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社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會 地址 :106 台北市復興南路一段 390 號 13 樓 電話: (02) 27058859 傳真: (02) 27060788 網址: http://www.bcsd.org.tw E-mail: bcsd.roc@msa.hinet.net. BCSD-Taiwan. CSR 與競爭優勢. 黃正忠 97 年 6 月 3 日. W orld B usiness C ouncil for S ustainable D evelopment.
社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會 地址:106台北市復興南路一段390號13樓 電話:(02) 27058859 傳真:(02) 27060788 網址:http://www.bcsd.org.tw E-mail: bcsd.roc@msa.hinet.net BCSD-Taiwan CSR與競爭優勢 黃正忠 97年6月3日
World Business Council for Sustainable Development 會員有200家跨國公司, 來自超過30種產業, 40個以上的國家 在60個國家有企業永續發展協會(BCSD)的聯盟組織 http://www.wbcsd.org 世界企業永續發展協會
200家世界龍頭企業的結合 總市值: 7兆美元 總營收: 5.5 兆美元 雇用員工總數:1300萬人 全球影響力 每天超過一半以上的世界人口在消費 WBCSD 會員公司的產品或服務 世界企業永續發展協會 - 影響力 WBCSD
WBCSD Regional Network The Excel Partnership Canada NHO-Norway Vernadsky Foundation Russia Danisch CSBD BCSD Czech Republic BCSD UK CGLI USA/Canada BCSD Hungary Econsense Germany BCSD Mongolia EPE France BCSD Austria Keidanren Japan FE-BCSD Spain BCSD Croatia US BCSD BCSD Kazakhstan BCSD Turkey BCSD Portugal BCSD Korea APEQUE Algeria AEEC Egypt BCSD China BCSD Pakistan BCSD Taiwan BCSD Mexico CII BEC Hong Kong BCSD Honduras BCSD Guatemala UNIRSE-Nicaragua BCSD India PBE Philippines BCSD El Salvador AED Costa Rica BCSD Thailand IntegraRSE Panama BCSD Sri Lanka BCSDVenezuela BCSD Colombia BCSD Malaysia BCSD Ecuador BCSD Brazil BCSD Indonesia Perú 2021 BCSD Bolivia BCSD Zimbabwe BCSD Paraguay BCA Australia FEMA Mozambique DERES Uruguay NBI South Africa AcciónRSE Chile BCSD Argentina BCSD New Zealand December 15 2007
May 2008 30 Members 企業永續發展協會 BCSD-Taiwan 工商協進會、中技社、中華電信、中國石油、中鋼、永豐餘、永灃環境管理顧問(ERM) 、安心食品、良澔科技、台灣永光化學、台灣高鐵、台電公司、台積電、利群會社 、宏碁、宏遠興業、嘉鼎資本、東元電機、英業達、明台產險、南聯國貿、祐生研究基金會、環境與發展基金會、統一企業、統一超商、燁輝企業、聯電、 DNV、BSI、SGS Launched in 1997
1 ? CSR Why is an issue
我們面臨什麼樣的世界?(1) • 地球愈來愈 熱 • 淡水愈來愈少 • 石油愈來愈少 • 物種愈來愈少 • 人口 愈來愈多 • 窮人愈來愈多
我們面臨什麼樣的世界?(2) • 資訊流通 愈來愈快 • 商品流通愈來愈廣 • 世界愈來愈 小 • 問題愈來愈 大
我們面臨什麼樣的世界?(3) 永續發展的議題正形塑明日的世界 正面臨永續發展的臨界點 Governance • 改變的動能增大 • 危機及迫切性來自: • 氣候變遷 • 能源安全 • 水資源 • 全球化 • 媒體報導大幅增高 Environment Economy Social Structure
我們面臨什麼樣的世界?(4) • 政府:角色漸弱,全球官方組織政 • 治管理的能力不足 • (2) 企業:角色漸強,全球100大經濟 • 體中,有51個是企業 • (3) 社會:意識覺醒,逐漸具制衡力量
Edelman 2007 Trust Barometer Findings How much do you trust each institution to do what is right? • 在處理環境與社會議題的挑戰上,全球企業扮演無所取代的角色 • 人權、脫貧與全球暖化是人們最期待其所信任的企業去處理的議題 Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2007
CSR 『企業持續承諾在經營上符合道德,並在貢獻於經濟發展的同時,改善員工及其家庭、當地社區與社會整體的生活品質。』 世界企業永續發展協會的定義: The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically & contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce & their families as well as of the community & society at large.
Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge (2006) • 血汗工廠的污名是否已去除? • 如何因應全球化的全面挑戰? • 如何舒緩CSR內化供應鏈的壓力? • 如何辨識風險與機會? • 如何溝通CSR措施與績效?
2 ? CSR What issues matter
企業資產 75% 公司的價值, 來自: • 有形資產: • 土地 • 生產設備 • 無形資產: • 信譽與品牌 • 風險的掌握 • 與生意夥伴和利害相關者間進行具有建設性對話的能力 • 革新與適應變遷的能力 1970s 2000s Financial Times, 2003
What 明日企業領袖必要的核心視野 - 企業社會責任(CSR) CSR的核心議題
人 社區 社會 能源 氣候 環境 資源 倫理 治理 透明化
Treatment of customers Social Reporting Ethical Consumerism Socially Responsible Investment Community Involvement Cause Related Marketing Treatment of employees Environment 什麼是企業社會責任(CSR)? • 無標準定義 • 無標準範疇 • 包括的範圍: Corporate Social Responsibility • 倫理/品德 • 人權 • 員工福利 • 社區照顧與參與 • 供應商管理 • 與利害相關者的關係 • 客戶權益 • 環境 • 績效資訊揭露
紡織業主要的環境衝擊 • 能源消耗: 電力、熱源 • 有毒化學物質: 棉花種植、製程、染料 • 與印刷 • 廢棄物產生掩埋處理量: 製程與消費者 • 耗水: 原料、製程與成品
主要的社會議題 • 壓力與日俱增: 勞工標準、職場條件、 • 童工 • 最低工資仍無法有效改善脫貧 • 供應鏈中行為準則的落實 • 組織工會與集體協商
展望未來 Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge (2006) • 競爭激烈: 開發中國家的技術與投資持續成長 • 低勞力、高科技之生產技術發展 • 消費者與法規要求綠色產品之壓力持續成長 • ,短期焦點在化學品使用、原料再利用、 • 與替代原料開發 • 要求改善開發中國家員工職場條件的國際倡 • 議運動仍將持續
紡織業邁向永續之路的影響與效應分析 (以英國為例) Institute for Manufacturing University of Cambridge (2006)
3 ? CSR Benchmarking for Actions Supply Chain Management
Any difference between a brand name company and a big/small supplier?
供應鏈的要角將被一一攤在陽光下 Nike公佈2004企業社會責任報告書,首度在網站中公佈其所有的供應商名單 (Financial Times,2005/04/13) Levi Strauss公佈全球供應商名單 (GeenBiz.com,2005/10/13)
Nike Named Top U.S. Company for Social Responsibility Reporting (Nov. 10, 2006 ) Nike’s 2004 report, released in April 2005, highlighted the Nike brand’s CR priorities, programs, progress and challenges relating to workers in contract factories; employees and diversity; the environment; and community investment. Nike became the first in its industry to voluntarily disclose the names and locations of active contract factories making its products. Global Reporters the flagship SustainAbility research program The report is published in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Standard and Poor’s.
Nike Wins Top Honors in Ceres/ACCA Sustainability Reporting Awards Best Sustainability Report (2006/4) Nike's winning 2004 Corporate Responsibility Report included unprecedented disclosure about the names and locations of the more than 700 active contract factories that currently make Nike-branded products worldwide. The report also discusses the impact of environmental performance on the company's product design and manufacture, and candidly discusses the challenges and unresolved complexities of monitoring as a mechanism for measuring company and contractor performance.
