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Join us for an informative meeting covering important dates, district assignments, website navigation, and new initiatives for the upcoming school year. Find contact information, Fall Count, Spring Count dates, and review topics on GAD and electronic attendance requirements. New personnel and veterans welcome!
Pupil Accounting Informational Meeting2019 - 2020 School Year Kris Jefferies & Jody Byland Pupil Accounting Auditors – NCRESA September 24, 2019
Agenda • General Welcome • Introduction of Kris Jefferies, NEW Pupil Accounting Auditor • Power Point #1 • Questions, etc. • “Veterans” are free to excuse themselves if they wish • Power Point #2 (Optional) • Intended & encouraged for any new personnel to PA and/or those who simply want a refresher
Newly Designed Website • How to find: • Go to NCRESA webpage & place cursor over “Student Services”, in the drop-down menu, click on “Pupil Accounting” • On the left side of this page, you will see the following menu: • Home • Contact Information • Important Dates • Pupil Auditing Forms • Check it out • Get in the habit of frequently going to it for updated information
Contact Information(Kris & Jody)(Also on website under “Contact Information”) Kris Phone: • Office – 231-924-8812 • Cell – 231-206-6977 Email: • kjefferies@ncresa.org Jody Phone: • Office – 231-924-8824 • Home – 231-421-5269 • Cell – 231-349-8178 Email: • jbyland@ncresa.org
FALL COUNTImportant Dates(Also on website under “Important Dates) • October 2nd (Wednesday) • Fall Count Day • November 6th (Wednesday) • Fall Count Submission Deadline to Upload File to MSDS • November 13th (Wednesday) • Fall Count Certification & Resolution of Duplicate FTE’s Deadline • November 20th (Wednesday) • All Fall Count Day Forms to NCRESA Auditor’s Office
SPRING COUNTImportant Dates(Also on website under “Important Dates) • February 12th (Wednesday) • Spring Supplemental Count Day • March 18th (Wednesday) • Spring Supplemental Count Submission Deadline to Upload File to MSDS • March 25th (Wednesday) • Spring Supplemental Count Certification & Resolution of Duplicate FTE’s Deadline • April 1st (Wednesday) • All Supplemental Count Day Forms to NCRESA Auditor’s Office
District Assignments2019 – 2020(Also on website under “Contact Information”) • Kris: • Fremont Public Schools • Hesperia Community Schools • White Cloud Public Schools • Coordinator of Section 53 Special Education for ALL Districts • Jody: • Big Jackson School District • Grant Public Schools • Newaygo County RESA’s Special Education Programming • Newaygo Public Schools
Field Audit Schedule2019 - 2020 ALL Field Audits will be done on the Fall Count • Kris: • Fremont Daisy Brook Elementary • Fremont High School • Fremont Quest • Hesperia High School (Including Alt. Ed.) • White Cloud Junior High School • Jody: • Big Jackson Elementary (if enrollments require) • Neway Center • Newaygo High School • Newaygo Elementary • Grant Elementary
Forms • 2019-20 forms will be posted on the website under “Pupil Auditing Forms”, when viewing the left side of the website • Kris has converted all the forms to a pdf “fillable and printable” format for 2019-20, in anticipation of having the option to go “green” starting in 2020-21 • Kris will now share examples of these forms • Please use 2019-20 forms, not forms from past years
Electronic Attendance • Will be continuing for 2019 – 2020 • For a district to continue, auditors will need access to attendance records within Skyward • Electronic Attendance Certification Forms are currently available on the website under “Resources_Other Forms”, then “Electronic Attendance Certification Form”, & then scroll to your building
Retention of Attendance Records & Supporting Count Day Documents • LEA’s or Local Districts • Current school year + the past three (3) school years • 2019-20 • 2018-19 • 2017-18 • 2016-17 • ISD’s or RESA’s • Current Fiscal Year + the past seven (7) school years • 2019-20 • 2018-19 • 2017-18 • 2016-17 • 2015-16 • 2014-15 • 2013-14 • 2012-13
GAD • Opportunity to request Exit Code changes beginning Wednesday, Oct. 2nd • Couldn’t make these changes because of the cohort year limitation, when the past “appealable” window was open • Deadline is Friday, Nov. 20th for Exit Code change requests to Kris & Jody • Auditors will also be performing Exit Code audits on all buildings scheduled to be Field Audited • Primarily limited to high schools • Form for requesting Exit Code changes along with additional information are currently available on the website under “Resources_Other Forms”, then “GAD”
