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LRP2010 - WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics. WG3 Members. Navin Alahari Thomas Aumann Yorick Blumenfeld Peter Butler Hans Fynbo Andres Gadea Wolfram Korten Adam Maj Gerda Neyens Thomas Nilsson Robert Roth Patricia Roussel-Chomaz Christoph Scheidenberger
WG3 Members Navin Alahari Thomas Aumann Yorick Blumenfeld Peter Butler Hans Fynbo Andres Gadea Wolfram Korten Adam Maj Gerda Neyens Thomas Nilsson Robert Roth Patricia Roussel-Chomaz Christoph Scheidenberger Andrea VitturiDario Vretenar Convener: Rauno Julin NuPECC Liaisons: Angela Bracco, Maria Borge WG3
Convener’s guideline: Focus on the future ideas! WG3
The main Chapters of the WG3 draft • Introduction • Theoretical aspect • Onset of complexity • Shell structure and isospin degree of freedom • Superheavy elements • Collective properties • Reaction dynamics • Ground-state properties • Facilities and instrumentation • Recommendations WG3
Introduction • Nuclear structure physics • Probing of a rich variety of quantum phenomena … • … and even more in the untouched 6000 nuclei • Diverse field • Need a diverse set of tools, • both theoretical and experimental WG3
Introduction • Key questions • How can we describe the rich variety of low-energy structure and reactions of nuclei in terms of the underlying fundamental interactions between individual particles? • How can we predict the evolution of nuclear collective and single-particle properties as functions of mass and isospin, angular momentum and temperature? • What are the relevant low-energy degrees of freedom that govern nuclear dynamics? • How do regular and simple patterns emerge in the structure of complex nuclei? WG3
Theoretical aspect • Ab Initio methods • Shell model • Energy density functional methods • Symmetries in nuclei and phase transitions • Reactions • Toward a unified description of nuclear structure and reactions WG3
Theoretical aspect BOX example: WG3
Onset of complexity (light nuclei) • Linking nucleons with nuclei • Weakly bound and unbound states • Haloes, clusters and few-body correlations WG3
Onset of complexity • Integral approach: • The accelerator and separation facilities are parts of the experimental set-up. • The target is a part of the detector system 7H identification The system with the highest N/Z ever produced is 7H. It was identified as a resonance in the 8He(12C,13N)7H reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon. The active target MAYA was employed to measure kinematical correlations of the reaction residues. Higher RIB intensities and next generation instrumentation are required to study weakly bound states and to explore the drip-lines towards heavier elements. WG3
Shell structure and isospin degree of freedom • Changing shell structure • Vanishing and new shell gaps in light nuclei • Proton-neutron symmetric nuclear matter and the proton drip-line • Limits of existence in proton-rich nuclei and the double magic 100Sn • Proton-neutron pairing and pairing at high isospin values WG3
Shell structure and isospin degree of freedom 2+ 0+ : 770 keV Collaps of the N = 28 shell closure in 42Si28 ALFA Château de Crystal Secondary beams 44S 42Si SISSI SPEG 48Ca44S Wide range of intense RIBs, high-efficiency separators and gamma-ray arrays needed to probe new shell structures and isospin degree of freedom WG3
Superheavy elements • New elements • Reaction dynamics • Spectroscopy • Masses and atomic structures • Fission times • Chemistry • Towards neutron rich SHE WG3
Superheavy elements Taufe von Element 112, am 12. Juli 2010 um 10 Uhr Copernicium is a noble metal Hot-fusion cross-sections High-intensity stable-ion beams, target developments and high-efficiency detectors and separators are needed in the future SHE research 1 pbarn WG3
Collective properties • Collective response of nuclei • Evolution of nuclear collective properties with spin and temperature • Shape coexistence, phase transitions and dynamical symmetries WG3
Collective properties Return of collective rotation at ultrahigh spin High-sensitivity gamma-ray spectrometers combined with various ancillary spectrometers and large variety of RIB’s and stable-ion beams are vital for extending the studies of collective response and collective properties to exotic nuclei. WG3
Reaction dynamics • Fusion reactions • Direct and deep-inelastic reactions • Fission process • Quasi free scattering WG3
Reaction dynamics Quasi-free scattering The striking observation of a strong quenching of the single-particle strength as a function of asymmetry of the neutron and proton separation energy Origin unclear ? Knock-out reactions at high energies with RIB in inverse kinematics Exotic RIBs up to high energies and innovative spectrometer systems for kinematically complete measurements are needed WG3
