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Theoretical basis of fitness training. Part I. 1. Basic terms and definitions 2. General rules of fitness trainnig 3. Basic forms of modern aerobic 4. Music in Fitness classes 5. Music paste and types of classes 6. Effort curve in Fitness training.
1. Basic terms and definitions2. General rules of fitness trainnig3. Basic forms of modern aerobic4. Music in Fitness classes5. Music paste and types of classes6. Effortcurve in Fitness training
Overall rules of fitness training Considering the characteristic features of training, regular attendance at fitness classes may be defined asfitness training.
Music in Fitness classes Music for fitness classes, diversified as may be regarding the style, mustreveal a regular, repetativesequencecalledthe phrase. Theyappear one afteranother in anequaltimedistribution, whichismeasured by abeat appearing 8 times per phrase. Fourphrases form a theme. A phrasecorresponds to a choreographicaleight (a sequence), a musictheme to a block of choreographies.
The musicpasteshould be containedwithin the limit of 90 - 165 BPM (beats per minute). The pasteshoulddifferbetween the type and part of the class.
Effort progress in a training unit. Each training unit should be constructed in a way respecting the physiological processes of an organism adapting to the effort.
Author: Mateusz Niedźwiedź Gimnazjum nr.1 w Luboniu ul. Armii Poznań 27 62-030 Luboń Telefon : (61) 810 28 38 Fax : (61) 810 28 38 Email : gim1lubon@op.pl www.gimnazjumnr1lubon.pl