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Empowering School Governors for Effective Leadership and Governance

Explore the essential role of school governors in England through a comprehensive study. Learn about the challenges, responsibilities, and impact these hidden givers have on educational institutions. Discover the key findings and insights into the dynamics between governors, headteachers, staff, and the community. Unveil how effective governance can shape a school's culture, leadership, and overall success. Gain valuable knowledge on managing, restraining, or releasing governors to optimize their contributions to the educational landscape.

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Empowering School Governors for Effective Leadership and Governance

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  1. Managing, Restraining or Releasing School Governors with Mike Simmonds

  2. “the precious light of ordinariness must be allowed to shine on expert activities if those activities are to be healthy".Joan Sallis

  3. 2 Timothy 2.22-25 “...chase after justice, faith, love and peace; you’ll be in the company of all who call on the Lord from a pure heart.... And the Lord’s servant mustn’t be a fighter, but must be gentle to all people, able to teach, able to bear evil without resentment, able to correct opponents with a meek spirit...”

  4. PROJECT REPORT Chris James, Steve Brammer, Michael Connolly, Miles Fertig, Jane James and Jeff Jones UNIVERSITY OF BATH The ‘hidden givers’: A study of school governing bodies in England

  5. The findings • School governing is always changing • The role of the chair – a significant educational and community leadership responsibility. • The local authority governor role - can be unsatisfactory. • Scrutiny, scrutiny, scrutiny . . . . • The lack of a capable governing body is a substantial disadvantage The ‘hidden givers’: a study of school governing bodies in England

  6. Headteachers and senior staff value the governing body in the following roles: • a critical and informed sounding board for the headteacher • a support for the school • a help breaking down the isolation of the headteacher • a link with parents and community • a provider of direction and vision in partnership with the staff • a forum within which the teachers can explain their work • a provider of a range of non-educational expertise/experience The ‘hidden givers’: a study of school governing bodies in England

  7. “The lack of a capable governing body is not a neutral absence for a school; it is a substantial disadvantage.” The ‘hidden givers’: a study of school governing bodies in England

  8. “A good experience of governance” • For Head, Governors, Staff, Children

  9. Leadership: The Custodians of Culture Mobilising people to meet adaptive challenges … is at the heart of leadership practice … leadership generates new cultural norms that enable people to meet on ongoing stream of adaptive challenges in a world that will likely pose an ongoing set of adaptive realities and pressures. (Heifetz, 2002) From: A Culture for Learning An investigation into the values and beliefs associated with effective schools March 2004 Hay Group Education

  10. Managing Your school governors Kingdom focus Sharing responsibility A strategic role

  11. School Governing is a corporate activity Finding the spices ‘out of the cupboard’! Skills Audit

  12. Restraining • Your school governors Kingdom Focus

  13. C of E Mission The Five Marks of Mission • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers  • To respond to human need by loving service  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth (Bonds of Affection-1984 ACC-6 p49, Mission in a Broken World-1990 ACC-8 p101)

  14. “Historically, the Church, in this country and elsewhere, has invested heavily in education as an aspect of the difference that God's action seeks to bring about. . Christians continue to be committed to education, therefore, as a matter of doing justice to humanity, seeking its liberation and self-awareness.” Archbishop of Canterbury Keynote Address at Church of England Academy Family Launch Conference, Lambeth Palace , Wednesday 21 October 2009

  15. “for education to include intelligent and imaginative reference to what religious belief means and has meant in human society is a necessity; ignoring this dimension is another kind of injustice. .” Archbishop of Canterbury Keynote Address at Church of England Academy Family Launch Conference, Lambeth Palace , Wednesday 21 October 2009

  16. Restraining • Your school governors Kingdom Focus Manage Expectations Develop Possibilities

  17. Releasing • Your school governors Kingdom focus/Imperatives Kingdom Opportunities

  18. God Respecting And Child Enabling

  19. God Respecting And Child Enabling

  20. mike@goministries.org.uk

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