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Age of Revolutions. Scientific Revolution. Scientific Revolution Period of time in which a new way of thinking came about. The beliefs held by many for so long were now being questioned. Use logic and reason to solve the problems of the world (Secular not church thought)
Scientific Revolution • Period of time in which a new way of thinking came about. The beliefs held by many for so long were now being questioned. • Use logic and reason to solve the problems of the world (Secular not church thought) • New ideas about the solar system such as Copernicus’ Heliocentric theory and inventions like Galileo’s telescope allowed scientists to learn more about the universe. • Also, many new medical discoveries were made. Anton van Leeuwenhoek used a microscope and first saw red blood cells.
THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION • 1500’s when people started to challenge the old ideas about the world • The Scientific Method – approach to science using experimentation and observation • Copernicus – Heliocentric (theory that the world revolves around the sun) • Galileo – helped proved Heliocentric theory • Isaac Newton – Newton’s Laws of Physics Brought upon Enlightenment! Copernicus Heliocentric Theory
Secular • Secular teachings occurred during the Renaissance in Italy • Secular teachings were more concerned with worldly matters rather than spiritual • Secular teachings went against the church • Some church leaders though became more worldly rather then sticking with the church • They began to live in mansions, lavish banquets, and wore expensive clothing
Geocentric Theory • The belief that the earth was the center of the universe and everything else revolved around it.
Heliocentric (mid- 1500’s) • Nicholas Copernicus was a Polish scholar who challenged the common belief that the Earth was the center of the universe. • Copernicus suggested that the universe actually revolved around the Sun. • This theory was called heliocentric. • At the time most scholars rejected Copernicus’s theory.
Copernicus-1500’s • Developed the Heliocentric or sun-centered theory • Theory stated that the sun is the center of the universe and that everything revolves around it • It took Copernicus 25 years of studies to come up with this theory • He wrote a book on his findings but feared persecution. He therefore didn’t publish it until 1543. He received a copy of his book on his death bed.
Galileo • Galileo Galilei was a young Italian scholar, who discovered the law of the pendulum and proved Aristotle’s idea to be wrong, by watching a chandelier swing on its chain, and timing it with his on pulse and discovered that each swing of the pendulum took the exact same amount of time. • In another study, Galileo found that falling objects accelerate at a fixed and predictable rate. He again proved Aristotle’s findings to be wrong. Aristotle had stated that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones. From the Tower of Pisa, Galileo dropped items of different weights, and calculated how fast each one fell. Contrary to Aristotle’s belief, the objects fell at the same speed. • Galileo had found out that a Dutch lens marker had built an instrument that would allow the looker to enlarge far-off objects. Galileo had not even seen this device, yet he was able to build his own, and with a few adjustments he was able to use his version of the telescope to study the stars. • In 1610, Galileo had a series of newsletters published called the Starry Messenger, which described his astronomical discoveries. He described his findings on the planets, the constellations, etc. • Galileo’s findings led to major conflict with the Church, since his findings proved the Church wrong. The Church did not want its followers to believe Galileo, because if they had known that they were wrong about the Solar System, they might be wrong about religion too.
ISSAC NEWTON • Born January 4, 1643; Died March 31, 1727 • At 25 years old he began revolutionary advances in math, physics, astronomy and optics. • Sir Isaac Newton created the law of gravity and disproved Aristotle’s idea that every object attracts every other object • In 1967 Isaac Newton published his book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy • This book is one of the most important scientific books ever written. • He discovered that most everything in the universe could be expressed mathematically
Scientific Method (1600’s) • It is a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. • It begins with a question or problem arising from an observation. • Next you form a hypothesis • Then test the hypothesis by doing experiments and collecting data • Lastly, analyze and interpret data to reach a conclusion, that conclusion either proves or disproves your hypothesis • The work of two important thinkers helped to advance the new approach: • Francis Bacon • An English politician and writer • He criticized the way both Aristotle and medieval scholars arrived at their conclusions • He felt that they should experiment first and gather information, and than use that information to draw their conclusions (this is called the experimental method) • Rene Descartes • Developed analytical geometry, which linked algebra and geometry • Like Bacon he believed scientists needed to reject old assumptions, but by using mathematics and logic • Everything should be doubted until proved by reason • “I think, therefore I am”
Enlightenment 1500s • Enlightenment was the idea that man could use logic and reason to solve the social problems of the day. • Philosophers spread this idea of logic and reason to the people • Some famous philosophers were John Locke and Jean Jacque Rousseau • This Enlightened thinking lead people to begin to question the ideas of government and the right for absolute monarchs to rule.
