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Research workshop Sultan qaboos university college of nursing

Join us for a workshop at Sultan Qaboos University's College of Nursing led by Dr. Nancy P. Hanrahan to develop research outcomes and action plans. Learn to collaborate, critique research, and improve technical merit. Scholarships available.

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Research workshop Sultan qaboos university college of nursing

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  1. Research workshopSultan qaboos university college of nursing Nancy P. Hanrahan, PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Professor University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing January 26, 2014

  2. Build research capacity Establish research outcomes Develop an action plan to continue scholarship

  3. When We Work Smart We collaborate, build partnerships, increase productivity and deliver quality products.

  4. Core Values That Build Scholarship

  5. When We Inspire Others • Research Review Criteria • Research Reviewer: Empathize, Listen, Open-ended questions, Reflect • Using proposals from participants, critique research • Evaluate learning needs and outcomes of today’s workshop • Define a homework objective.

  6. We Produce Exceptional Results

  7. The Magic of the V Formation When our team works together we glide forward easily • Dolphins swim together in a V formation to boost their efficiency. • Each dolphin is propelled forward more easily than swimming alone. • The V shape promotes visual contact and communication with each other.

  8. We are Committed to Improving Our Research Experience Our tools enables us to see and hear each other Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.Goethe

  9. Our Research is dependent on funding Where are the funds? What are the research priorities?

  10. Research http://www.moh.gov.om/en/nv_menu.php?o=reports/report.htmhttp://home.trc.gov.om/tabid/161/language/en-US/Default.aspx What is Known? What is Unknown?

  11. Phenomena of Concern for Nurses Safety, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Equality, Timely, Patient-Centered https://www.patientsafetymiddleeast.com/why-attend-patient-safety-quality-congress-middle-east-0?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PSC+ME+-+2014+-+Visprom+-+&utm_term=oman%20healthcare&utm_content=32385194214&gclid=CN7stsOlmbwCFQpU4godjGMAuQ

  12. Critique • Significance • Approach • Innovation • Investigators • Environment

  13. Tools for work • Research Criterion • Reviewing Grant Guidelines • Critique Template • Proposals for Review • Workshop Schedule and Objectives • Statistical Methods Chart

  14. Research Review: Criterion #1 Impact of the condition on the health of individuals and populations • Is the condition or disease associated with a significant burden in the Oman population, in terms of prevalence, mortality, morbidity, individual suffering, or loss of productivity? • Alternatively, does the condition or disease impose a significant burden on a smaller number of people who have a rare disease? • Does the proposal include a particular emphasis on patients with one or more chronic condition?

  15. Research review: criterion #2 Potential for the study to improve health care and outcomes • Does the proposal have the potential to lead to meaningful improvement in the quality and efficiency of care and to improvements in outcomes that are important to patients? • Does the research question address a critical gap in current knowledge as noted in systematic reviews, guideline development efforts, or previous research prioritizations? • Do wide variations in practice patterns suggest current clinical uncertainty? • Is the research novel or innovative in its methods or approach, in the population being studied, or in the intervention being evaluated, in ways that make it likely to improve care? • Do preliminary studies indicate potential for a sizeable benefit of the intervention relative to current practice? How likely is it that positive findings could be disseminated quickly and affect changes in current practice?

  16. Research Review: Criterion 3. Technical meritDoes the proposal has the technical merit to ensure that the study goals are met • A clear research plan with rigorous methods and key milestones clearly articulated • A research team with necessary expertise, and an appropriate project organizational structure • A research environment sufficient to support the conduct of the work with appropriate resources • A focus on a defined population for whom effectiveness information is particularly needed


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