Ground-state properties • Charge and matter radii, nuclear moments and spins • The future with laser spectroscopy methods at ISOL facilities • The future with spin-oriented radioactive beams at in-flight facilities • The future with relativistic radioactive beams • Nuclear masses WG3
Ground-state properties N =50 Mass measurements N = 50 gap survives • Hyperfine-structure and β -NMR measurement • spin and magnetic moment • the ground state of 31Mg is an 2p-2h deformed intruder state Very large variety of instruments and ion-beam manipulation methods needed.. Extreme RIBs are welcome. WG3
Facilities and instrumentation • Accelerator facilities Present European facilities for nuclear structure and reaction studies FP7 – ENSAR – IA – TNA Facilities ALTO – Orsay SIB, (RIB) GANIL – Caen RIB, SIB GSI – Darmstadt RIB, SIB ISOLDE – CERN RIB JYFL – Jyväskylä SIB, (RIB) KVI – Groningen SIB LNL – Legnaro SIB LNS – Catania SIB, (RIB) RIB - Radioactive Ion Beam SIB - Stable Ion Beam
Facilities and instrumentation European small scale facilities for nuclear physics and/or applications including SPIRIT – FP7 – IA – TNA Facilities ENSAR – IA – JRA - ENSAR Facilities
Facilities and instrumentation • Accelerator facilities RIB roadmap Timelines for the RIB facilities Stable ion beams along the NuPECC-ECOS report WG3 see the Recommendations
Facilities and instrumentation • Instrumentation • Identification and decay spectroscopy • High-sensitivity gamma-ray and electron detection • High-energy gamma-ray and charged particle calorimetry • Versatile instrumentation for nuclear reactions • Experiments at storage rings • Ground state properties: Traps and lasers • Technological challenges All large instrumentation projects in today’s nuclear structure and reaction research are governed by a co-operation in R&D work between groups, who often represent different subfields of the community WG3
Facilities and instrumentation Large number of new state-off-the-art gamma-ray and particle detector arrays …. PARIS GASPARD AGATA NEDA FAZIA SAGE CALIFA HYDE .. to be combined with other spectrometer systems WG3
Recommendations • Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) Facilities • The continued strongest support for the full completion and utilization of the international RIB facilities, NuSTAR@FAIR and SPIRAL2, in coherence with the ESFRI recommendations. • The strongest support for the full completion and utilization of HIE-ISOLDE, recently approved by CERN, and SPES, funded by INFN. These advanced ISOL facilities, together with SPIRAL2, will bridge the technological gap between present day facilities and EURISOL. • The realisation of EURISOL. This long-term goal is the highest priority of our community for a future major facility that offers unique physics opportunities. Accession to the ESFRI list, based on the extensive Design Study for EURISOL carried out during the last decade, should be promoted in the near future. WG3
Recommendations • Stable-ion beam facilities • Very strong support for existing and future stable-ion beam facilities. • High-intensity stable-ion beams up to 100 pµA for studies of extremely • weakly produced nuclei such as super-heavy elements. Installation of the • high-intensity LINAG within the SPIRAL2 project and a dedicated cw-linac as • proposed at GSI (NuSTAR-FAIR). • Large variety stable-ion beams up to 100 pnA for in-beam studies, • where the beam intensity is limited by the detector counting rates • (JYFL, LNL and LNS). • Other stable-ion beam facilities are needed for specific experiments, • instrument development and testing, to reach large user communities • and to allow for the education of next-generation researchers (TNA- and • EWIRA- facilities of EU-FP7-IA-ENSAR) • The long-term goal for a new dedicated high-intensity stable ion beam • facility in Europe is recommended as an important future project. • Role of ECOS network will be important. WG3
Recommendations • AGATA • Very strong support for the swift realisation of the AGATA spectrometer • AGATA 1/12demonstrator now in operation at LNL • The completion of the 1/3 of AGATA by 2013 and the realisation of the full • AGATA spectrometer is importance for the successful exploitation of present • and future radioactive and stable-ion beam facilities. WG3
Recommendations • Theory Initiative • Integrating theory into the European nuclear physics infrastructure The large infrastructures should invest more into theory projects Funding of project-oriented, medium- and long-term theoretical initiatives at universities and laboratories. New permanent coordinating structure for advanced training at the European level needs to be implemented, either at ECT* or through new initiatives. Supporting ECT* Trento in its leading role as a training centre for young researchers, and an international venue for scientific meetings that involve both theorists and experimentalists. Model project: • USA • Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional • UNEDF • 15 institutions • $15M / 5 years WG3