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French atomic energy commission

The atom, from research to industry. French atomic energy commission. Defence & Security. Energy. Technologies for information and health . French atomic energy commission. 1945 : CEA foundation. Atom and its applications for France : defence, energy, research, industry.

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French atomic energy commission

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  1. The atom, from research to industry French atomic energy commission Defence & Security Energy Technologies for information and health CEA at a glance

  2. French atomic energy commission 1945 : CEA foundation Atom and its applications for France : defence, energy, research, industry Today : from research to industry Reference institution at worldwide level for nuclear energy Based on its nuclear activity, developments inducing new activities and employments Guarantee a perennial nuclear deterrence without nuclear tests … Tomorrow Reference institution at worldwide level for nuclear energy One of the leading European bodies for technological research CEA at a glance

  3. Third party receipts CEA main figures (year 2005) CEA at a glance

  4. CEA : Organization High Commissioner for Atomic Energy Bernard Bigot General Management Alain Bugat Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Pierre Le Roux Deputy CEO National Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Techniques 4 Operational Divisions 4 Functional Divisions Fundamental Research Defence Nuclear Technological Research Risk Control Strategy and External Relations Information and systems management Human Resources and Training Physical Sciences Life Sciences CEA at a glance

  5. Materials Le-Ripault, Valduc CEA : local actor with the French Regions Nuclear sciences, software technologies, high performance computing, biomedicine Fontenay aux Roses Saclay Bruyères le Châtel Le-Ripault Valduc Micro/Nanotechnology Nanobiotechnology Grenoble Cesta Lasers and plasmas Valrho Nuclear : Nuclear fuel cycle, waste management Valrho Fusion, fission Cadarache Cadarache CEA at a glance

  6. Budget : 1.9 G€, including 0.8 G€ from governmental funding CEA main figures – Civil Activity 10,528 employees 1003 ongoing PhD theses 316 post-doctoral researchers 311 priority patents filed 1180 priority patents issued 614 active priority patents 351 active licensing agreements 93 high-tech spin-offs from CEA since 1984 Main shareholder (79%) of AREVA group 59,000 employees and 10 G€ sales (all data for year 2005) CEA at a glance

  7. Energy Research on nuclear energy • - Future nuclear systems • Optimisation of current industrial equipment • Nuclear waste optimization & management New Technologies for energy - Hydrogen, Fuel Cells - Photovoltaic energy, storage and rationalisation - Materials Basic energy research - Controlled nuclear fusion - Climatic and environmental sciences - Chemical and material - radiation interactions - Material sciences Radiobiology - nuclear toxicology - Radiobiology – radio-pathology - Nuclear toxicology CEA at a glance

  8. Technologies for Information and Health Micro and nano-technologies - Microelectronics - Microsystems - Systems for biology and health - Telecommunications and communicating objects - Technological application and distribution Software technologies - On-board and interactive systems - Signal sensors and processors Basic research for industrial innovation - Nanophysics and molecular engineering - Material sciences (from nano to macro) - Cryotechnologies Nuclear technologies for health and biotechnologies - Biomolecular tagging, structural biology, protein engineering - Operational imaging of living systems CEA at a glance

  9. French Energy Policy On July 13, 2005, a new French energy orientation law was adopted by the Parliament and fixed 4 priorities: • Improving energy control efforts in order to reduce energy intensity by 2% per year until 2015 and by 2.5% out to 2030 (to divide CO2 emissions by four to 2050). • Confirming the nuclear option with the launch of the EPR to ensure France to maintain in the future its nuclear energy production. • Developing renewable energies such as wind energy and biofuels (from 15% to 21% by 2010). • Reinforce research into new energy technologies (hydrogen, fuel-cells, biomass…). CEA at a glance

  10. Wished evolution of energy sources in France Tomorrow An energy mix Today Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels NTE/Ren H2 Nuclear power Ren Nuclear power New Energies and H2, to complement nuclear power, in place of fossil fuels CEA at a glance

