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The Kingdom. The Bible is about a King, His Kingdom, and His kids. Kingdom: The governing influence of a King over H is territory, impacting it with His will, His intent and His purpose, manifesting a culture and society reflecting the King’s nature, values and morals;
Kingdom: • The governing influence of a King over His territory, impacting it with His will, His intent and His purpose, manifesting a culture and society reflecting the King’s nature, values and morals; • the government of a King; • the King’s dominion (King-dom).
Matthew 4:17 – “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near (or at hand).”
Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” NLT: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” --Matthew 5:6
Points to Ponder: -A kingdom is the sovereign rulership and governing influence of a King over His territory, impacting it with His will, His intent and His purpose, manifesting a culture and society reflecting the King’s nature, values and morals.
-The very heart of a Kingdom is it’s King. Heaven exists because of the creative activity of God. It is infused with His presence, character and authority.
-Jesus came to the earth to re-establish the Kingdom. Here & Now!! The Bible leaves no doubt as to His Kingship.
-Jesus said in John 18:36 “My Kingdom is not of this world” and again “My Kingdom is not from this world”. (Kingdom of Heaven) Notice Jesus said His Kingdom was of or from this world; He never said it was not in this world. His kingdom on earth originated in Heaven!
-God created us for kingship-for dominion- and inside each of us is a latent kingdom consciousness striving for expression. We long to control and resist being controlled!