Local District Planning Form • Required from each district • Form needs to be completed by only one person within the district • Form and instructions are currently available on the website under “Resources_Other Forms”, then “Local District Planning Form” • Deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, if possible • Remember to personally sign (not typed) & date • May be returned by email to Kris or Jody (depending on which one of us is responsible for your district)
Required Documentation • The district must provide all documentation requested by the pupil membership auditor within five (5) business days of the request • Failure to provide the requested documentation may result in the loss of membership FTE per the requested documentation
Excused Absence Documentation • Allexcused student absences must meet local Board Policy as an excused absence • Only absences exceeding the 10-Day Rule need to be documented & submitted • A copy of this Board Policy must be submitted with your count day materials
Excused Absence Documentation(Continued) • Acceptable methods of documentation: • Dated & signed note from parent / legal guardian • Medical documentation / excuse • Copy of Email message • Personal contact / Voice mail message • Required log stating: • Student name • Date • Grade/Class • Reason for absence • Name & relation of person making the contact • Signature of authorized staff documenting the received contact
Staff Interviews • During the Field Audit, auditors are required to interview any staff personnel (including para-pros) & pupil accounting personnel to inquire whether they are knowledgeable of any inappropriate alterations of their attendance records or any other teachers’ attendance records • A minimum 2% random sampling of staff personnel within the building is required • Auditors will coordinate interview arrangements with the building principal or administrator
Teacher Certification • Currently in transition • The term “Highly Qualified” no longer exists • In validating certification, auditors currently need to only match certification’s grade range to the teacher’s grade level assignment • Required during the Desk Audit
Verification of Teacher Certification • Desk Audit Requirement • If the auditor finds that a teacher may not be properly permitted or certificated, the auditor must notify the Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) for an investigation • Includes: • Long-Term Substitutes • Counselors • Principals or Administrators • In Summary – Includes anyone who may be needed to cover a classroom when the teacher is not present
Reminders • Encourage you to ask questions as we proceed through these slides
Proof of 75% Attendance • Percentage of students in attendance for each day of instruction must be submitted • This is submitted through a form generated in Skyward entitled “Michigan Percent Attendance Report” • Below 75% (district compiled total) - DO NOT lose the day, but a district may incur a penalty • Some districts run the numbers • Better to add a day or risk the penalty?
6-Week Count Period • Week before the Count Day • Week of Count Day • Four (4) weeks following the week of Count Day
Days & Hours Requirements • Minimum of 180 days • Minimum of 1,098 instructional hours • Forgiven Days • 6 days or equivalent hours (pro-rata time for programs less than 1,098 – i.e. Half-Day Kindergarten; some Spec. Ed. Programming; Alternative Education with MDE approved waiver) • Must still meet 75% attendance requirement • A district may request an additional three (3) days (or equivalent hours) of forgiven time from the State Superintendent to be applied to instructional time that was canceled due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, such as severe storms, fires, health conditions, and infrastructure issues. • Section 101(3)(g) states that for any day of pupil instruction that is added to the end of the instructional calendar, the minimum attendance requirement is 60%of the enrolled pupils who are scheduled for instruction on a given day.
