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Self-assessment and national position overview of nuclear infrastructure in Bangladesh, including regulatory framework, funding, and legislative compliance, presented at an IAEA workshop in 2008.
RNPP, BAEC IAEA’s Technical Meeting/Workshop on Evaluation Methodology for Nuclear Power Infrastructure DevelopmentIAEA HQ, Vienna, 10 - 12 December, 2008 S. I. Bhuiyan Chairman Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
RNPP, BAEC CONTENTS • Self-assessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh by BGD • Revision of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission focused on the evaluation for Milestone 1 • Identified gaps by the Agency Mission and Recommendations • Lessons learnt through self-assessment process and Bangladesh position • Conclusion
RNPP, BAEC Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh NATIONAL POSITION NEPIO:BAEC the Presidential Order 15 of 1973 formed BAEC with the responsibilities to implement NPP for electricity generation BAEC/NPAB Bangladesh Nuclear Power Action Plan (BANPAP), 2000 establishes the institutional framework for NPP. BANPAP provides for a NNPC headed by the Head of Government composed by different Ministers and Secretaries of relevant Ministries and also creates a NPAB. This NPAB should then become the nuclear power operating organization (Licensee). Until such framework is formed BAEC will be the owner/operating organization (NEPIO) BAEC Cabinet Committee on Rooppur Nuclear Power Project that linkages BAEA with different Ministers, relevant organizations/bodies
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh • NATIONAL POSITION AND MANAGEMENT • Energy Policy • National Energy Policy, 1996 and Revised Energy Policy, 2008 identified the five fuels regime namely natural gas, coal, energy efficiency, renewable resources and nuclear energy • Government supporting project: 2008 - 2011 • Accomplishment of necessary activities for implementation of 1000 MW Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant: necessary activities to be carried out for starting construction by 2011 • Implementation of two units of RNPP by 2020 • RNPP must have adequate reference plant
RNPP, BAEC Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh • FUNDING AND FINANCING • Infrastructure Development of RNPP • Government is funding for the infrastructure development Implementation of RNPP • It is expected that about 30% of the total cost for RNPP would be in local currency that can be arranged from GoB fund • Foreign currency requirement could be arranged through bilateral arrangements and arrangements on cooperation with technology supplier’s sources and supplier’s credit
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh REGULATORY INFRASTRUCTURE AND NUCLEAR SAFETY • BAEC is responsible to regulate use of atomic energy, radiological practices, nuclear safety, and relevant activities • Regulatory basis and present status • The NSRC Act, 1993 and NSRC Rules, 1997 conferred all necessary powers to BAEC to regulate uses of atomic energy, radiation practices and the management of radioactive wastes • The NSRC Rules generally fulfill the requirements of the IAEA Basic Safety Standards (IAEA BSS No. 115, 1996 ) • Nuclear Safety & Radiation Control Division of BAEC is working as the regulatory body under BAEC
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh • BAEC is issuing the license for procuring, producing, owning, handling, using, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, trading, destroying in radioactive materials, nuclear materials and radiation generating equipment instrument, installing, possessing or operating any such equipment • A licensee shall comply with safety requirement, applicable codes and standards at different stages of license: sitting, temporary operation or start up and full operation according to safety requirement in pursuant to Rule 17 • The education and training for the human resource involved in the licensed practice is addressed in the rule 19.5 of NSRC Rules, 1997 and is being followed by BAEC • BAEC is participating in the INES and Illicit Trafficking Database
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh • LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AND SAFEGUARD • International legal instruments • Bangladesh is committed to use atomic energy solely for peaceful purposes;and the country signed the following different international agreements, protocols, etc: • NPT and additional protocols about application of Safeguards and the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA • Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) • Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities • Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident • Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (signed by Bangladesh on 07/02/1988)
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh • National legal instruments • NSRC Act, 1993 and NSRC Rules, 1997 • Draft of a new Act “Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority-08” • Bangladesh has excellent record in sending the SSAC report regularly to IAEA HQ • The proposed new Act has strengthened the Clauses on Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Liability & Coverage and Non-proliferation & Physical Protection • BAEC has created a separate Division, “Nuclear Safeguard and Security Division”
RNPP, BAEC Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh ELECTRICAL GRID • Existing grid capacity is about 8500 MW and it has present growth rate of about 15% • Existing Sub-stations: 230x132KV, 132x33KV and 33/11KV(230/132 KV Sub-stations 6,500 MVA; No of S/S: 14) • Existing Transmission Lines: 230KV, 132KV & 33KV(230 kV & 132 kV Lines, Length 8,000 Km) RNPP is located almost in the center of the western zone and is just about 5 km from Ishurdi sub-station (230/132 KV; 132x33KV);RNPP will feed into the Ishwardi Sub-station. Transmission lines around RNPP Site are: 230 KV and 132 KV
RNPP, BAEC Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh HRD • Core manpower required during the implementation phase is available within BAEC • Manpower for O & M and a team on design aspects has been planned as part of overall contract with the main supplier • A batch of the professionals shall be deputed for obtaining on-the-job training at the supplier’s facilities to participate in design aspects • Efforts will be made to arrange in-house training courses for the professionals through TC, IAEA and through RCA, FNCA, etc. • A Training Institute of Advanced Studies in Nuclear Science and Technology is under construction and expected to be operational by summer 2009
RNPP, BAEC Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh SITE AND SUPPORTING FACILITIES AND OTHER ISSUES • RNPP was selected based on international standards and feasibility studies were conducted several times • The site Safety Report of the selected site was completed with the help of IAEA mission+ • BAEC is upgrading Site Safety Report
