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Explore how math is taught in Reception, its importance, and ways to help children at home. Discover activities to enhance math skills and vocabulary. Practical tips, games, and challenges included.
Reception Mathematics Workshop March 2016
Mathematics Workshop What is maths? How is maths taught in Reception? Why is maths important? How can I help my child at home? Vocabulary
What is Maths? Maths in Reception is divided into two main areas 1.Number2. Shape, Space and Measure Counting 2d shapes Recognising numerals 3d shapes Adding Weight Subtracting Capacity Doubling Height Halving
What is Maths ? Number
What is Maths ? Shape, Space and Measure
How is maths taught in reception? Number Number rhymes (counting on and back) Eg: 5 little men in a flying saucer 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive Practical activities Eg: number hunts, counting objects Games Eg: bingo, dominos Construction (Addition and Subtraction) Recording results
How is maths taught in reception? Space, space and measure Questions are asked throughout the activities and appropriate language is modelled. Practical activities eg: shape hunts Weighing objects Ordering size, height of objects Measuring in different ways eg: feet, hands, rulers Measuring time eg: sand timers, stop watches, daily routine)
How can I help my child at home? Complete the maths challenge card to support your child’s understand and use mathematical language. Count footsteps when walking (can you count to 20…50…60? Give you children mathematical problems eg: when shopping ask your child to pick up 4 apples, How many apples will we have if I get 2 more apples? Lay the dinner table for 4 people, count out 4 knifes and 4 forks. One person can’t make dinner. How many people are coming for dinner? At bath time, play with different-sized containers Play card games – even a simple game of snap helps to develop number recognition Play board games
Activities to support maths learning Shopping Kitchen Let your child help with baking/cooking. Do we need a whole one or half? Are these the same or different? How many more pieces of cake do we need? What size pan do we need? Whatnumber is on the bus? What shape is the cake? Is your bag heavier or lighter than mine? 1 plate, 1 knife and fork and spoon for 1 person Sometimes let your child hand over the money
Activities to support maths learning Pattern and shape in the environment Gardening Talk about shapes and patterns of everyday objects Let your child help with the gardening. Can you see rectangles in the wall? How many seeds/bulbs for this hole? Can you see diamonds in the fence? Talk about “too long” or “too tall” when cutting bushes back. Is this hole big enough for this plant? Point out the shapes of road signs
Activities to support maths learning Additon/ subtraction (lego and building blocks) One/two more One/two less Halving objects Number cars Ordering numbers Doubling
Games on the move… • On the school journeys look at numbers on houses and car number plates. • Shapes in the environment (2d and 3d shapes) • Counting steps (more, less)
Vocabulary how many…? count on (from, to) count back (from, to) count in ones, twos… tens… more, less, many, few pattern, pair guess how many, estimate greater more larger bigger most biggest largest one more, ten more
Vocabulary Comparing greater more larger bigger most biggest largest one more, ten more less fewer smaller Least fewest smallest one less, ten less order size
Vocabulary Adding add more sum altogether one more, two more, ten more… how many more to make… ? how many more is… than…? Subtracting take (away), leave how many are left/left over? how many have gone? one less, two less… ten less… how many fewer is… than…? difference between is the same as
Useful Links www.mathszone.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/maths/ http://www.familylearning.org.uk/online_math_games.html