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Designer Nuclei and Nuclear Structure at the Extremes: Exploring the Cosmos and Advancing Science

This conference aims to explore the latest advancements in producing designer nuclei and their impact on understanding nuclear structure and its applications in various fields including astrophysics, materials science, energy, and medicine. The conference will also discuss the connection between fundamental laws of nature, the physical universe, and society. With the use of cutting-edge technology and computational power, the study of rare isotopes promises exciting and transformative science.

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Designer Nuclei and Nuclear Structure at the Extremes: Exploring the Cosmos and Advancing Science

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  1. Nuclear Structure at the Extremes Carnegie 2008 Conference University of the West of Scotland (Paisley Campus) Thursday 8th – Saturday 10th May 2008 Concluding Remarks Witold Nazarewicz

  2. Quark matter Nucleonic matter

  3. Some nuclei are more important than others - + - + - + tests of fundamental laws of nature nuclear structure + - + - 45Fe 149Tb astrophysics applications 18F,22Na 225Ra Over the last decade, tremendous progress has been made in techniques to produce designer nuclei, rare atomic nuclei with characteristics adjusted to specific research needs

  4. Designer Nuclei in Nuclear Landscape superheavy nuclei 225Ra 62Ga 78Ni 134Sn 11Li 283112 45Fe 68Se 101Sn 149Tb 82 126 protons terra incognita 50 82 stable nuclei 28 • How do protons and neutrons make stable nuclei and rare isotopes? • What are properties of neutron matter? • What are the heaviest nuclei that can exist? • What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei? 20 50 8 28 known nuclei 2 20 8 2 neutrons

  5. X-ray burst 4U1728-34 331 Frequency (Hz) 330 329 328 327 10 15 20 Time (s) How does the physics of nuclei impact the physical universe? • What is the origin of elements heavier than iron? • How do stars burn and explode? • What is the nucleonic structure of neutron stars? p process s-process r process rp process Nova Neutron star Crust processes stellar burning protons neutrons

  6. Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities Timeline 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 In Flight ISOL Fission+Gas Stopping Beam on target HIE-ISOLDE ISOLDE ISAC-II ISAC-I SPIRAL2 SPIRAL FAIR SIS RIBF RARF NSCL HRIBF CARIBU@ATLAS FRIB

  7. Roadmap for Theory of Nuclei ...provides the guidance Overarching goal: To arrive at a comprehensive microscopic description of all nuclei and low-energy reactions from the the basic interactions between the constituent nucleons

  8. Theory Connections to computational science 1Teraflop=1012 flops 1peta=1015 flops (next 2-3 years) 1exa=1018 flops (next 10 years) http://www.top500.org/ challenge: utilize leadership class computers

  9. Connections and Relevance

  10. Connections to quantum many-body systems Complex Systems • Understanding the transition from microscopic to mesoscopic to macroscopic • In-medium interaction • Symmetry breaking and emergent phenomena • Quantum chaos • Loosely bound and open systems • Quantum Phase Transitions • Dynamical symmetries • Collective dynamics

  11. Applications of Rare Isotopes How can our knowledge of nuclei and our ability to produce them benefit the humankind? • Stockpile stewardship and inertial fusion • Modeling the diverse reaction pathways driven by both neutrons and charged particles spanning an energy spectrum from about 0.1 to 16 MeV (analogous to the r-process) • Materials science • Rare-isotopes have broad applications in condensed matter and materials science as low density, very high signal to noise in situ detectors of local atomic environments. -NMR is an excellent example • Energy, transmutation of waste… • Can we use fast neutron reactors and accelerators for the mitigation of long-lived radioactive waste? • Can we design an economically competitive, energy efficient, reduced-waste nuclear reactor? • Medical and biological research • Applications of radionuclides

  12. Outlook The study of rare isotopes makes the connection between the fundamental building block of matter, complex systems, and the cosmos • Exciting and transformational science; old paradigms revisited • Interdisciplinary science • Science relevant to society Over the last decade, tremendous progress has been made in techniques to produce designer nuclei, rare atomic nuclei with characteristics adjusted to specific research needs. Guided by unique data on short-lived nuclei, we are embarking on a comprehensive study of all nuclei based on the most accurate knowledge of nuclear interactions, the most reliable theoretical approaches, and the massive use of the computer power available at this moment in time. The prospects are excellent. Thank You All For Coming!

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