Voltaire • Voltaire lived from 1694-1778. He was one of the great philosophers during enlightenment. • Francois Marie Arouet, or Voltaire, published more than 70 books of political essays, philosophy, history, fiction, and drama. • Voltaire often used satire against his opponents, such as: • The clergy. • The aristocracy • The government • Voltaire was sent to prison twice and exiled to England for two years. On returning to France, he found he liked England’s government more than his own. He then targeted the French government and even began to question Christianity. • Fearing another imprisonment, he fled France. • Voltaire fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious beliefs, and freedom of speech.
John Locke • Locke was a philosopher who held a positive view on human nature. • He believed people could learn from experience and improve themselves. • He believed people have a natural ability to govern their own affairs and to look after the welfare of society. • Locke criticized absolute monarchs and favored the idea of self-government. • According to Locke all people are born free and equal, with three Natural Rights- Life, Liberty, and Property • The purpose of government, said Locke, is to protect these rights, if it fails to do so, citizens have a right to overthrow it. • The famous novel, Two Treaties of Government was written by John Locke.
NaturalRights • Laws that govern human behavior • In the early 1700’s during the Enlightenment writers wanted to solve the problems of society • Developed by John Locke in the late 1600’s • People possess natural rights – the rights to life, liberty, and property • People form governments to protect their rights • If a government does not protect natural rights people have a right to overthrow the government • Later inspired American revolutionaries to write the Declaration of Independence
Jean Jacques Rousseau • A French philosopher in the 1700’s. • Wrote the book the Social Contract • Believed that people were naturally good but corrupted by society. • Saw the unequal distribution of property as an evil in society • Believed that government should be run for the good of the majority • If government did not support the majorities rights they had the right to do way with that government.
Montesquieu-1740’s • Baron de Montesquieu devoted his studies to political liberty. • He was an aristocrat and a lawyer. • He studied the history of ancient Rome. • With similar beliefs to Voltaire, they both believed that Britain was the best-governed country of their day. Separation of Powers • His beliefs for separation of government included - King and ministers held executive power- carried out laws of the state - The Members of the Parliament held legislative, or the lawmaking power. - Judges of the English court held the judicial power- interpreted laws and applied them to each case. • His ideas would later be called, “Checks and Balances” • Wrote the book, On the Spirit of Laws. This book stated that separation of powers would keep one branch from overpowering the others.
The Social Contract(1651) • During the scientific revolution the social contract was invented by Thomas Hobbs. • The idea behind the contract was that a ruler would have absolute power given to him by the people who were under exact control. • Hobbes invention of this theory was partially due to him seeing the horrors of the English Civil War and coming to the conclusion that all men were wicked and selfish. • Hobbes was a believer in Absolute Monarchy or a ruler’s complete unquestionable control over his/her people. Absolute monarchy Thomas Hobbes
Impact of the Enlightenment The Enlightenment sparked new political, social, artistic and scientific ideas. During the Enlightenment people learned to use reason and logic to solve their problems. New concepts of freedom and individual rights arose. Philosophers influenced history. For example, many of John Locke’s new political theories were used in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. People began to question established beliefs in government and social status
Enlightened Despot (1700) • In the 1700s, Paris was the cultural and intellectual capital of Europe. • Young people from around Europe-and also from the Americas-came to study, philosophize, and enjoy fine culture. • The brightest minds of the age gathered there. From their circles radiated the ideas of the Enlightenment. • …the Enlightenment spirit also swept through Europe’s royal courts. • Many philosophers believed that the best type of government was a monarchy in which the ruler respected the people’s rights. • The philosophers tried to convince monarchs to rule justly. • Some monarchs embraced the new ideas and made reforms that reflected the Enlightenment spirit. • They became known as Enlightened Despots. Despot means absolute ruler. • The enlightened depots supported the philosophers ideas. But they also had no intention of giving up any power. • The foremost of Europe's’ enlightened despots were Frederick II of Prussia, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine the Great of Russia.
Catherine The Great • Catherine the Great was also known as Catherine II and ruled Russia from 1762-1796. • She was well-educated and read the works of philosophers. • She ruled with absolute power, but took steps to modernize Russia. • In 1767 she proposed that the laws be reformed to follow Montesquieu and Beccaria. • She wanted to allow religious toleration and abolish torture and the death penalty, however these goals were not accomplished. • She granted limited reforms but did little to help the serfs, causing a revolt in 1773 which she had brutally put down. • She wanted to end serfdom, but she needed the support of the Nobles so stay in power, so serfdom stayed.
