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The most interesting news about vitamin D for pharmacologists

The most interesting news about vitamin D for pharmacologists. London 17.09.20111 Author: Dr. Anna Dorothea Höck E-Mail: ad.hoeck@t-online.de. Old. New. Genomic (via gene expression )

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The most interesting news about vitamin D for pharmacologists

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  1. The most interesting news about vitamin D for pharmacologists London 17.09.20111 Author: Dr. Anna Dorothea Höck E-Mail: ad.hoeck@t-online.de

  2. Old New London 18.09.2011

  3. Genomic (via geneexpression) Pike JW, et al. EndocrinolMetabClin North Am 2010;39(2):255-69 Pan YZ, et al. Drug MetabDispos 2009;37(10):2112-7 KomagataS, et al. Mol Pharmcol 2009; 76(4):702-9 • Non-genomic (via cell-signaling) YuC, et al. Int J BiochemCellBiol 2011;43(1):41-6 Shin JS, et al. Zhao G, et al. Steroids 2010;75(8-9):555-9 Dixon KM, et al. J Steroid Mol Biol 2007;103(3-5):451-6 NEW: Non-genomicactionsseemtobenecessaryforgenomicactionsOrdonez-Moran, et al. Cellcycle 2009;8(11):1675-80 London 18.09.2011

  4. London 18.09.2011

  5. Theman TA, et al. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2009;10(3):289-301 London 18.09.2011

  6. Well known: New: Löffler G, Petrides PE, 8th edition, Springer, Germany London 18.09.2011

  7. London 18.09.2011

  8. London 18.09.2011

  9. London 18.09.2011

  10. London 18.09.2011

  11. The complexity of calcium metabolism Known And imaginable consequences ofcalcium deficiency London 18.09.2011

  12. Löffler G, Petrides PE, 8th edition, Springer, Germany London 18.09.2011

  13. London 18.09.2011

  14. London 18.09.2011

  15. Harrison‘sPrinciplesofMedicine. 17th edition. London 18.09.2011

  16. London 18.09.2011

  17. London 18.09.2011

  18. London 18.09.2011

  19. A possible link betweencalcium deficiency andinflammation Low calciumstores High calcium Stores • Boneresorptionishyperactive (a proinflammatory event). Fleet JC. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2006:6(4):336-7. • Strong innate immune system and regulated, modulated and mitigated adaptive immune system. Panda DK, et al. PNAS 2001;89:7498-7503.Peterlik M, et al. Eur J Clin Invest 2005;35(5):290-304. London 18.09.2011

  20. London 18.09.2011

  21. Cadherin superfamily London 18.09.2011

  22. Cadherin with Calcium and without London 18.09.2011

  23. Role of calcium in muscle Vortrag in Bergisch-Gladbach 10/2011

  24. Ca/Tropomyosin enables muscle contraction London 18.09.2011

  25. Role of calcium in nerve signaling Vortrag in Bergisch-Gladbach 10/2011

  26. London 18.09.2011

  27. London 18.09.2011

  28. The pleiotropic organ protection of vitamin D Immune system Redoxsystem Effects on mitochondria Effects on heartandkidney Effects on aminoacidsandpolyamines Effects on brain autoradiographicvitamin D targets London 18.09.2011

  29. Old New London 18.09.2011

  30. Effects of vitamin D on immune system enhancesinnate Immune System Regulates AND Modulates adaptive immune system London 18.09.2011

  31. London 18.09.2011

  32. London 18.09.2011

  33. London 18.09.2011

  34. London 18.09.2011

  35. London 18.09.2011

  36. London 18.09.2011

  37. Effects of vitamin D on redox-system Reduces oxidative stress Reducesreductive stress London 18.09.2011

  38. London 18.09.2011

  39. Effects of vitamin D on mitochondria Mitochondriaas A possiblemajor link betweenvitamin D deficiency andenergy deficiency (Fatigue)? London 18.09.2011

  40. London 18.09.2011

  41. Effects of vitamin D on amino acid and polyamine synthesis Most publicationsnowoutdated. A forgottenissue. London 18.09.2011

  42. London 18.09.2011

  43. London 18.09.2011

  44. London 18.09.2011

  45. London 18.09.2011

  46. Vitamin D and muscle function Vitamin D statusandmusclestrengthCorrelatepositively. However: furtherstudiesareneededandthemechanismsofaction must becomeclearer. London 18.09.2011

  47. London 18.09.2011

  48. London 18.09.2011

  49. „Vital cellfunctions: proliferation, differentiation, secretion. Strong autoradiographicbindingfound in: skinepidermis, hairfollicles, sebaceousandsweatglands, myoepthelialcells, certainbrainand spinal cordneurons, specificcells in anterior (esp. thyr0tropes) andposteriorpituitary, thymusreticularcells, adrenalmedullarycells, stomachglandisthmuscells, entero-endocrinecells, pyloricmusclecells, pancreasbetacells, heartatrialmyocytes, specialcells in salivaryglands, all population in femaleand male reproductiveorgans, liversinuslittoralcells, perhaps Ito cells. „Stumpf WE. Europ J Drug MetabPharmacokin 2007, 2008. www:walterstumpf.com VDRs not found in: „musclenucleiandfatcells, not atplasmamembranes, howeverfound in groundsubstanceofmucosa.“However: „such negative findings do not excludepossibleactionsundercertainconditions, whichpointtothemeritsoffurtherstudy.“ London 18.09.2011

  50. Löffler G, Petrides PE. 8th edition, Springer , Germany London 18.09.2011

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