  11. Research on Nuclear Waste Management • End of 2005  research results from “1991 Law” were produced June 28, 2006  a new Law for management of radioactive materials and waste was adopted by the Parliament: • - New Research program • - 2015 : Construction of a Repository • Reduction of the radiotoxicity : partitioning and transmutation of the most radiotoxic long-lived elements • Two main programmes concern partitioning: • PURETEX => Plutonium, Uranium • ACTINEX => Americium, Curium • Transmutation of minor actinides • Scientific feasibility obtained in both PWR and FBR • Ongoing studies aim to demonstrate the technical feasibility (materials, design and irradiation of targets using the Phenix reactor and the Atalante facility) • Future studies: scenarios involving various kinds of reactors (EPR, GenIV) • Conditioning and Long term interim storage • Characterization, processing and conditioning processes (reduction of waste volume, development of qualified processes : cementation, bituminization, vitrification) • Development and qualification of canisters for interim storage and disposal of medium and high-activity long-lived waste and spent fuel • Development of long term interim storage concepts CEA at a glance

  12. Enhancing the current industrial equipment CEA is conducting short and medium-term research on the existing facilities, at the request of industrial partners. • Support and optimize nuclear industry • Increase competitiveness of nuclear power generated electricity: • Extend life time of reactors and major components, increase flexibility and plant availability, improve fuel performance • Improve Nuclear Power Plants safety: • Severe and basic accidents, periodic safety review • Optimize Spent fuel Reprocessing Technology: • Reprocess higher burn-up UOX fuels and other types of fuels, lower the costs and the environmental impact • Set up experimental facilities for tomorrow and develop simulation tools • Development of the future generation of simulation tools • From the microscopic behavior to the technological model (materials and mechanics, neutronics, fuel, thermal hydraulics) • Updating nuclear experimental facilities • Research reactors (Osiris, Orphee, …) and Hot labs (Atalante, LECI, LECA-Star..) • Design and construction of the Jules Horowitz Reactor CEA at a glance

  13. GEN IV I.F. E.U. Future Nuclear Systems - GEN-IV Agreement signed by France, USA, UK, Japan and Canada on February 28, 2005 - Strategy approved by the Ministries of Research and Industry • Development of Fast Reactors for sustainable nuclear with a closed fuel cycle along 2 tracks: • Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) • Gas Fast Reactor (GFR) • New processes for spent fuel treatment and recycling / Waste management • …« I have decided to launch, starting today, the design work by CEA of a prototype of the 4th generation reactor, which will be commissioned in 2020 »… J. CHIRAC – January 2006 • Nuclear hydrogen production and VHT process heat supply to the industry • Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) • Hydrogen production • Innovations for LWRs (Fuel, Systems…) CEA at a glance

  14. New Technologies for Energy • Research targets: low greenhouse gas emissions for transports and housing. • Hydrogen and fuel cellstechnologies • Hydrogen production with a nuclear power plant studies • High pressure hydrogen storage • PEMC, SOFC and micro fuel cells • Innovative process for biofuel production • Solar cells technology • Silicon and polymer cells • Solar modules and systems • Biomass • Energy storage and efficiency • Nanomaterials for energy • Platforms • Sushypro (Cadarache) for H2 production • Paclab (Grenoble) for fuel cells • Ines (Chambery) for solar energy CEA at a glance

  15. Highlights GENEPAC Fuel-Cell 80 kW developed by CEA/PSA (Jan 2006) CEA participates to 14 of 66 French Competitiveness Clusters (July 2005) CEA is in charge of the design work of a prototype of the generation-4 reactor for 2020 (January 2006) Creation of INES National Institute for Solar Energy Chambery (July 2006) Opening of Minatec Centre in micro-nanotechnologies Grenoble (June 2006) + ITER in Cadarache CEA at a glance

  16. An ambition Contribute to the excellence of Europe in Energy, information and health technologies N° 1 for Nuclear Energy A role Player at the local level with an European dimension : Platforms of excellence (Minatec, Nuclear Fission...) Delegate for the French Government (EURATOM) Amongst the leaders for - Nanotechnologies - Controlled fusion (Iter) - Radiobiology A potential Open to partnerships Results in 6th Framework Program Large Scale Facilities open to European scientific community - Number of « news instruments » projects under CEA coordination - CEA involved in more than 100 projects CEA in the European Research Area A strategy Collaboration with R&D recognised organizations & support to new EU member states CEA at a glance

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