Louis 16th • Executed on January 21 1793 • Became King of France in 1774 and was the last Absolute Monarch of France • Borrowed money heavily to help American Revolutionaries • Bankers said no to lending the government money in 1786 this posed serious economic problem for Louis 16th • He tried to tax the third estate and this led to his downfall. • Was executed in 1793 during the reign of Terror
Estates General • Estates General is an assembly of representatives from all three estates • The First estate was made up of • Clergy men from the Roman Catholic church • They scorned enlightenment ideas • The Second estate • Made up of rich nobles • They held the highest offices in the government • They disagreed about enlightenment ideas • The Third estate • Made up of the bourgeoisie, urban lower class, and peasant farmers • They held no power in government • They also liked the enlightenment ideas
National Assembly • A French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people. • The National Assembly was mostly made up of the bourgeoisie whose views had been shaped by the Enlightenment, were eager to make changes in the government. • They insisted that all three estates meet together and that each delegate have a vote. This would give the advantage to the Third Estate, which had as many delegates as the other two estates combined. • On June 17, 1789, they voted to establish the National Assembly, in affect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government. • Three days later, the Third Estate found themselves locked out of their meeting room. They broke down the door to an indoor tennis court, pledging to stay until they drew up a new constitution. This was called the Tennis Court Oath. • King Louis tried to make peace by ordering the First and Second Estates to join the National Assembly.
Declaration of the Rights of Man • These were the basic layout for what man should and shouldn’t do. • The rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. • It was established in 1789 by the national assembly during the French Revolution. • The declaration of independence was used as its model. • It declares that it is the job of the government to protect the natural rights of man and guarantees equality among men. • States that anyone is free to practice any region of their choice without prosecution. • It promises to tax people only on how much they can afford.
Storming the Bastille Causes… • Loius tried to make peace with the Third Estates by yielding the National Assembly’s demands. • Loius ordered the nobles and clergy to join the National Assembly but the king stationed his army in Paris. • Rumors flew that the foreign troops were coming to massacre French citizens. July 14th 1789… • A mob tried to get gunpowder from the Bastille but the angry crowd overwhelmed the king’s soldiers and the Bastille fell into the control of the citizens. • Storming the Bastille was the symbol of the French Revolution. It is known as a national holiday in France.
MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE • MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE:was one of the people that lead the Reign of Terror . • A radical revolutionary Robespierre tried to keep the virtue of the revolution alive. • During the Reign of Terror tens and thousands of people were executed, and thousands more were put into prison. • After a year the people tried of Robespierre and he was executed , ending the Reign of Terror.
Committee of Public Safety • The leader of the Committee of Public Safety was Maximilien Robespierre. • He had to decide who should be considered enemies of the public. • They wanted to keep the true virtues of their revolution alive. • They executed thousands of people. • Used the slogan “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”
Reign of Terror (1793) • September 5, 1793 the Reign of Terror begins. • Robespierre slowly gained control and wanted to destroy Frances past monarchy and nobility. • Robespierre was a brutal man who beheaded anyone who opposed him including priests, kings, and rival leaders. • 18,000-40,000 people were killed during the reign of terror. • 1,300 people were executed in the month before this terror ended. • The “REING OF TERROR” was finally over on July 28th, 1794 as Maximilian Robespierre was beheaded.
Napoleonic Codes Definition: Napoleons comprehensive system of laws. These codes gave the country a uniform set of laws, although it eliminated many injustices. It limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. • The code took away women’s rights, for example the right to sell their property which had been earned during the revolution. • Also freedom of speech and press, which had also been won from the revolution, had been restricted because of the code. • With these new laws, slavery had been brought back to life in the French colonies of the Caribbean.
Continental System • Napoleons policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain’s economy. • The blockade however was not tight enough to stop trading. • Aided by the British, smugglers were able to bring cargo from Britain into Europe. • It weakened the British trade but it did not destroy it.
Napoleon’s War With Russia • Napoleon • Napoleon was upset at the Russia for trading with Britain. • When Russia refuses to stop then Napoleon declared war on Russia. • Napoleon invades Russia in June however by November cold weather had set in was Napoleon’s army was freezing to death. • The Russian also used a tactic of scorched-earth where they burned all the crops and killed the livestock so Napoleon’s army had no food. • Napoleon’s army is defeated by the cold weather and large size of Russia. • Napoleon enters Russia with 500,000 troops and leaves with about 20,000. • This defeat weakens Napoleon’s army and he is overthrown by Prussia and Great Britain and Napoleon is sent into exile.