Kindergarten Age Requirement • The entry age for kindergarten requires a child to be at least five (5) years old on or before September 1st • If a child has not turned five (5) by September 1st, but will be at least five (5) years old on or before December 1st of the same school year, the child’s parent or legal guardian can apply for a waiver to enroll their child in school • The parent or legal guardian has the final say on whether the child will start the school year as a kindergartner • A Kindergarten Waiver forms is available on the NCRESA forms website under “Resources_Other Forms”, then “Kindergarten Waiver”
Verification of Identity & Age • A certified birth certificate must be presented to verify the identity and birth date of all pupils enrolling in your district for the first time, as well as any students re-enrolling • Alternative Verification in lieu of a birth certificate(with a notarized affidavit attached) may include: • Baptismal Certificate (indicating date/place of birth) • Court records • Government records (county, military, immigration) • Doctor or hospital records with a sworn statement • Family records (Bible or passport) • Life insurance policy • “Notarized Affidavit” must explain the reason for the inability to produce a copy of the child’s BC
Birth Certificates At a minimum, you are required to review a certified birth certificate & complete an affidavit Record student’s name & birth date exactly as they appear on the BC onto the affidavit form Document that certified BC was reviewed on student’s enrollment form, or place affidavit in the student’s CA60, preferably stapled to inside of front cover Copies of BCs can be made, depending on district policy If copied, use a black marker to completely cover the SSN BCs should never be sent with records or faxed to other school districts per Michigan Missing Children’s Act
Michigan Missing Children’s Act[MCL 380.1135] Requires the parent / legal guardian of first-time enrollees to provide: Certified copy of the BC or other reliable proof of birth within 30 days For students born in Michigan, parent(s) can request a copy in person at county clerk's office, by mail, on-line at http://www.vitalcheck.com/michigan-express-vital-records.aspx or Vital Records Requests , PO Box 30721, Lansing MI 48909. There is a fee of approximately $30.00 to $35.00 An affidavit MUST accompany any other reliable proof explaining the inability to produce the certified BC Parent(s) who fail to comply within the initial 30 days -[PA Manual Sec. 1(C)(1)]: Notify parent(s) in writing of an additional, but final, 30-day warning to comply IMPORTANT -After 30 days," district shall notify the local law enforcement agency” (This fulfills your legal responsibility!) A district should never expel or deny enrollment of a student because the parent or legal guardian did not produce a BC State Law on Request & Transfer of Official Student Records (CA 60) Upon enrollment or a “Transfer In” – Within 14 days, official request for records sent Upon “Receipt of Request” – Within 30 days, send records to school requesting
Proof of Residency Driver’s License is acceptable as a minimum, but rent agreement, utility bill, etc. are the best documentation Law does not speak to how many pieces of documentation are required – Suggest consideration be given to one other piece in addition to just a driver’s license What you do should be a district or building policy Driver’s License are excellent documentation to confirm the identity of the parent or guardian enrolling the student
Non-Resident / Schools of ChoiceStudents & Releases(Form “NR”) • Release Forms are no longer required to be received on returning non-resident students • ALL Non-Resident students, however, must be listed on “Form AA” (Includes “Returning” non-resident students & “New” non-resident students) • Release Form must be attached for any “NEW” Non-Resident Students • Complete “Form NR” in its entirety, including FTE time in General Education & Special Education • The most recent Release Form for any “Returning Student” must be maintained on file until student leaves the district or graduates • The “Release Form” for any “Returning Student” randomly selected as part of a “Non-Resident Sample” will need to be presented to auditors during a Field Audit • Sample will consist of 10% of all “Non-Resident Students” within the building • February Count – Complete “Form NR” in the same manner
Non-Resident / Schools of ChoiceReminders • A district does not need a waiver nor release from the resident district to enroll the following: • Students documented as homeless prior to count day • Requires documentation by district’s homeless school liaison • Is a child of a person who “works at the district” or who “worked at the district as of the time the pupil first enrolled in the district”, but who no longer works at the district due to a workforce reduction” • MCL 388.1606(6)(j) • Enrolls in another district because the student’s school failed to make AYP under NCLB • MCL1606(6)(o) • Enrolls non-resident pupil in Alternative Education Program if pupil previously dropped out of school • For 2019-20, district wants to enroll a pupil as dropout & previous district hasn’t updated exit status in MSDS, the district may submit evidence to MDE that pupil is dropout & MDE may permit district to enroll pupil
Non-Resident / Schools of ChoiceReminders(Continued) • Special Education student attending under 105C require a letter of agreement between the non-resident district in which he/she is enrolled and his/her resident district relevant to whom assumes special education costs • Sample “Letters of Agreement” are available on NCRESA forms website, under “Resources_Other Forms” & then under “SOC105c Special Education Agreement Letter_Examples” • Student accepted after the “window of opportunity”, please check “Other” on “Form NR”