Gap Awarded for Continued Excellence in Social Reporting, Ceres/ACCA Sustainability Reporting Awards (2006/4) Gap was once again awarded for excellence in social reporting. As in its 2003 Social Responsibility Report, Gap reports on its progress and challenges inimplementing a social responsibility program throughout its retail apparel and garment manufacturing supply chain.
Wal-Mart Seeks Sustainable Business Solutions for Its Textile Supply Chain (June 29, 2006) Wal-Mart hosted a two-day meeting on issues and opportunities related to the sustainable production and use of textiles. Focus: standards, metrics, and certifications, key trends, definitions of sustainability in the textile supply chain, and the environmental, social, and economic impact of different business choices. “We're serious about offering a wider choice of sustainable textiles to our customers," said Kim Brandner, senior brand manager of sustainable textiles at Wal-Mart. But we want to understand fully the risks, opportunities, and consequences of any business decisions we might consider.
Wal-Mart to Expand Environmental Efforts to Chinese Suppliers • About 30 percent of all foreign purchases in China are made by Wal-Mart • Planning a meeting with about 1,000 Chinese suppliers later in 2008 • pushing its suppliers to reduce their impact on the environment through • using less resources and emitting less pollution and greenhouse gases • plans to reduce the amount of packaging used by products by 5 percent • by 2013 • its supply chain makes up 92 percent of its environmental footprint, and • the company has direct control over only 8 percent of its footprint • Aside from the environmental benefits of less resources being used, less waste being made and fewer emissions being produced, a greener supply chain can affect the bottom line for businesses and consumers.
Majority of Retailers Taking Sustainability to Heart The Retail Industry Leaders Association's (RILA) RILA Sustainability Initiative (RSI) a new survey finds that 66 percent of retailers have already begun the transition to green (2007/10) RILA is made up of 55 retailers that together account for over $1.5 trillion in sales, including companies like Gap, Wal-Mart, IKEA, Sears, Target and Nike. Together, these retailers operate more than 100,000 stores, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers around the world.
Marks & Spencer Launches 200 Million Pound Eco Plan (Jan. 16, 2007) M&S announced "Plan A," a businesswide £200m "eco-plan" for the next five years. The 100-point plan means that by 2012 M&S will become carbon neutral, send no waste to landfill, extend sustainable sourcing, set new standards in ethical trading, and "help customers and employees live a healthier lifestyle". M&S will change beyond recognition the way it operates over the next five years. We will become carbon neutral, only using offsetting as a last resort; we will ensure that none of our clothing or packaging needs to be thrown away; much of our polyester clothing will be made from recycled plastic bottles instead of oil andevery year we will sell over 20 million garments made from Fairtrade cotton.
The 100-point Plan A includes commitments in five areas: Climae Change: making our operations in UK and Republic of Ireland carbon neutral. M&S will also mobilize suppliers and customers to reduce their carbon footprint. Waste: stop sending waste to landfill from our stores, offices and warehouses, reduce our use of packaging and carrier bags, and find new ways to recycle and reuse the materials we use. Raw Materials: -- ensuring that our key raw materials come from the most sustainable source possible, in order to protect the environment and the world's natural resources. Fair Partners: - improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our supply chain and our local communities. Healty Eating: helping thousands of customers and employees choose a healthier lifestyle. We will remove HVOs from all our food and removing artificial colours, flavours and all unnecessary preservatives from all fresh prepared food. We are also introducing Food Standards Agency Traffic Lights and Guideline Daily Allowance (GDA) product labelling.
