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Whatsoever He Saith Unto You, Do It. Scriptures: Psalm 65:4 John 5:19 John 2:1-11. Brother Kingston Koraheng. 25 th August 2013. THE.APPROACH.TO.GOD CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55- 0123A.
Whatsoever He Saith Unto You, Do It Scriptures: Psalm 65:4 John 5:19 John 2:1-11 Brother Kingston Koraheng 25th August 2013
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-8 And there's a way to approach all things. And there's a way to approach God.And if we don't know the approach to God, we'll never be able to get an audience with God. See? You have to know. • And we must find the--a way of approach to the great, Divine Judge, God Himself. • E-18 Now, today it's the same thing today, that man cannot come to Christ, except God calls him first. See? His nature. If you ever had any nature, any thought of anything, of coming to God, God is dealing with you.
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-19 Now, the way that God made for Adam to approach... Now, watch. Adam made himself an approach. He said, "Now, I've got to go out and meet God." So he made hisself a apron of fig leaves to cover up his shame. And he found out that God refused that approach. • E-20 And God provided an approach there for Adam in the garden of Eden, that through the shedding of the blood of the innocent to appropriate an approach to Him.
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • Then Adam could once more come through the shed blood of the lamb, to the approach, and talk face to face, again, with God through--through the Blood, through the approach, that God provided for him. • Now, that was God's first method of approach to Himself for the people, through the shed Blood. It has been from that day till this day the same thing. Through the shedding of Blood brings the approach to God.
PSALM 65:4 • Blessed [is the man whom] thou choosest, and causest to approach [unto thee, that] he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, [even] of thy holy temple.(KJV)
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIPLA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 • 110 Now we find that, in each age, when God said a certain, thing would happen, here come that manalong and manifested that, here come their peoplealong and lived that. That was God Himself living in the people, because it was an answering of His Word.
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIRJEFF.IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ 62-1230E • 51-5 Is it--is it time? Is the minist--the mystery all finished? Has the sounding all over? Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes; for we'll be changed as quick as those Angels come: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with those that is asleep to meet the Lord in the air.
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIRJEFF.IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ 62-1230E • My prayer is: God if this be so, I don't know Lord; I just telling the church. If it is so, Lord, prepare our hearts. Make us ready, Lord, for that great hour that all the history of time, all the prophets and sages has looked for that time.
RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGEJEFF.IN V-5 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0726M • 40 And remember the vision of last week, that when the Bride came to be... preview of it. There came up the little Bride, lovely, in the vision. And I, not thinking about it; just setting there watching outside. And there come the Bride. I heard a Voice by the side of me, said, "Here is a preview of the Bride." And She came by. I noticed Her, the way She was, very lovely, pretty, young. She was walking just the step as She could, not a march; just in the stride of a--a woman, how they walk gracefully, ladylike. That's the way She was walking, coming to my left on this side, and She went out of my sight.
RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGEJEFF.IN V-5 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0726M • 41 Then He turned me to the right side, and He showed me each church as they've come up out of the ages. And, oh, how vulgar! And the last one was this last-day church age, which was led by a witch. And they were so immorally dressed, so filthy-looking! And they were marching to the time of twist and rock-and-roll. And was marching to the... or time, or twisting, and carrying on with that music, walking up. And said, "That is the church."
RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGEJEFF.IN V-5 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0726M • 46 Then He said, "The Bride will come into preview again." And here the Bride came behind her, the very same-looking Bride that passed at the beginning. Then my heart jumped for joy, to know that there will be a Bride. And She will be made of the same thing, and clothed in the same thing, that the One was at the beginning. She is to be called.
THE.BREACH.BETWEEN.THE.SEVEN.CHURCH.AGES.AND.THE.SEVEN.SEALSJEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0317E • 106-3 {262} But you see, that sleeping virgin ain't receiving nothing anyhow. That's right. And remember, while they went to try to buy oil... You remember the Scriptures doesn't say they got it. But while they were out trying to buy it, there come a sound. What happened? All those virgins that slept rose, and trimmed their lamps, and went in to the supper (Is that right?), and the rest was left for the tribulation period (Right.), weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. That's the church, not the Bride, the church. The Bride went in. There's a whole difference between the church and the Bride. Yes, sir.
GOD’S APPROACH IS ADDRESSED TO HIS OBEDIENT BRIDE (She only does the will of the Father - John 5:19) • Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.(KJV)
THE.SPOKEN.WORD.IS.THE.ORIGINAL.SEEDJEFF.IN V-3 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-0318 • 120-2 Notice, what harmony. Jesus never did anything until seen of the Father or the Father showed Him first: (Harmony between God and Christ. See? John 5:19) So will the Bride, and He shows Her His Word of Life (He shows Her), and she receives It. She never doubts it. • Nothing can harm Her, not even death; for if the Seed be planted, the water will raise it up again. Amen. (Now, I got a great big "Hallelujah.") Here is the secret: the Word is in the Bride and the mind of Christ to know what He wants done with the Word, and She does it in His Name. She has THUS SAITH THE LORD.
