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Optimizing Salesforce for a global leader in Testing, Inspection, and Compliance (TIC) services, enabling streamlined process automation and a data-driven sales cycle. This customization enhances their ability to efficiently manage and track complex TIC projects, providing a more efficient and data-informed approach to sales. The result is improved productivity, greater client satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the TIC industry. For more information, Get connected with our expert now.
Optimizing Salesforce to Enable Process Automation and Data-driven Sales Cycle for Testing, Inspection & Compliance (TIC) World Leader About Customer: With the goal to make the world a safer and sustainable place, our Norwegian TIC service provider have created a global network of experts and partners in Asia, North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. With Tes�ng, Inspec�on and Cer�fica�on as their primary offerings, our customer offers complete range of tes�ng, cyber assurance, cer�fica�on, evalua�on and interna�onal approval services for products and systems across the globe. Over their 100 years of presence, their global compliance knowledge and elabora�ve local partner presence have helped customers comply with an increasingly complex set of requirements in more than 150 countries. Key Highlights: World-leading provider of TIC (Test, Cer�fica�on, and Inspec�on) solu�ons with services in 150 countries and 7000+ customers from across the world Personalized and knowledge-driven services, offerings and processes defined for 14 industries Achieved the ra�ngs of 4.5 Customer Sa�sfac�on from customers spread in 80 countries Business Scenario: The customer used Salesforce CPQ, Sales Cloud and Marke�ng Cloud to manage their B2B sales, service, promo�on and customer rela�onships With the constantly changing market dynamics and business needs, the organiza�on was unable to make op�mum use of Salesforce capabili�es They wanted to customize Salesforce to create B2B personalized sales journeys, gain role-based real-�me data insights and automate sales and promo�on workflow This created a need for a Salesforce consultant that could provide an appropriate pla�orm and func�onal guidance, Salesforce customiza�on resources and Salesforce managed services
Outcomes Delivered: Process automa�on reduced manual sales errors and non-produc�ve work hours Seamless integra�on of systems generated real-�me access to data for informed decision making 36% Increase in pricing accuracy with Salesforce CPQ and sales cloud customiza�on 25% Reduc�on in lead management and sales administra�ve costs with workflow automa�on 100% Customer response rate with team collabora�on and sales team defined for accounts and leads AIMDek Digital Partnership Scope: The customer wanted to collaborate with AIMDek as their Salesforce Consultant and customiza�on partner Understand changing business needs and provide appropriate Salesforce guidance Create an execu�on roadmap and deploy resources for �mely customiza�on and deployment Constantly innovate and align Salesforce to the business sales and process outcomes Provide Salesforce-managed services to keep their modules updated and integrate new modules as and when needed The Solution: As the Salesforce Consul�ng partner, AIMDek provided the following Salesforce consul�ng, implementa�on, customiza�on, and managed services to the TIC world leader: Op�mizing sales cycles and B2B Customer Journeys Using advanced CPQ customiza�on, we constantly update the business and document rules for the client to help them with: Quo�ng accurate prices for one-�me projects and new customers Deliver cross-sell and up-sell opportuni�es to the sales professionals Effec�vely manage orders and financial accounts Automa�ng sales and promo�on workflow and task delega�on With the combined func�onali�es of Salesforce sales and service cloud, we helped customer gain the following capabili�es: Provide real-�me and accurate renewal prices for service and support to customers Establish an advanced approval process for personalized and scenario-based promo�ons Provides Quotes with different templates as per the loca�on like China, Korea, India, Japan, Taiwan, USA, Norway and other countries Crea�ng an informed and outcome-driven lead approach for sales personnel For lead-genera�on and sales approach, we implemented Salesforce sales cloud + slack implementa�on for: Get instant bill/invoice Status Manage real-�me mul�-currency quota�ons Enable account-wise budget prepara�on Provide customer communica�on traceability to sales professionals with Einstein ac�vity capture marke�ng@aimdek.com
Crea�ng a collabora�ve pla�orm for global sales teams To ensure that no sales and business opportuni�es are missed, we ensured mul�-channel customer engagement and sales team collabora�on with: Integra�on of Oracle net-suite and Hubspot for lead genera�on Differen�ate opportuni�es with filters of CPQ, General Opportuni�es, Personal Cer�fica�on opportuni�es, NetSuite and others Collabora�ve team pla�orm for a joint sales approach Enable quick and real-�me sales personnel replacement from the team when the assigned member is unavailable Personalized end-user dashboards and dedicated chat support Access to sales analy�cs, and customer data For informed decision-making, we provided our customer with personalized and relevant reports that can be generated by sales personnel and decision-makers. marke�ng@aimdek.com