“105c” Schools of Choice • Please include, with your count day materials submission, all published documents/notifications/advertisements pertaining to your district’s 105c schools of choice application & procedures • If posted on your district’s webpage, please indicate through a hand-written notation on the “Checklist”
Homeless Information • Local documentation by LEA Homeless Liaison must be dated prior to Count Day, and submitted with Count Day materials • Additional requests for documentation may be made during the desk or field audit process
Homelessness & Pupil Enrollment • Children experiencing homelessness may enroll in either their school of origin or the district in which they are actually living • Schools are to immediately enroll these children once their status is validated by the district’s homeless liaison. Entitled through the end of the current school year
Pupil Age Limitations • The pupil must meet one of the following age requirements to be eligible for membership as defined in Section 6 of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1606): • The pupil is less than 20 years of age as of September 1 of the school year, does not have a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, and has not achieved a high school diploma • “Achieved” is defined as having met the requirements of graduation, not obtaining or receiving the diploma • The pupil is less than 22 years of age as of September 1 of the school year, had dropped out of school, and is enrolled in a public school academy or an alternative education high school diploma program that is primarily focused on educating pupils with extreme barriers to education, such as being homeless as defined under 42 USC 11302 • Special coding required for these pupils • Coded as “EMM – PCE” • Reported as “9222”
Pupil Age Limitations(Continued) • A special education pupil who is enrolled and receiving instruction in a special education program or service approved by the department, who does not have ahigh school diploma, and who is less than 26 years of age as of September 1 of the current school year shall be counted in membership. An individual who has obtained a General Educational Development (GED) certificate may be counted in membership if the individual is a student with a disability as defined in R 340.1702 of the Michigan Administrative Code. A special education certificate of completion is not a high school diploma for purposes of this manual. • NOTE: • A pupil who is enrolled in an alternative education program where adult education participants will be educated in the same program or classroom must be at least 16 years of age on September 1 of the school year
Master Teacher Schedule • The schedule needs to include teachers who are designated as long-term substitute teachers, if responsible for instructing a class on count day • List is also to include teachers who are only assigned to a course for a portion of the school day/year, with the time period of the assignment specified
IEP Reduced Schedule • Special Education Pupils placed by an IEP Team in Less than a Full Day of Instruction (IEP Reduced Schedule) • Special education pupils are to attend the same number of days and hours as is required of any pupil to be counted for a full FTE • The IEP team may shorten the school day for a pupil with disabilities on an individual pupil basis • If the IEP team shortens the day for a medical or emotional reason, the pupil is eligible to be counted for a 1.00 FTE • The documentation supporting such a placement shall be provided by a licensed physician • This documentation may no longer be provided by a school social worker or school psychologist due to changes in the rules related to the licensing for school social workers and school psychologists • Prior to placing a pupil on a reduced day due to emotional or behavioral issues, the district is required to consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, as well as other strategies when developing the pupil’s IEP when behavioral issues impede the pupil’s learning or that of others
IEP Reduced Schedule(Continued) • The following scenarios do not qualify a pupil for an IEP reduced schedule; the FTE must be prorated according to the number of instructional hours provided: • Pupils who are being disciplined for behavioral problems, or those who are suspended or expelled • Pupils who do not require a full day of instruction to acquire enough credits to graduate; such pupils are part-time pupils • Pupils who spend part of their day employed; such pupils are part-time pupils • Pupils who otherwise qualify for a reduced scheduled (Section 5-H) • Pupils enrolled in early childhood special education programs (Section 5-K) • Pupils enrolled in transition type programs (Section 5-L)
Student Class Schedules • Class schedules must reflect all courses the pupil is enrolled in for the semester on the membership count day & run on that day • Middle College summer courses (summer of 2019) need to be included on student’s Fall Class Schedule to be considered for FTE greater than 1.00 • If a class schedule changes after the count date, the district must update the class schedule immediately
Student Class Schedules(Continued) • If a district has used “placeholders” in lieu of actual course names for planning purposes, all “placeholder” course names need to be replaced with the actual course names prior to the count day • “Placeholder” examples include “APEX”, “PLATO”, “GenNET”, “E20/20”, etc. These examples and other acronyms can no longer be used on a student’s class schedule. The actual course name now needs to be stated. • Virtual classes must also be specifically stated • Virtual classes taken sequentially for the semester, must all be listed on the student’s class schedule • The district shall maintain a record of the pupil’s schedule as of count day