THE.SPOKEN.WORD.IS.THE.ORIGINAL.SEEDJEFF.IN V-3 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-0318 • Then it is germitized; so the Holy Spirit waters it until it is grown and serves its purpose. They do only His will. (Amen. I'll believe that.) No one can persuade them different. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD, or they keep still. Then they will do the works of God. For it is Himself in them, continuing His Word to fulfill as He did complete in His day. All things when He was here--He did not complete all when He was here, for it was not time yet.
BELIEVEST.THOU.THISTULSA.OK SATURDAY_ 60-0402 • E-42 Here we are. Oh, little Martha, come running out. She looked like she had a--a way to have said something against Him. "Why didn't You come to my brother? Look what we've done for You, and You let us down." Well, if she'd have said that, the story never would've finished the way it did. No, sir. It's the way you approach a Divine gift of God. If God sends a gift, you've got to approach it right. If you're ever expect to get anything from it, you've got to approach it right. And Martha knew that. She'd probably read about the Shunammite woman and her baby.
BELIEVEST.THOU.THISTULSA.OK SATURDAY_ 60-0402 • And she... If that Shunammite woman knew that God was in Elijah, how much more was He is Jesus? Sure. So, she went up with the right approach. She run up and fell down at His feet (I like that.), fell down at His feet and said, "Lord..." That's His right title. That's what He was. He was her Lord. "Lord, if Thou would've been here, my brother would not have died."
BELIEVEST.THOU.THISTULSA.OK SATURDAY_ 60-0402 • Oh, my. Oh, I could just imagine seeing His great heart as He looked at that beautiful woman, the tears running down her cheeks. Said, "Lord, if You'd have been here, my brother would not have died." Watch what she said. "But even now, Lord(though he's dead, though the skin worms is crawling through his body), even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will give it to You." • E-43 Oh, that's the secret. You might say, "I've seined through every hospital. The doctor says I'm going to die, but even now, Lord... I'm all crippled up with arthritis; I can't move, but even now, Lord.”
BLIND.BARTIMAEUSKLAMATH.FALLS.OR WEDNESDAY_ 60-0713 • E-49 So, I think that's why Mary--or Martha it was (that went out to meet Jesus) she knowed... She'd read that story of the Shunammite baby. She knew if God was in the prophet, surely God was in His Son. And she knew that she'd get her request, if she went with the right approach. That's the next thing: People approach God in the wrong way. You've got to come the right approach.
BLIND.BARTIMAEUSKLAMATH.FALLS.OR WEDNESDAY_ 60-0713 • Not long ago, I had honor of praying for a king. They taken the cuffs out of my trouser legs, told me to never back--not to turn my back on him, after prayer and things, to back away from him. Never turn your back on a king. That's a very good thing; don't never turn your back on the King of kings then. See? And it's approach, a certain approach. • E-50 And there's approach you've got to come to God. If you come to a gift of God, you've got to come in the right mental attitude. You've got to come the right approach, or you won't receive nothing when you come.
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-83 So when I walked in... 'course not knowing about it then, how to take it, or what it was, 'cause I didn't know what it was. And so I walked into the room; and as I got in there, I looked and there laid that little boy laying there, and a mother with this here stuff over his nose, you know, trying, and crying and going on. He was just barely living. I seen what the vision was. The pneumonia had choked him all out, but here he was going [Brother Branham describes the sound--Ed.] Little, bitty fellow... And I seen that little brown-haired, just a boy. I said, "Bring him here, Mr.Emmel, you'll see the glory of God.”
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-84 So the little boy--man picked up the little boy in his arms, excitable, and run him over to me. Watch how I move there. See? I didn't come the provided approach. See? I said, "Bring him here." And I got in myself, because I seen the vision was going to make him well. But you have to come God's approach. See?And they brought him over there. I just laid my hands on him. I said, "God, I pray that You'll make this little fellow well. You said that You'd do it." And the little fellow gasped three or four times and passed completely out. I looked at him. And his mother begin to scream, "Oh, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead."
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • And I thought, "Well, what's happened? Oh," I thought, "my, there it is.Oh, here's Graham Snelling standing here; he's the blond head that is supposed to be setting over there with the curly hair. But there's supposed to be an old woman setting in this chair here." There was the furniture and everything, but it wasn't right. I didn't come the right approach.
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-91 Now, it's right. I stood there. I said, "Mr.Emmel, will you forgive me?" • He said, "Why?" • I said, "Do you still have confidence?" • He said, "Yes, Billy, why?" • I said, "I spoke out of turn awhile ago." I said, "I'm sorry, and I'm repenting before God. That's the reason I haven't said nothing for these two hours or more. I didn't wait for the vision. Brother Graham raised up, or the... what was revealed to me."