Self-aassessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh SITE AND SUPPORTING FACILITIES AND OTHER ISSUES • BANPAP recognized the need for adequate capacity for on-site spent fuel storage • Scope of local participation in the first project is identified in BANPAP • Procurement process will be developed in pursuant with existing national laws and with that of the technology supplier’s country • The communication network through roads, railway and waterway is excellent. The Site is located by the side Padma river that ensures water use transporting materials, disposal of hazardous waste • Local public representatives was involved in the process of site selection and is being involved with Site Updating activities. Such leaders is providing with sufficient information to facilitate public information on nuclear power within their respective Constituencies
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission Mission Objectives • Review of the national infrastructure for nuclear power and identification of gaps to prescribe recommendations • Evaluation is focused only on the review of the elements dealing with Milestone 1
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission Main findings “All these official documents and statements from the Minister of Science and ICT and other relevant persons lead the IAEA experts to consider that the Government of Bangladesh wishes to embark on nuclear power”– Mission Statement Main Comments The mission opined that the connection an operating nuclear power plant to the grid by 2015 appears to be too ambitious Main suggestions Formulation of a road map to introduce NPP as soon as possible
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission NEPIO BAEC is the NEPIO; some terms of reference should be established for BAEC to work as a NEPIO • Establish staffing and demonstrate appropriate skills, qualifications and experiences to address all NPP and Regulatory infrastructure issues NATIONAL POSITION • The Revised National Energy Policy, 2008 should be complemented with the updated PSMP, 2006 • RNPP feasibility study should be reviewed to determine whether it is still valid in the light of updated national considerations and decisions on current energy situation
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission Funding, Financing and Human resource development • A funding and financing strategy including timeframe, plans and cooperation scheme for each activities of NPP programme should be established • Regarding the RNPP financing, BAEC should immediately engaged in financial engineering: government funds, vendor country financing mechanisms and private funding Human Resource Development should include: (a) bulk manpower needs, (b) breakdown by knowledge, skills and discipline, (c) flow of manpower to other projects, (d) available human resources in key stakeholder organizations, (e) human resources nationally developed, (f) external human resources, and ,(h) expected support from a vendor country.
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission Governmental, Legislative and Regulatory Framework Following international instruments be endorsed by Bangladesh before embarking on a nuclear power programme • The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage • The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and of the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management • Amendment of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities The draft Nuclear Law should mention and refer to these Treaties, Conventions, Protocols and related Amendments as appropriate • The legislative framework should set up a regulatory body which is independent from any Licensees or energy promoters or any other organisations which may generate conflicts of interests • Regulatory body and the future nuclear power Licensee should not be within the same Ministry
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission • OTHER ISSUES • A policy for national industrial involvement should be developed with the understandings of their impacts on the nuclear power programme. If the national policy supports the domestic industrial involvement, a plan for quality control system should be established. • The Licensee should ensure the fuel supply and all services related to the front end of the fuel cycle • Identification of suppliers should be carried out • The RNPP should be able to store all the lifecycle fuel
Evaluation of infrastructure established in Bangladesh by Agency Mission MISSION’S CONCLUSION • The BAEC is aware of the main issues for phase 1 but nevertheless this BANPAP (2000) should be updated with economical aspects • The finalization of the Nuclear Law and derived regulations • Completion of site safety report • The development of human resources for the NEPIO; future relevant organizations including: regulatory body and technical supports • The development of a funding and financing strategy • Finalization of BIS documents
LESSONS LEARNT THROUGH IAEA MISSION • Enriched BGD’s understanding on some of the components of National Nuclear Power Program infrastructure for early introduction of NPP • Significant inputs for revising the draft Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority Act-08 to a comprehensive Nuclear Law
BANGLADESH POSITION Bangladesh also conducted self-assessment of nuclear infrastructure established in Bangladesh based upon issues for Milestone II of IAEA methodology
BANGLADESH POSITION PROJECT PLANNING PHASE (Pre-project program-oriented activities) • National energy supply planning • Power system planning • Nuclear power program planning • Development of legal and organizational framework • International agreements and arrangements • National participation planning • Manpower development planning and • Sitting
BANGLADESH POSITION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PHASE (Pre-contract project-oriented activities) • Feasibility study • Site evaluation • Supply market survey and Definition of contractual approach • Financing arrangements • Preparation of BIS documents • Bid floating and Bid evaluation • Technology transfer planning and arrangements • Preparation to assure fuel and fuel cycle services supply • Negotiation and finalization of contracts • Preparation of site infrastructure • Public information and public relations
BANGLADESH POSITION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PHASE • Turnkey project management • Establishment QA/QC Programme • Safety Analysis • Emergency planning • Capacity building of Regulatory Body • Safeguards and Physical Protection • Recruitment and training plant operators, O & M professionals and other key professionals Note: • Complete, • Ongoing • To be addressed soon
BANGLADESH POSITION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PHASE HRD for RNPP A road map of HRD for sustainable NPP in Bangladesh has been drafted identifying the following components • Overall manpower requirements through project cycle (including the peak project period) • Project Management • Regulatory Personnel • Licensee (Operators, supervisors) • O and M professionals • Design Aspects • QA/QC • Training programmes for relevant organization (nuclear theory and fundamentals; nuclear policy/planning; nuclear power safety; radiation protection
CONCLUSION • A high level delegation from Agency to BGD • A technical mission to BGD for updating BANPAP and formulation a road map for entire RNPP project cycle including financial engineering • A technical mission to BGD for updating Site Safety Report and evaluation of the SSR to obtain site and construction license • Support for HRD to implement the road map developed