Napoleon Spreads Nationalism • Napoleon spreads feelings of pride among French. • By taking over countries in Europe Napoleon inspires pride in the French people. • Napoleon also increased feelings of nationalism across Europe. • Napoleon also showed the nations he took over how to develop nationalism and a desire or common goal to drive the French out of their nations.
Napoleon Spreads the French Revolution (1812) • Napoleon • A French general who greatly expanded Frances boundaries during the Revolution. • The Spread Of The Revolution • Napoleons many conquests sparked nationalism and democracy ideas in various country’s. • Many country’s believed they could also be as successful as France was at gaining independence. • The revolution spread all throughout the world, as far as Latin America • The French Revolution inspired a brotherhood or Liberty, Equality and Fraternity among other nations of Europe and the World.
Toussaint L’Ouverture • Toussaint L’Ouverture was a former slave who was self educated and became familiar with the ideals of the Enlightenment • In 1789, he led the people of Haiti in a rebellion against their French rulers, and freed Haiti by 1798 • In 1802 Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to reestablish French control in Haiti • Toussaint L’Ouverture fought a guerilla war against the French • By 1804 Haiti gained it’s independence.
Jose de San Martin (1778 – 1850) • One of the main leaders of the Latin American independence movement. • He was a strategic genius who used his skills to help fight against Spanish Rule. • He is known as one of the principal liberators of South America. • He was a hero in South America but mostly in Argentina.
Simon Bolivar • A Creole educated in Europe. • Believed in the ideas of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. • Further inspired by the American Revolution • Vowed to drive the Spanish out of South America. • Called the “Liberator” • One of the greatest nationalist leaders of Latin American independence.
Hierarchy Triangle • Latin America • Latin American colonial society was separated into classes based on the origins and race of the people. • All the titles of the groups of people made up hierarchy Triangle which determined the place in the community of the people. • The Triangle • At the top were the Penninsulares, men who were born in Spain. They were the only men who could run in office of the government. They made up 0.1% of the population. • Below the Penninsulares were the Creoles, Spaniards born in Latin America. They couldn’t hold high-level in the political office. They had pretty much the same rights as the Penninsulares. They were about 22.8 % of the population. • Below the Creoles came the Mestizos, the people of European and Native American ancestry. • At the bottom were the Mulattos, people of both African and European descent.
Problems of Latin American independence • Regional differences • Geographic barriers • Border disputes • Regional rivalries for power • Cuadillos • People were illiterate • Ill repaired to create a representative democracy • Leaders had power over the military and became dictators\ • Economic and social inequality • Over throw or colonial rule • Ended mercantilism • Gap between rich and poor grew greater • Unequal social status • Conservatism of the church • Powerful force in Latin American society • Oppose liberal changes that benefit the majority
Nationalism Definition • The belief that people should be loyal to and have pride in their nation • Nationalism can be like a bomb blowing nations apart or a magnet pulling them together Common Bonds of Nationalism • Common language, culture, history, land
Congress of Vienna • After Napoleon leaders were looking to have long lasting peace and stability in Europe • Congress of Vienna called to set up new policies in Europe • Most of the Decisions made at Vienna were made by King Frederick William III of Prussia, Czar Alexander I of Russia, Emperor Francis I of Austria, Britain and France • The Containment of France • Congress made the weak countries surrounding France stronger • This allowed the countries to contain France and prevent it from overpowering weaker nations • Balance of Power • The Congress did not want to weaken France to much • The French were required to give up all land that Napoleon had taken, but besides that remained in tact • France still remained a strong country • Legitimacy • This policy restored as many rulers as possible that Napoleon had taken from their thrown be put back into power • Long-Term Legacy • The Congress left a legacy that would influence politics for the next 100 years
Balance of Power • Definition • distribution of political and economic power that provides any one nation from becoming too strong • The Congress of Vienna • 1815- leaders of Austria, Russia, England, and France met • wanted to devise a peace settlement and restore stability and order to Europe • A balance of power is what the leaders at the Congress of Vienna wanted after Napoleon’s defeat to avoid another instance of what happened with France (too powerful).
Russification • Promoted Russian history, language, and culture, sometimes forbidding the cultural practices of native peoples • Appointment of Russians to key posts in the government and secret police. • Redrawing the boundaries of many republics to ensure that non-Russians would not gain the majority. • Russification was making sure that the Russians stayed in control of Russia.