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • He said, "Well, what, what do you mean?" • I said, "Everything's in order. If you still believe me, bring the baby here now." • And the father picked up the baby, walked over there. I said, "Heavenly Father, forgive me for my stupidity, for my error. Now, fulfill what You said You would do." • Laid my hands on the baby. It threw it's arms around its daddy's neck, and said, "Daddy, daddy, daddy.”
THE.DARKEST.HOUR.THEN.JESUS.COMES.ALONGSAN.FERNANDO.CA MONDAY_ 55-1114 • E-43 Now, Martha had been dilatory about spiritual things, but bless her heart, she sure got on fire now. Away she went. Seemed like that she could've upbraided the Lord. But when she met Him, look what she done. Watch her approach now. Look at this woman's approach. • That's the way you get things from God is the way you approach it. You have to approach it. Watch what the Angel said, "If you can get the people to believe you and be sincere when you pray, then nothing will stand before the prayer. Get the people to believe."
THE.DARKEST.HOUR.THEN.JESUS.COMES.ALONGSAN.FERNANDO.CA MONDAY_ 55-1114 • "How can I do it, Lord?" Said, "By these things, but then people would believe." See? That would be. I said, "They'd never believe that I--You told me to go pray for sick people." • But He said, "By this, they will." See? "If you can get the people to believe." It's only a sign to get you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sickness and your sins. And accepting on basis of His shed Blood, you can draw the attributes from it tonight. Anything you have need of, God will give it you, if you can only believe it.
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIRJEFF.IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ 62-1230E • 9-2 Now, all my life, since I've been a little boy, there's been something that has bothered me. And I've had a very odd life, hard to understand. Even my wife scratches her head and says, "Bill, I don't believe anybody can understand you." And I said, "I don't understand myself," because I submit--commit myself to Christ many years ago. He does the leading. I don't try to understand it. I just go where He leads, the best of my knowledge.
FAITH.AFRICA.TRIP.REPORTZION.IL FRIDAY_ 52-0725 • E-31 Now, God has a permissive will. But I never like to work God's permissive will. I want His perfect will (See?), always." If... I don't want to work secondarily. I want to know what He wants me to do, and I'll go do it.
ABRAHAMBROOKLYN.NY SATURDAY_ 56-1208 • E-73 The Roman soldier that put a rag around Jesus' head, and hit him, and said, "Tell us who hit you." He didn't get anything. Never, not even an answer, but the woman that touched His garment, she got an answer, didn't she? It was her approach (see?), and it's your approach and anybody else's approach; and it's my approach to Him. If I said I did this within myself, I'd be a--telling a lie. See? So I approach and tell God. It's Him permitting me to do this, and it's not for my sake. No, sir.
PERFECT.STRENGTH.BY.PERFECT.WEAKNESSJEFF.IN V-8 N-1 SUNDAY_ 61-1119 • 56 The important thing, one of the important things that we must master... Now, remember this, and especially you young preachers, and lay members alike. There's one thing that we've got to master if we expect to fulfill God's desire in our life; that is, we have to master the thought of human ability. If we ever get to a spot where we think that we can do it with our own intelligence and our own abilities, we've got to master that in such a way that we can get rid of the thing and lay it aside so that God can use us. That's right.
PERFECT.STRENGTH.BY.PERFECT.WEAKNESSJEFF.IN V-8 N-1 SUNDAY_ 61-1119 • 57 And make a complete surrender. We cannot use one ability. We've got to make a complete surrender. And to come to God, you've got to surrender to Him both soul, body, and spirit. Everything that you are has to be surrendered to God in order that He can work His will in you and in me. • Now, that's hard; I know; 'cause we're always wanting to put our part in, something that we know, you know, that we want to do it. We say, "Well, I--I just know it should be done this way." But as long as you're doing it that way it's going to be wrong, and God will never use that effort.
THE.APPROACH.TO.GODCHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 55-0123A • E-62 Look, before they could see miracles, they had to come the provided approach. Before they could see the Red Sea open, they had to be a partaker of the glory... Notice. Before they could become a partaker of the glory, they had to come the provided approach to God to be a--a partaker of the vine--Divine approach, or the Divine articles. And before you can ever become a partaker of this blessed heavenly calling, you have to come through the provided approach, not self-sustaining, not intellectually, but death to yourself, and a reborn again in Christ Jesus through the offering of the Blood.
TOKENJEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M • 338 The Token is the sign that the purchase has been made and been accepted. Now, you can't get the token from the railroad fare until you pay the price; and the only way you're going to pay the price is pay it. That's right. What? Believe It. Accept It. Full obedience to the whole Word of God will entitle you to the Token. Full obedience! Not the part of It as far as your denomination goes, but all of It. Full obedience to the Word, which is Christ, brings you into Christ.
THE.FIRST.SEALJEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 • 155-2 {259} Seven thunders of revelation... May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith.