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Paddy Regan for the Stopped Beam Rising Collaboration Dept. of Physics, University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK p.regan@surrey.ac.uk. New Insights into Nuclear Structure at Extremes of Isospin usng the Stopped RISING Array at GSI. RISING R are I sotopic S pectroscopic
Paddy Regan for the Stopped Beam Rising Collaboration Dept. of Physics, University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK p.regan@surrey.ac.uk New Insights into Nuclear Structure at Extremes of Isospin usng the Stopped RISING Array at GSI
RISING Rare Isotopic Spectroscopic INvestigations @ GSI = 15 x Cluster germaniums for (the most) exotic gamma-ray spectroscopy
Physics aims of the RISING stopped beam campaign 204Pt, N=126 ~190W, Terra Incognita 82Nb,86Tc 130Cd, N=82 54Ni 106Zr
Stopped RISING Physics Aims • Study the evolution of single-particle / shell structure (shell melting ?) as a function of N:Z ratio. • 56Ni (N=28 ; Z=28) Emma Johannson Mon. 7.50pm • 100Sn (N=50: Z=50) • 132Sn (N=82 : Z=50) Juergen Gerl, Tues. 11.30am • 208Pb (N=126 : Z=82) Steve Steer, poster • Spin input in fragmentation. Stephane Pietri, poster • High(est) spins in projectile fragmentation Juergen Gerl, Tues. 11.30am • Study the structure of nuclei with the most exotic proton-to-neutron ratios: • Proton drip-line N=Z Adam Garnsworthy, poster • (Very) neutron-rich, Jurgen Gerl, Tues. 11.30am • Nuclear ‘symmetries’ and relevance of quantum numbers: • Isospin, T (N:Z ratio) • Nuclear Deformation,b2 (p-n interactions) • Angular Momentum Projection, K (axial symmetry) • Critical Point Symmetries e.g., X(5)
Accelerator facility at GSI The Accelerators: • UNILAC(injector) E=11.4 MeV/n • SIS 18Tmcorr. U 1 GeV/n Beam Currents: 238U - 108 pps some medium mass nuclei- 109 pps (A~130) FRS provides secondary radioactive ion beams: • fragmentation or fission of primary beams • high secondary beam energies: 100 – 700 MeV/u • fully stripped ions
Ion-by-ion identification with the FRS TOF E Cocktail of secondary, exotic fragments with ~ x00 MeV/u thru. FRS. Separate and identify event-by-event. Chemically independent.
Stopped RISING Array @ GSI: 15 x 7 element CLUSTERs Photopeak efficiency >10% at 1.3 MeV. XIA-DGF electronics
40 detection efficiency 30 DGF TDC 20 Absolute efficiency [%] 10 MSU GSI 0 0 200 600 1000 1400 -energy [keV] The RISING -ray spectrometer 15 EUROBALL Cluster (105 Ge crystals) digital signal processing via 30 XIA DGF modules S. Pietri et al., in press NIM B + poster very high -ray efficiency high granularity (prompt flash problem) Best-spectrometer ever used in isomer spectroscopy !
High granularity of RISING reduces ‘prompt flash’ problems….~ 7/105… DGF timing of flash, comparable to former ‘analog’ timing. S. Pietri et al., in press NIM B (2007)
(pg9/2)-2,4I=14+ (ng9/2)-2,4I=14+ Ip=12+ isomer N. Marginean et al., PRC67 (2003) 061301 (pg9/2)-2I=8+ + (ng9/2)-2I=8+ + S. Pietri et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. B. in press. (2007)
Physics aims of the RISING stopped beam campaign 204Pt ~190W, Terra Incognita 130Cd 82Nb,86Tc 54Ni 106Zr
S. Pietri et al., RISING data 107Ag beam
T=0, 1 Competition in Deformed N=Z odd-odd Nuclei • Use projectile fragmentation to populate exotic N=Z=41,43 nuclei 82Nb , 86Tc. • Measure gammas from isomeric decays. • Construct (partial) decay schemes • Look for energy competition between T=1 (Ip=0+) and T=0 (Ip=1+ ?) lowest states.
Neutron-Proton Pairing T=1 and T=0 Residual Interactions Ground state angular momentum can be 0+, Jmin or Jmax Structure of Odd-Odd N=Z Nuclei Even-even core plus one valence proton and one valence neutron in equivalent orbits
T=1: Ip=0+ New Data point T=0 : Ip=1+or (2j)+ E (T=0 – T=1) (keV) ?
82Nb 86Tc T1/2= 133(20) ns T1/2= 1.59(20) s A.B. Garnsworthy, submitted to PRL
Level structure of 82Nb and 86Tc compared to their TZ=+1 isobars T=1 T=1 (T=0) T=1 T=1 (T=0) 82Zr 82Nb 86Mo 86Tc A. Garnsworthy et al., submitted to PRL
* 128 keV M1 in 82Nb gives fn=18. First Isospin changing K isomer? *Note, E2 conversion for 128 keV would give unphysical IR~200%.
Mapping isospin symmetry across the fpg shell.
Physics aims of the RISING stopped beam campaign 204Pt 130Cd 82Nb,86Tc 54Ni 106Zr
Active Stopper RISING • Isomer spectroscopy requires isomers! • Would like to be able to do beta-delayed spectroscopy on (neutron-rich) fragments. • Problem….implanting ~10 GeV energy followed by ~200 keV in same pixel. • Solution? ‘Logarithmic’ pre-amps.
5 cm x 5 cm DSSSD (16 strips by 16 strips = 256 pixels) 3 positions across focal plane, room for 2 detectors deep.
190W isomer decay from 208Pb beam (poster by G. Farrelly).
207 keV 2+ → 0+ On-line beta-delayed gated 190Ta ions….. Transitions fed in daughter 190W nucleus by beta decay. First time we see same nucleus via both isomer decay AND beta-decay. N. Al-Khomashi, PhD thesis
190W 188W 192W P.D. Stevenson et al., Phys. Rev. C72(2005) 047303
192Ta 190Ta 188Ta 198Ir 202Ir 203Au 205Au 194Re
Summary of Stopped RISING to Date • 2006 passive stopper (isomer) experiments • N~Z isomers, isospin symmetry/pairing studies around 56Ni (Rudolph) and highly deformed A~80 N=Z (PHR). • N~126 seniority isomers (204Pt) (Podolyak) • Neutron-rich ~ 132Sn nuclei with 136Xe fragmentation (Jungclaus) and 238U projectile fission (Gorska,Pfutzner) • A~110 fission fragment isomers (Bruce) • ‘Active Stopper’ campaign I (March 2007) • N=126, 205Au M4 (Z=82 holes) electron conversion • Beta-delayed spectroscopy, 188,190,192Ta → 188,190,192W • ‘Active Stopper’ campaign II (July 2007) • N=126 part II (J. Benlliure et al.,) • A~50/60 N=Z decays (Gadea, Rubio, Gelletly & Fujita)
First Results from the Stopped RISING Campaign at GSI: • The Mapping of Isomeric Decays in Highly Exotic Nuclei P.H.Regan1, A.B.Garnsworthy1,2, S.J.Steer1, S.Pietri1, Zs.Podolyák1, D.Rudolph3, M.Górska4, L.Caceres4,5, E.Werner-Malento4,6, J.Gerl4, H.J.Wollersheim4, F.Becker4, P.Bednarczyk4, P.D.Doornenbal4, H.Geissel4, H. Grawe4, J.Grębosz4,7, R.Hoischen3, A.Kelic4, I.Kojouharov4, N.Kurz4, F.Montes4, W.Prokopowicz4, T.Saito4, H.Schaffner4, S.Tashenov4, A.Heinz2, M.Pfützner6, T.Kurtukian-Nieto8, G.Benzoni9, M.Hellström2, A.Jungclaus5, L.-L.Andersson3, L.Atanasova10, D.L.Balabanski11, M.A.Bentley12, B.Blank13, A.Blazhev14, C.Brandau1,4, J.Brown12, A.M.Bruce15, F.Camera9, W.N.Catford1, I.J.Cullen1, Zs.Dombradi16, E.Estevez8, C.Fahlander3, W.Gelletly1, G.Ilie14, E.K.Johansson3, J.Jolie14, G.A.Jones1, M.Kmiecik7, F.G.Kondev17, S. Lalkovski10,15, Z.Liu1, A.Maj7, S.Myalski7, S.Schwertel18, T.Shizuma1,19, A.J.Simons1, P.M.Walker1, O. Wieland9 1Dept. of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK 2WNSL, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8124, USA 3Department of Physics, Lund University, S-22100 Lund, Sweden 4GSI, Planckstrasse 1, D-64291, Darmstadt, Germany 5Departamento de Fisica Teórica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, E-28049, Madrid, Spain 6IEP Warsaw University, Hoźa 69, PL-00-681 7The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of NuclearPhysics, PL-31-342, Kraków, Poland 8Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, E-15706, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 9INFN, Universitá degli Studi di Milano, I-20133, Milano, Italy 10Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, BG-1164, Bulgaria & The Institute for Nuclear Research, Bulgarian Academy of Science, BG-1784, Sofia, Bulgaria 11Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit ´a di Camerino, I-62032, Italy 12Dept. of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York, Y01 5DD, UK 13CENBG, le Haut Vigneau, Bordeaux, F-33175, Gradignan Cedex, France 14IKP, Universit¨at zu Köln, D-50937, Köln, Germany 15School of Engineering, University of Brighton, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, UK 16Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen, H-4001, Hungary 17Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne IL-60439, USA 18Physik Department E12, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany 19Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Kyoto, 619-0215, Japan
Workshop on RISING Physics Madrid 6-8 November 2006
Shell structure south of 208Pb Spokesperson: Zsolt Podolyak, Surrey cold fragmentation of 208Pb@1 GeV/u 204Pt See Jeff Tostevin for related reaction theory 202Os main aim: spectroscopy of N=126 isotones 206Hg, 204Pt and 202Os
Steer, Podolyak et al., to be submitted to PRL
204Pt populated via 4-proton-knockout from 208Pb long isomer: T1/2=8.41(16) s short isomer: T1/2=152(16) ns
204Pt Z=78 Z. Podolyak, S. Steer et al., PRL, in preparation h11/2-2 152(16) ns d5/2-1h11/2-1 d3/2-1h11/2-1 ? s1/2-1h11/2-1 8.41(16) s d3/2-1d5/2-1 s1/2-1d3/2-1 SM B. Fornal et al. PRL 87 (2001)212501 Results require modification of SPE and/or interactions ! N=126 isotones: (h11/2)-2,4 I=10+ isomers 206Hg Z=80 92(8) ns 2.15(21) s SM
205Au126 electron conversion!! h11/2 → d3/2M4 transition (half-life a few seconds…..) New single particle (hole) information around 208Pb core. K L