Project set up • Messaging • Methods
Project set-up Vision & leadership • Knowing where you want to get to… • And how you’ll get there • Setting clear and realistic targets Preaching to the converted
Messaging: Fear and loathing “When it comes to shocking, seducing and educating, there’s no limit to the creativity that can be brought to bear on influencing people’s attitudes and behaviour.” Jonathon Porritt, 16 June 2010
Messaging: Fear and loathing “How long before the extremism stops?” “I support less greenhouse gasses, but this is NOT the way to go around getting support. This commercial just disgusts me.” “This type of idiot video wins plaudits for the maker from his mates, gets the greenies frothing... but is totally counterproductive with the people who are polluting the most. The green movement needs to get over this type of stuff and start producing content that will actually make a difference where it counts.”
Messaging: Fear and loathing “Another complaint was that the ad, which features a father telling his daughter a scary bedtime story about climate change, is inappropriate to be seen by children because it is ‘upsetting and scaremongering’.” Guardian, October 16 2009
Messaging: Positive guilt “Love food, hate waste – we thought that was very positive.” “You can enjoy your food but you don’t have to waste, you don’t have to incur so much waste to still enjoy food.”
Messaging: (Get to) know your audience • Beware placing too much faith in passive engagement • To push the right button, you first have to find it • At the very least, engagement approaches should be designed around a general understanding of the target audience • Behaviour change is sales • Sell a lifestyle, not the science Community belonging Vintage clothing Good food Health
Methods • There is no magic, one-size fits all solution “Successful outcomes were as much to do with the execution of ideas as the original ideas themselves” • Give people a goal to work towards • Make choices part of the bigger picture • Let people see, and shout about, their achievements • Maintain contact