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Timeline. Which are yet to come: Rev 4-22. Which are: Rev 2-3 John’s Epistles. Hast seen: Rev 1 Gospel of John. The Revelation. When shall these things be? (one stone not left standing upon another). What shall be the sign of Thy coming.
Timeline Which are yet to come: Rev 4-22 Which are: Rev 2-3 John’s Epistles Hast seen: Rev 1 Gospel of John The Revelation When shall these things be? (one stone not left standing upon another) What shall be the sign of Thy coming What shall be the sign of the end of the world? Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, Luke 17 / 21 – Olivet Discourse CHURCH IN HEAVEN WITH CHRIST JESUS JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - REWARDS MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Virgin Bride without spot or wrinkle GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Sheep / Goat Judgment Judgment of the Nations May 14, 1948 Jun 7, 1967 FINAL REBELLION 2ND COMING OF CHRIST ASCENSION 30th Day – Man of Sin’s Work and Evil put down ??? JERUSALEM DESTROYED 130 AD MARTYRS FROM THE TRIBULATION PERIOD RESURRECTION TEMPLE DESTROYED 70 AD 45th Day – Judgment of the Nations complete ??? 1ST HOLOCAUST 1937 AD > CROSS ISRAEL A NATION AGAIN REFORMATION 1517 AD JERUSALEM RETAKEN 144,000 SEALED CHURCH RAPTURED PENTECOST 2 WITNESSES A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH ETERNITY FUTURE 2 Peter 3:8-9 2000 A.D. 1000 A.D. ETERNITY PAST 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days 3.5 years, 42 months, 1260 days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 – (Sabbath) BEGINNING OF SORROWS MILLENIUM (1,000 YEARS) Jesus rules on David’s Throne GREAT TRIBULATION ISRAEL - UNDER LAW AGE OF CONSCIENCE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE CHURCH AGE B.C. A.D. THE WRATH OF GOD CATASTROPHIC CHANGES IN THE EARTH AND SKY DEATH FAMINE MARTYRS 4000 B.C. 2000 B.C. Israel Cast Off - Dispersed ‘But not abandoned forever’ ARMAGEDDON REBELLION AGAINST MAN OF SIN REBELS UNITE AGAINST GOD 200,000,000 MAN ARMY GATHERS ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION SATAN LOOSED FOR A SHORT TIME FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES IS COME IN MAN OF SIN (ANTI-CHRIST) & FALSE PROPHET CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE WAR - GOG/MAGOG INVASION MAN OF SIN COMES TO POWER As man reckons time on earth TRUMPETS VIALS (BOWLS) SATAN BOUND FOR 1,000 YEARS Satan and those NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity ------ SEALS BROKEN - SCROLL OPENED ------ Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21
Israel: God’s Time Piece Daniel 2:31-45; 7:1-28; 8:1-27 The Times of the Gentiles Luke 22:24 Palm Sunday 483 Years 7 Years 20 Centuries Romans 11:25 Fullness of the Gentiles 69 of Daniel’s 70 Sevens Daniel 9:24-37 Daniel’s 70th 7 Daniel 9:24-37 Judah Exile Recovery Oppression Occupation Scattered Restored Jacob’s Trouble Peace Church Age The Church: A mystery hidden in Old Testament Babylon Persia Greece Rome Revived Rome Peace 63 BC 539 BC 332 BC Times of the Gentiles Ends Dan 2:34-35, 44-45 Jer 25:11 537 BC 518 BC 70-130 AD 14 May 1948 7 Jun 1967 Servitude of the Nation Ezek 4:1-8; 2 Chr 36:21; Lev 26:34-35; Lev 26:18, 21, 34, 28 Battle of Carchemesh 606 BC Desolations of Jerusalem Ezek 40 Ezek 38-39 Ezek 36-37 587 BC 3rd Siege of Nebuchadnezzar Rapture of the Church Ascension Second Coming Of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Pentecost Millennium Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21