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GADD Software - An I ntroduction

GADD Software - An I ntroduction. Public version, August 2014, gaddsoftware.com. GADD Software – An Introduction. What is GADD Software? Operative BI Success Stories Start Up Project. What is GADD Software? 10 years of BI development 25.000 users in 32 countries

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GADD Software - An I ntroduction

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  1. GADD Software - An Introduction Public version, August 2014, gaddsoftware.com

  2. GADD Software – An Introduction • What is GADD Software? • Operative BI • Success Stories • Start Up Project

  3. What is GADD Software? • 10 years of BI development • 25.000 users in 32 countries • Sales, logistics, e-commerce, purchasing and more…

  4. What is GADD Software? • GADD Software is not an ordinary company! • We are streamlined, agile and focused on our product portfolio • We have partners focusing on sales, implementation, integration and support • We make information available for everyone on any device • We have grown up together with the largest multinational company in Sweden, that also is one of the largest retailing company in the world, and continue to grow!

  5. What is GADD Software? • We extend your BI solution • GADD Dashboards via Web browser available for all employees on all devices. • Innovative approach, enabling fast and user friendly solutions integrated to your systems. • Complete range of GADD BI products, Predefined reports & Ad-hoc analysis. • Out-of-the-box solutions and a GADD product portfolio. • Microsoft; Office, IIS, SQL Server and Microsoft BI environment integration.

  6. What is GADD Software? • Customized BI Solutions • Integration and customization is the key to success. Maximize use and minimise costs. • Integration to existing BI systems, ERP and legacy data sources. • We provide a unique and innovative approach to Business Intelligence, enabling fast and user friendly solutions adoptable to your software licensing structure and pricing. • If you are a super size multinational enterprise and want to get challenged by a super competent and experienced small size company you have found the right partner!

  7. What is GADD Software? • Mission “ • To extend your BI solution to be available for all users and on all devices. To make it happennow at a breathtaking low cost! • ”

  8. What is GADD Software? • Vision “ • To empower all employees with relevant business information, catalyzing quicker decisions leading to continuous improvements in the daily operations. • ”

  9. GADD Analytics – from data to display ETL • ETL & GADD Data Storage • Get data from any data source using GADD ETL. • Consolidate data into the GADD Data Storage. • Use MS SQL Server as the data engine. • GADD Dashboard Builder • Create efficient and beautiful dashboards. • Use grid, pivot, chart, pie, gauges, maps etc. • Blend data from several data sources. • Stream Google or Bing maps. • GADD Dashboard Server • Publish dashboards. • Integrate to your existing Intranet. • Manage big data, small data and many users. • User login for selected dashboards. • Web browser • Interactive dashboards, filter and drill-down. • Responsive elements for screen resolution. • Export to MS Excel to do your own additional analysis.

  10. GADD Analytics – GADD Product Portfolio ETL • Publish • Executive BI • Operative BI • PC & Mac • Tablet • Smart phone • Data • Oracle • SQL Server • Data files • Excel • Any type • ADO.NET, OLE DB, ODBC, Web Service, HTTP, Customised API • GADD BI toolkit • GADD Dashboard Builder • on Microsoft Windows • GADD Dashboard Server • using Microsoft IIS as web server • Web browser; IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other. • Microsoft BI toolkit • Other traditional BI. e.g. QlikView, Cognos, B.O. • Other applications • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Image, PDF, Print etc.

  11. GADD Analytics – GADD Product Portfolio ETL • Publish • Executive BI • Operative BI • PC & Mac • Tablet • Smart phone • Data • Oracle • SQL Server • Data files • Excel • Any type • ADO.NET, OLE DB, ODBC, Web Service, HTTP, Customised API • GADD BI toolkit • Query & report • Query Library • User Directory • AutoGADD & ETL • Sales Analytics • Basket analysis • Detect trends • Maps and more … • GADD Dashboard Builder • & • Publisher • GADD Dashboard Server • Web browser; IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other. • Other applications • Web Maps • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Image, PDF, Print etc. • Web Query

  12. GADD Analytics – bullet points ETL • Retrieve and consolidate data in real-time from unlimited number of data sources. • Automation of data retrieval and information publishing using Scheduler and AutoGADD. • Predefined reports for operational use that secures information quality, steering and super easy to use for anybody. • Ad-hoc analysis using predefined or user created queries and views for the advanced user. • Automatic web publishing on Intranet of reports, dashboards, KPI using WebGADD. • Ad-hoc data analysis via web browser using pivot, tables, charts, gauges, pies, cards etc. that are interactive and “drillable”. • User directory to steer access and authentication and Query statistic to monitor follow up all usage. • Integrated with Microsoft Excel and other MS Office desktop tools, using Microsoft technology and an extendable architecture that enable unlimited and efficient customisation.

  13. Success Stories

  14. Success Stories • Why GADD Software? • Breathtaking products & solutions • Smooth integration and customised to your requirements • Quick implementation and returns on investment • Easy to use and available for all employees • Makes use of what you already have and extends possibilities • Customer stories!

  15. Success Stories • Examples • Today´s Sales. “What is more inspiring than getting instant feedback on what you do? If all co-workers can get instant information on today’s sales then it will inspire them…” • The Morning Report. “When you come to work in the morning you want all information to be available automatically. Or you may even want all information be available on your way to work…” • Sales Analytics BI Module. “GADD Sales Analytics is an out-of-the-box solution for analyzing your sales. Import the tickets and get all information via interactive dashboards including affinity analysis and increase your knowledge in your customers purchase patterns…”

  16. Success Stories – Visual Gallery

  17. Start Up Project!

  18. Start Up Project • This is how we do it • Plan: You provide us with description of what you want and test data. • Workshop: We go through it and have a dialogue with you about it. Set commercial terms. • Setup: We create the dashboards and publish it on our demo site and give you user and password to login and review it. • Review: You review the result and decide how to present to customers, and commercial terms. • Conclusion: We decide together way forward.

  19. Start Up Project • Price Model • The Start Up Project is only EUR 3 000. • The GADD Dashboard Server Price Model is a monthly fee based on “maximum number of unique visitors per month”. The monthly fee covers license and basic support. • The support covers licensed versions of GADD Dashboard Builder and GADD Dashboard Server. Additional support and services are available on request.

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