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European Underground Facilities. Luciano Pandola INFN, Laboratori del Gran Sasso, Italy. Thanks to : S. Bettini, E. Coccia, M. Laubenstein, L. Miramonti, S. Paling, F. Piquemal. LRT2010 Workshop, Sudbury – August 28 th , 2010. Sieroszowice. Slanic. 1000m. 600m. 2800m. 2400m. 2800m.
European Underground Facilities Luciano Pandola INFN, Laboratori del Gran Sasso, Italy Thanks to: S. Bettini, E. Coccia, M. Laubenstein, L. Miramonti, S. Paling, F. Piquemal LRT2010 Workshop, Sudbury – August 28th, 2010
Sieroszowice Slanic 1000m 600m 2800m 2400m 2800m 3800m ~3800m 10m m-2 h-1 Depth (m w.e.) 4800m 4800m 1m m-2 h-1 0.1m m-2 h-1 The European underground facilities Baksan, RU Gran Sasso, IT Modane, FR Canfranc, ES Boulby, UK Pyhäsalmi, FIN Sieroszowice, PL Slanic, RO Solotvina, UKR Planned extension of the Modane Lab New sites (not yet full infrastructures)
Phyäsalmi ILIAS Boulby Solotvina Modane Baksan Canfranc Gran Sasso MAPPA (EUGENIO) Sieroszowice Slanic
Gran Sasso Laboratory 3 main halls A B C ~100 x 20 m2 (h 20 m) Depth: 1400 m (3800 m w.e.) Surface: >6000 m2 Volume: 180000 m3 Rn in air: 50-100 Bq/m3 external facilities
STELLA low background facility SubTErraneanLowLevel Assay 104 GeMPI Low-Level laboratory: about 10 HPGe spectrometers • - Material screening for experiments • Background characterization • Development of new detectors • Physics measurements (rare decays) • Environmental measurements (radiodating) HPGe Hall (32 m2 floor) GEMPI2 detector: 44 cpd/kg 40-2700 keV 0.13 cpd/kg @ 1460 keV
Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/IRFU http://www.lsm.in2p3.fr
depth: 1700 m(4800 mwe) 1 Main hall 30 x 10m2 (h 11m) + gamma spectr. hall (70 m2) + 2 secondary halls of 18 m2 and 21 m2
Low-background facilities 13 HPGe from 6 Labs - Material selection for astroparticle physics - Environmental measurements - Applications (wine datation, salt origin,…) - Developements of Ge detector Rn reduction system from 15 Bq/m3 (ventilation on) to 15 mBq/m3 Neutron detectors at LSM Sphere TPC 3He counters (Dubna)
Middlesborough Staithes Whitby York • Boulby isa working potash minein the North East of England. Operated by Cleveland Potash Ltd – a major local employer. • 1100 m deep(2805 m w.e.). • Surrounding rock-salt = low activitygiving low gamma and radon backgrounds. (Rn < 3Bq/m3) JIF facilities - 2003 . > 1000 m2, fully equipped underground ‘Palmer lab’ > Surface support facility. Boulby Mine 10-6 wrt surface Muon flux:4.09 (±0.15)·10-4 m-2s-1 U:67 ± 6 ppb Th:125 ± 10 ppb K:1130 ± 200 ppm Rn:2.5 ± 1.6 Bq m-3
Low-background counting Ultra-low background Ge detector for gamma spectrometry & material selection. Low background, high sensitivity, 2kg (~400cc) Ge detector for material activity measurements. Sensitivity of ~1-10ppb U/Th for typical samples. Aim now to upgrade facilities giving x100 increase in sensitivity Radon emanation measurement Based on a high sensitivity, low background commercial Rn detector (Durridge Rad7). Sensitivity <0.02 Bq/sample. Gd loaded scintillator used for n measurement: Flux = (1.72±0.61(stat.)±0.38(syst.))·10-6 cm-2s-1
LSC - Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, Spain AAA Tobazo's peak http://www.lsc-canfranc.es
w.e. w.e. w.e. The old Canfranc Laboratory 2 small halls [Lab1] 36 m2 + 1 Main hall [Lab3] 20 x 5 m2 (h 4.5 m) 140 m2 total surface Canfranc railway tunnel entrance
Hall A Hall B Hall C New experimental Halls Underground structures completed and transferred to LSC consortium 30/7/2010 600 m2 (40x15x12) 150 m2 (15x10x7) Depth: 800 m (2.4 km w.e.) Muons: 4.7x 10-3m m-2 s-1 Ventilation: 11.000 m3/h n and g to be measured
Baksan Valley and Mt. Andyrchi The oldest underground laboratory “Andyrchy” EAS array “Karpet-2” EAS array Institute for Nuclear Research RAS Tunnel entrance