Nike 與 Levi Strauss 在Climate Counts於 2007年5月公布的溫室氣體減量計分卡評比上表現突出 • Nike排名全球第一 • Climate Counts used 22 criteria to ranks companies on four benchmarks: • measure their carbon footprint • efforts to reduce it • support or opposition to climate-related • legislation • communication with the public on their • actions
Nike公司將逐步對全球750家供應商進行溫室效應氣體排放盤查(2001/10/10)Nike公司將逐步對全球750家供應商進行溫室效應氣體排放盤查(2001/10/10) Nike公司日前正式宣佈將在2005年底前,把溫室效應氣體排放量降低為1998年排放量的87%,也就是削減13%,初期將以Nike旗下所屬的工廠,和員工商務旅行所產生的排放為減量目標。 Nike也計畫對供應商及運輸部份的排放進行盤查,並要求其在2003年達到減量目標。Nike目前全球共有約750家供應工廠,員工總計約50萬人。 Nike加入了由世界野生動物基金會(WWF)與Center for Energy and Climate Solutions的拯救氣候計畫,擬定了一些能源節約措施、綠色電力採購、以及效能提升的策略,來協助自己與供應商達成減量目標。
界面集團在巴西推出結合產品出售與造林計畫的活動 (2005/04/27) 以生產地毯等建材聞名於世的界面集團(Interface),日前與巴西非營利組織「未來森林」(Florestas do Future,Forests of the Future)簽約,進行一項名為CARPETree的造林計畫,在大西洋森林的五處重要河川流域,協助森林復育的工作。 這項計畫將由巴西的界面集團分公司出資,每出售一張25平方米的地毯,就委由「未來森林」組織為其客戶種一顆樹,以保育瀕危動植物的棲地,所種的樹亦有助於吸收CO2,防止全球暖化。 這項活動提供客戶購買Interface產品的誘因,也喚起客戶共同參與保護地球的工作。Interface為同業中率先推動此類活動的先鋒,其客戶也會收到由「未來森林」所核發的證書,載明向Interface購買多少地毯,以及在此計畫中種多少顆樹。
Portfolio 21 Announces Interface in the Top 10 'Green' Companies of 2006 The top performers in the fund posted returns ranging from 41% to 131% in 2006. Portfolio 21 invests in 88 companies, selected from more than 2,000 companies based in 16 countries, including the United States. Interface: With a variety of environmental programs being implemented, Interface has developed the first "climate neutral" carpeting, has installed photovoltaics to provide solar power to three of its facilities, is developing carpet made from renewable natural materials that can be composted or recycled back into the same product, and, through its “Mission Zero” program, aims to have zero waste and closed loop production. 2006 performance: 76%
4 ? CSR Reputation Risk Opportunity Cost Competitiveness
商業價值在哪裡? 許多跨國企業已證明尊重高標準的商業行為能加速企業成長 突破微利時代的新商業模式!
SAM與全球資誠(PricewaterhouseCoopers)公同發表的新研究指出:企業融入永續可提升財務績效(Ethical Corporation,2006/04/12) 針對1200多家企業的環境與社會責任等議題進行評等,其結果對於非財務表現與財務績效的連動性,提供更多的證據。永續資產管理公司(Sustainable Asset Management,簡稱SAM)2006年永續性年報中,共檢視了58個產業,針對其永續性風險與機會進行分析,SAM運用這些研究成果來選擇其投資標的,就如同其他倫理型基金一樣。SAM宣稱此項研究已經可以看出企業永續議題表現與財務績效間的關聯確實存在 。
But Good is not the point License to operate & competition is the point
2018-2022 2013-2017 2008-2012 2005/2 Kyoto Protocol 生效 1997 Kyoto Protocol Suppliers See Climate Change Regulation as Business Risk: Survey of SCLC, CDP (2008) 1992 UNFCCC
Economic It’s a must for you! CSR Social Environmental
Managing complex change for CSR Opportunity Risk Source: Managing Breakthrough
Broad strategy for implementing SD & CSR Hard wiring: Planning & performance Impact assessment Procurement & contracting Soft wiring: Leadership Communication Learning Soft wiring Strategy HR Marketing Operations Finance