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Title I Program in Nevada: An Educational Resource

Explore the significance of Title I Part A program in Nevada, designed to support students at risk of failing, its funding allocation, parent involvement requirements, and the Nevada School Performance Framework. Learn about School-Parent Compacts, teacher qualifications, and annual school report cards.

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Title I Program in Nevada: An Educational Resource

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  1. 2013-14 Title I Annual Meeting Presented by: SCHOOL NAME HERE

  2. *** What is Title I??? *** Title I, Part A is designed to meet the educational needs of the children who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet Nevada State's challenging student performance standards. Title I: • provides approximately $13.76 billion for FY13 in federal aid to local schools. • funds are targeted to schools with high numbers of children from low income families. • serves approximately 21 million students through approximately 56,000 schools

  3. Title I programs Schoolwide • Every student in the school is eligible for Title I services • Schools with more than 40% low income students qualify for this program which serves all students in the school Targeted Assistance • Only students who are academically at risk are eligible for Title I services • Schools with less than 40% low income students which qualify to participate in this program serves only qualified students based on specific criteria for inclusion

  4. Nevada School Performance Framework In August 2012, Nevada's ESEA Flexibility request was approved officially marking an end to the school accountability system known as Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). AYP has now been replaced by the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF). The NSPF is an integral component of the Educator Performance System that defines the State's shift away from AYP to a five-star classification approach, with schools earning a rating of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars.

  5. Title I Funding Title I money is divided so that the schools with the most low income students get the most funding. Funding is allocated from the highest percentage down. This chart is an example of four elementary schools and the percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunches. Above 40% = schoolwide program Below 40% = targeted assistance if qualified

  6. Parent Involvement Funding • Schools must set aside money for parent involvement activities. • Districts that get more than $500,000 have to set aside a minimum of 1% for parent involvement. • Parents are to help decide How to spend the money set aside for parent involvement.

  7. Parent Involvement Policy Every Title I school must have a written parent involvement policy, developed with and approved by parents. It should spell out how parents will be involved in a meaningful way. It must be reviewed and/or revised annually. It must be in a language and format all parents can understand.

  8. School Parent Compacts Every Title I school must have a School Parent Compact, developed with and approved by parents. Compacts describe how the school and parents share responsibility for student achievement. When students do not perform well, the compact should be reviewed by the teacher and the parent and individualized to meet that students needs.

  9. Compact Contents Compacts must describe how the school will “provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment” to help students meet state standards. Compacts should include what the school will do to: • Eliminate low level classes so students are challenged; • Create effective working relationships with all families; • Make sure teachers are highly qualified; • Monitor all children’s progress; and • Report regularly. Nevada State Law has additional requirements.

  10. What must the“School-Parent Compact” include? Ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning (for example, monitoring attendance, homework completion, or television watching; volunteering in their child’s classroom; and participating as appropriate in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time); and The importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through: • Parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least once a year, when the compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement; • Frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress; and • Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities.  [Section 1118(d), ESEA.]

  11. School Report Cards Every school and school district (even non-Title I) must have a report card that includes data for the state, district and local school including: • Achievement information by subgroups; • Percent of students not tested by subgroups; • 2 year trend data. • http://www.nevadareportcard.com/

  12. Teacher Qualifications • Competency in subjects taught • Passed state tests • Full certification • College degree Check teacher credentials at: http://nvteachersearch.doe.nv.gov/

  13. Notice Each year, schools must notify parents in a language and format they can understand regarding: • school progress (school report cards); • school’s NSPF Star Rating • teacher and paraprofessional qualifications • Title I services

  14. More Notice If students are taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified, parents must be notified. Schools are required to take reasonable steps to provide information and involve parents in a language and format they can understand, including parents with limited English proficiency, disabilities, or parents of migratory children. This may include providing translators and/or assistive devices. [Section 1118(f), ESEA] Schools must inform all parents so that they can be involved in their children’s education and be active participants.

  15. INSERT SCHOOL NAME HERESchool Performance Planning • Include current members of school performance committee • Open invitation for all parents to participate

  16. Additional INSERT SCHOOL NAME HERE Information

  17. What Does It Mean? Schools are more accountable than ever and they need parents to work with them so each and every student receives needed support to do their very best.

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