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Activities on ITS cooperative systems in Japan. Takeshi YAMAMOTO. Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15. Highlight of Current Activities. Feasibility tests
Activities on ITS cooperative systems in Japan Takeshi YAMAMOTO Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Highlight of Current Activities • Feasibility tests • Evaluation on propagation characteristics and packet delivery performance on various public road, V2V and V2I integration functionality and Inter-system interference. • Standardization • Feasibility test guideline; “ITS Forum RC-006” has been developed in ITS Info-Communications Forum. • ARIB standard development has started, based on RC-006 and feedback from feasibility tests. • International Harmonization • In ITU-R, Japan proposed to develop a technical report on “advanced ITS radiocommunications ”. • In AWF, TG-ITS has been established, based on proposal by Japan.
Strategic Direction • Contribute to reduction of the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries by deploying Cooperative Safe Driving Support Systems using Vehicle-to-Vehicle(V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure(V2I) communications • Effective utilization of radio frequency for ITS in 700MHz band, available from July 2012 • Standardization will be based on “Feasibility test guideline” and feedback from the feasibility tests. • Observation:Further feasibility tests will be effective for acceleration of system development and the standardization.
Challenges • Technical challenges • Integration of V2V and V2I communications in a 10MHz channel • Inter-system interference • Shadowing and Hidden node problem • Accuracy of position information • Information security • Operational challenges • Establishment of a framework of operation and management • Management of the reliability and the quality of services
Next Steps/Actions • Further feasibility tests • Security, Inter-operability and other items are supposed to be evaluated. • Standardization in ARIB • The new ARIB standard will be based on “ITS Forum RC-006” with feedback from feasibility tests. • ARIB STD draft0.1 (2010-06,by ITS Info-communications Forum) • ARIB STD-Txxx ver1.0 (2011-06) • International harmonization • Activities in ITU-R SG5 WP5A, AWF TG-ITS and GSC ITS TF will be done for international harmonization.
Effects of Safe Driving Support Systems 80% of traffic accidents occur at intersections or locations with poor visibility. 70% of traffic accidents are caused by failure to recognize a hazard in time. [ Types of traffic accidents] [ Types of human error] Collisions with pedestrians Errors in operation 9% Other Collisions with cross traffic at intersections Errors in judgment 26% Rear-end collisions 32% 70% 14% Failure to recognize a hazard in time Right-turn or left-turn collisions Safe driving support systems utilize radio systems to effectively supply information on hazards that may not be visible to the driver.
90~108MHz (1~3ch) 470~770MHz (13~62ch) 170~222MHz (4~12ch) Analog and Digital TV Analog TV Analog TV Digital TV(13~52ch) Spectrum Use After “Digital Dividend” Current Spectrum Allocation After digitization Future Spectrum Allocation 108 170 222 710 770 90 New Spectrum Use Spectrum Allocation Plan (December, 2007) 10MHz 90~108MHz 170~222MHz 710~770MHz 205 730 715 725 222 108 90 170 770 Gardband (-5MHz) ITS Self-ownedcommunications (to preserve security and safety) Broadcasting (multi-media mobile broadcasting etc.) Telecommunications (cellular phones etc.) Available from July, 2012 8
Feasibility test guideline for Safe Driving Support Systems in 700MHzBand “ITS FORUM RC-006” Radio frequency: 720MHz(Single channel) Type of transmission: Broadcast MAC: CSMA/CA Modulation: BPSK OFDM/QPSK OFDM/16QAM OFDM Number of subcarriers:52 Maximum transmission power: 10mW/MHz Occupied bandwidth: Less than 9MHz 9
Draft System Architecture • The red dashed line indicates the scope of the new ARIB standard for advanced ITS radiocommunications in Japan. APP1 APP2 APP3 APP4 Security Management System Management L7:Application Layer IP extension (TCP/IP UDP/IP) SEC _SAP SEC _SAP SME _SAP SME _SAP SEC _SAP IVRI_SAP IVC-RVC Management Entity (IVRLME) IVC-RVC Integrated Access Control Information LLC_SAP LLC_SAP IVRLME _SAP LLCSub Layer MAC_SAP MLME Extension MACSub Layer MLMEX _SAP IVC-RVC Integrated Access Control MAC Sub-layer Management Entity (MLME) MLME _SAP PHY_SAP PHY Sub-layer Management Entity (PLME) PHY PLME _SAP
ITS Radiocommunication Standardization in Japan ISO TC204 ITU-R APT: Asia-Pacific Telecommunity APT Information and MIC: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ITS National Telecommunications Committee Technology Council (JSAE) (MIC) ARIB (Association of ITS Standards (DSRC, V2V, V2I etc.) Radio Industries ITS Standards (DSRC, V2V, V2I etc.) and Businesses) Technical Committee ITS Info-communications Forum