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PET AND PET/CT IN ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE. Miguel Hernandez Pampaloni, M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Nuclear Medicine Assistant Professor of Radiology. Agenda. Myocardial perfusion imaging SPECT Perfusion PET Metabolic PET (Viability) Hybrid Imaging (PET/CT).
PET AND PET/CT IN ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE Miguel Hernandez Pampaloni, M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Nuclear Medicine Assistant Professor of Radiology
Agenda • Myocardial perfusion imaging SPECT Perfusion PET • Metabolic PET (Viability) • Hybrid Imaging (PET/CT)
Myocardial Perfusion ImagingSPECT • Indications • Detects presence/location/extent of myocardial ischemia in patients with R/O ACS. • Risk stratification after ACS. • Identify fixed defects, evaluate EF and viability. • CP with abnormal EKG’s. • Equivocal ETT. • Inability to exercise (pharmacological stress).
SPECT Radiotracers • Isotopes • Thallium-201 or Technetium-99m compounds. • Both assess LV function and ischemia • Isotopes taken up by viable myocardial cells in quantities proportional to perfusion. • Well perfused regions appear brighter.
Stress Protocols • Exercise • Pt walks on treadmill with increasing speed/incline. • Goal = increase myocardial oxygen demand (MVO2) • CAD: the increased demand exceeds supply = ischemia • Advantages: flexible protocols. • Disadvantages: pt must be able to achieve 85% of maximal HR. • Pharmacologic • dobutamine = increases HR, BP, contractility; mimics exercise. • Coronary vasodilators – dipyridamole and adenosine. • Flow mismatch; diseased dilated arteries get less flow • Sensitivities and specificities comparable to exercise stress.
SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging • Strengths • Extensively validated, useful for cost-effective risk stratification & patient management. • Widely available – outpatient settings. • Standardized protocols. • Excellent procedural and clinical utilization guidelines published by professional medical societies. • 27 accepted clinical indications.
Relationship between Extent of Ischemia and Cardiac Events 60 40 Cardiac Event Rate (%) 20 0 0 2 4 6 Reversible Defects (Number) Ladenheim Ml et al. J Am CollCardiol. 1986;7:464.
6 5 * Medical Rx 4 log Hazard Ratio 3 * Revasc 2 1 0 0 12.5% 25% 32.5% 50% % Total Myocardium Ischemic SPECT Magnitude of Jeopardized Myocardium *P < 0.001 Hachamovitch R et al. Circulation. 2003;107:2900-2907.
Why PET Perfusion? • Obesity and poor quality studies, SPECT. • Dosing • Attenuation correction • Image clarity. • Improved diagnostic accuracy, lower false positive. • Identification of multivessel ischemia. • Rapid acquisition: impaired patients. • Lower radiation burden.
Energy: 78-140 KeV Attenuation correction: sometimes Stress: exercise, pharmacologic Protocol, start to finish: 2–2/12 hours Ventricular function: post-stress, rest 511 KeV Attenuation correction: always Stress: pharmacologic, exercise in future (F-18) Protocol, start to finish:30–45 minutes Ventricular function: stress, rest SPECT vs PET Perfusion SPECT PET
Myocardial Perfusion PET in Patients with a Non-Diagnostic SPECT 2% (5 pts!!) Non-Diagnostic 233 consecutive pts with a nondiagnostic SPECT followed by MP PET <90 days Abnormal 25% Normal 73% 64% were women Mean BMI 32 Mean age 62 yrs Bateman. Circ 2003;108:IV-454.
Prevalence of Artifacts: PET vs SPECT Bateman TM et al. J NuclCardiol. 2006;13(1):24-33.
Perfusion PET Advantages • High spatial and temporal resolution. • Excellent sensitivity. • Accurate depth-independent attenuation correction. • High contrast resolution. • Quantitative imaging capabilities.
Myocardial Blood Flow and Radiotracer Uptake
Freedom From Any Cardiac Events Following Rb-82 Myocardial Perfusion PET Yoshinaga K et al. J Am CollCardiol. 2006;48:1029.
Characteristics of a Normal Myocardial Perfusion PET Study • Uniform distribution of tracer, independent of gender • LV cavity at peak stress equal to/smaller than at rest • Uniform and normal wall thickness and thickening • Uniform and normal regional wall motion • Peak stress LVEF > rest LVEF
Characteristics of an Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion PET Study • Decrease in regional tracer uptake at peak stress • LV cavity at peak stress larger than at rest • Frequent regional contraction abnormality (stunning) at peak stress • Peak stress LVEF < rest LVEF
Abnormal N-13 perfusion study 72 year old man with peripheral vascular disease. Coronary arteriography: •LAD: 60% ostial and 80% mid vessel stenoses •LCX: 90% proximal stenosis and occluded OM •RCA: 90% ostialstenosis
Multivessel Disease • Ischemia + Transient Dilatation
PET Perfusion/Metabolic Imaging Protocols 13N-ammonia 82Rb 13N-ammonia 82Rb 18F-FDG Transm. Rest Exercise Pharm. Stress Metabolic Imaging Dipyridamole Adenosine Dobutamine
Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Rest LAO Stress RAO
Arterial Tracer Input Function and Changes in Myocardial Tracer Concentration 5 4 3 Activity Concentration (cts / pixel / sec) Myocardium 2 1 Arterial Blood 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec)
Clinical Value Long Term Known MBF in Kawasaki Disease p = 0.01 500 400 300 Myocardial Blood Flow (ml/100g/min) 200 100 0 Rest Adenosine Rest Adenosine Control n = 10 Kawasaki n = 10 Muzik et al, J ACC Vol 28; 3:757-62, 1996
Clinical Value Long Term Known Therapy MBF Changes in Insulin Resistance RPP MBF P <0.05 P <0.05 NS SD Percent Increase Baseline On Treat Off Treat Baseline On Treat Off Treat Quinones et al, Ann Int Med 2004:140:700-708
Long Term Prognostic Value PET Perfusion Added Value of Coronary Flow Reserve Herzog et al. JACC 2009;54:150-156.