Homebound & Hospitalized(PAM – Section 5-D) • The student is unable to attend school for health reasons: • Written documentation from a physician must be provided – it has to state that the student is confined to the home or hospital for more than five (5) days for a medical reason. Can be general in nature. Details are NOT needed. • Physician is an M.D. or D.O. – Not a psychologist, chiropractor, dentist, etc. • Pregnancy and recovery, if documented by a physician is now considered a medical condition! It also is not gender specific! (Not permitted for just childcare) • Student must be able to engage in instruction • The school district must make arrangements to provide these services within three (3) days of the request
Homebound & Hospitalized(PAM – Section 5-D)(Continued) • Conditions for claiming a full FTE: • Materials must be provided by the district • Attendance must be taken • Attendance log must be at least for the six-week count period unless services begin late or end early • Credit is earned, awarded and placed on student’s transcript • The student must have the ability to receive the service • General Education Students: • A certified teacher must provide a minimum of two (2) 45-minute periods of instructional service per week – can be consecutive • Special Education Students: • A new IEP needs to be written • A certified teacher must provide a minimum of two (2) one-hour non-consecutive periods of instructional service per week, unless the new IEP specifies a certified special education teacher • Non-consecutive = a break of a minimum of 30 minutes • Virtual Course: • Can be used for additional supplemental instruction, BUT: • Individualized instruction still required as stated above • No additional membership awarded
Nonpublic (Shared-Time) Home-Schooled(PAM – Section 5-E) • Resident district has right of first refusal • If doesn’t agree to provide instruction to non-public school students within 60 days of request, non-public school can go to district/charter within the ISD or contiguous ISD • FTE capped at 0.75 • The FTE for a single overly-subscribed student may be adjusted down to the cap without having to be concerned about the FTE in each of the student’s enrolled courses • Kindergarten may be offered any course as they are all considered non-essential at this level, BUT the FTE is still subject to the 0.75 cap • Instruction to be provided by “certified teacher” rather than “employee” of district • The courses must be offered at the grade level of the district that is providing the instruction • Only non-essential elective courses (not “core” courses) may be provided & claimed for FTE
Nonpublic (Shared-Time) Home-Schooled(PAM – Section 5-E)(Continued) • Non-Essential Courses: • According to Section 166b(3) of the State School Aid Act, MCL 388.1766b(3), a nonessential course in grades 1 to 8 is a course other than a mathematics, science, social studies, and English language arts course required by the district for grade progression. • Nonessential courses in grades 9 to 12 are those other than algebra 1, algebra 2, English 9-12, geometry, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, geography, American history, world history, the Constitution, government, and civics, or courses that fulfill the same credit requirement as these courses. • Nonessential elective courses include courses offered by the local district for high school credit that are also capable of generating postsecondary credit, including, at least, advanced placement and international baccalaureate courses. College level courses taken by high school students for college credit are nonessential courses. Remedial courses for any grade in the above-listed essential courses are considered essential. Kindergarten is considered nonessential. Nonessential courses offered under this section must also be offered and available to full-time pupils of the same age and grade level.
Early Middle College(PAM – Section 5-G-B) • Membership Requirements: • The pupil has been reported in MSDS by grade 11 with participation code ‘3500’ • The pupil has not satisfied all graduation requirements • The pupil is enrolled in at least one high school class in a school district in Michigan; the course may be one offered by the postsecondary institution during the pupil’s final year if high school credit is also awarded
Early Middle College(PAM – Section 5-G-B)(Continued) Counting Pupil for More Than 1.00 FTE A pupil enrolled in a Department approved EMC may be counted for more than a total of 1.0 FTE if ALL the following requirements are met: • The additional courses must be part of the pupil’s course schedule during the count period and must result is the pupil receiving more than the number of days and hours required under Section 101 of the State School Aid Act. • The district must demonstrate that the pupil is expected and on-track to complete the 5-year program early (in less that 5 years) with both a high school diploma and at least 60 transferable college credits or an associate's degree. • In addition, the district must provide the auditor with evidence of enrollment in postsecondary courses that are part of the EMC program of student and evidence that the tuition has been paid.
Early Middle College(PAM – Section 5-G-B)(Continued) Auditor will make an aggregate FTE adjustment to the district’s membership if the following requirements are met: • HS Schedule (All classes must be listed) • Proof district paid tuition • Evidence that student is on track to complete program early (in fewer that 5 years)