Clinical Role of Quantitative PET Conditions which cannot be evaluated by "relative" imaging modalities • Extent and significance of multivessel disease • Pharmacologic therapy and life style modifications • Detection of preclinical and early CAD • Microvascular disease (endothelial disfunction) • Evaluation of procedural outcome (PTCA) • Hemodynamic significance of CAD (coronary steal syndrome, collaterals) • Myocardial regeneration • Ventricular remodeling (the discussion of which would require two more hours) Limitations of quantitative PET • Unpredictable hyperemic response (what is "normal"?) • Computational demands
Why Is PET More Suitable to Follow Pro/Regression of CAD • Coronary blood flow is a function of the arterial radius raised to the fourth power • Small changes in diameter not measurable by anatomic imaging are magnified into much larger changes in blood flow that are readily quantifiable by PET • Changes in PET perfusion can be seen in 40–90 days after intense risk factor treatment is begun Gould KL. J Nucl Cardiol. 2005;12:625-638.
HO HO OH HO 18F Viability PET StudyChronic LVEF Dysfunction • Traditionally the gold standard • Two sets of resting images to detect viable and hibernating myocardium: • Perfusion image (usually with N-13 ammonia or rubidium-82) • Glucose metabolic image (with F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose = FDG) Cellular membrance integrity Glucose metabolism
FDG FDG FDG-6-P FDG FDG FDG FDG FDG FDG FFA FFA FDG FDG FFA FFA FDG FDG FFA FFA FDG FDG FFA FFA FDG FDG FFA FFA FFA FFA FFA FFA D-Glucose Myocyte FDG Uptake Normal MyocyteIschemic Myocyte Glucose 6-phosphatase Glucose 6-phosphatase X X FDG-6-P Glycolytic Pathway Glycolytic Pathway Hexokinase Hexokinase FFA G6P D-Glucose D-Glucose D-Glucose G6P Glucose 6-phosphatase Glucose 6-phosphatase
PET Myocardial Viability NH3 FDG Stress Rest Fixed Match Fixed Mismatch Partially Reversible Match Partially Reversible Mismatch
r=0.87, SEE=10.8 P<0.001 18% Extent mismatch (%LV) PET Viability Improved symptoms of CHF Improvement (%) Multivessel CAD Mean LVEF = 28±6% Di Carli M et al, Circulation 1995;92:3436-44.
80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 PET vsDobutamine Echo Improved Exercise Tolerance Delta METS (%) r=0.54 P=0.0001 r=0.005 P=0.92 PET viable (%) DE viable (%) Multivessel CAD, mean LVEF = 277%59% NYHA III or IV Marwick T et al: J Am CollCardiol 33:750, 1999
The Next Thing is…. Tracking of Genetically Labeled Progenitor Cells by PET Beeres, S. L.M.A. et al. J Am CollCardiol 2007;49:1137-1148
Hybrid PET/CTA: Myocardial Perfusion and Function Concurrent Rest & Peak Stress Function Coronary Calcium Assessment Cardiac Perfusion CTA
PET Endothelial dysfunction Severe ischemia SPECT Progression of Atherosclerosis CT Coronary angiography Adapted from Abrams J. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:2524-2533.
Why Now? • Availability of PET cameras: oncology • Availability of Radiopharmaceutical • Improvement in acquisition protocols • Improvement in cardiac processing • Ability to do ECG-gated imaging • Improvement in cardiac display
PET/CT scan protocol • Corrections: • scatter • attenuation Spiral CT (1-8 min total) Fused PET/CT CT PET CT PET Whole-body PET (6-40 min total) • Reconstruction: • FORE + OSEM CT PET
Calcium score: 890 SPECT Underestimates Disease Burden: Stable CAD
Why use PET/CTA ? • Non invasive. • Offer high diagnostic accuracy. • Monitor the course of disease. • Allow quantification of myocardial blood flow and coronary reserve. • Able to detect early functional abnormalities. • Able to monitor consequences of lifestyle modifications.
0:00 min 0:30 min Rest-Stress PET Rubidium-82 and CTA Protocol
Distribution of the normal MPS studies (N=1,119) Distribution of the ischemic MPS studies (N=76) CAC score 0 5% 22% 4 % 1-9 0 % 10-99 18 % 7 % 100-399 20 % 25 % 400-999 20 % 29 % 1000 11 % 39 % Relationship of Stress-Induced Ischemia and Atherosclerosis (CAC) Berman DS et al. J Am CollCardiol. 2004;44:923-930.
Prognosis of Cardiac Events by PET-CT Added Value of CAC Schenker, M. P. et al. Circulation 2008;117:1693-1700
Hybrid PET/CTA: Myocardial Perfusion and Function Kajander, S. et al. Circulation 2010;122:603-613
PET and CTA Complement Each Other • Calcium (blooming) • Stents • Limited spatial resolution, <1.5-mm vessels • Overestimation of stenosis • Positive predictive value MDCT ~50% • Clinical outcomes data • Preclinical disease Abnormal CT Angiography: Limited Positive Predictive Value