Baksan neutrino observatory Total volume 40 000 m3 BUST Since 1978 1st large LS neutrino telescope ready for SN explosion SAGE observatory operational Screening facilities with HPGe @ SAGE site 7200 m3lined with 60 cm of low background concrete • Overburden: 2000 m 4.8 km w.e. • µ flux: = 3.03±0.19 x 10–5 m–2s–1 • Radon: 40 Bq/m3 • n (>1 MeV) = 1.4 x 10–7 cm–2s–1 • n (>3 MeV) = 6.3±2.2 x 10–8 cm–2s–1 • Dedicated horizontal access (4 km). Two tunnels, train transportation SAGE
Phyäsalmi (Finland) – Sieroszowice (Poland) Sieroszowice salt mine Phyäsalmi mine Old mine Operational 1962-2001 Cavities available at several levels from 95 m to 980 m • Existing big chambers in salt: • volume: 85 x 15 x 20 m3 • at a depth ~950 m from the surface(2200 m.w.e.) • very low humidity, T~350 • low rock radioactivity (salt) New mine Lab facilities may be excavated @ 1440 m, 4 km w.e. Start lab activity and characterization within 2010
Slanic (Romania) – Solotvina (Ukraine) Solotvina, Ukraine Slanic, Romania Salt mine Overburden: 430 m 1 km w.e. Available area 1000 m2 µ flux: = 1.7 x 10-2 m–2s–1 Radon: 33 Bq/m3 Neutrons: n = 2.7 x 10-6 cm–2 s–1 Horizontal access Science projects (bb of 116Cd, R&D for SuperNEMO and radiopure crystals) • Salt domes • a lot of space! • shallower depth ~208 m from the surface(600 m.w.e.) • used for low background radiation measurements (too shallow for most astroparticle physics experiments)
Conclusions • Many underground sites available for science in Europe with depth > 1 km w.e. • Four main deep-underground Labs (LNGS, LSC, LSM, Boulby) very well established, with a rich physics program (dark matter, neutrinos, double beta decay) • closer coordination and interchanges started in the framework of EU-funded programs (ILIAS) • memorandum of understanding (EULabs) • Baksan Lab still operational (SAGE) in spite of difficulties • Other “emerging” sites becoming available, expecially in Eastern Europe • infrastructures for full-scale science experiments not yet available • presently tests, background characterization, measurements with HPGe
n from Supernovae LVD Solar n Borexino n beamfrom CERN: OPERA ICARUS bb decay and rare events CUORE; GERDA; COBRA; VIP Dark Matter DAMA/LIBRA; CRESST WARP; XENON Others (incl. geophysics) ERMES; GIGS; UNDERSEIS; TELLUS Nuclear astrophysics LUNA
Activities @ STELLA - LNGS • material screening (GerDA, Borexino, CUORE, WArP, DoubleCHOOZ, Xenon, et al.) • CELLAR: measurement of future Standard Reference Materials (“NIST Peruvian Soil, future SRM4355A”) & samples from JET (Joint European Torus; fusion exp.) • environmental radioactivity (ERMES, Univ. AQ, Univ. FI) • small fundamental physics research projects (ARMONIA, DAMA) • meteorite measurements (Almahata Sitta (Sudan), Jesenice (Slovenia), Maribo (Denmark), Bunburra Rockhole (Australia), Carancas (Peru), Berduc (Argentina))
Physics measurements @ STELLA - double EC in 136Ce to excited levels of 136Ba (Nucl. Phys. A 824 (2009) 101–114) • 2b-decay of 104Ru to excited level of 104Pd (Eur. Phys. J. A 42 (2009) 171–177):
Scientific activity Completed experiments p decay & Atm ν Frejus proton decay exp (Fe and flash chamber). ββ NEMO-I (prototype NemoIII) NEMO-II (prototype NemoIII) TGV (Ge detectors with sheets of DBD candidates) Dark Matter EDELWEISS-I (1 kg Ge bolometer heat+ionization) TGV II Running experiments ββ NEMO-III (Tracking + calorimeter) TGV-II Dark Matter EDELWEISS-II (10 to 35 kg Ge heat+ioniz.) Nuclear Physics SHIN (Super-heavy nuclei) NEMO-III SHIN EDELWEISS-II
LSM Extension project Safety galery work started in September 2009 Excavation of the extension end 2011. In operation in 2013. Extension project LSM Safety gallery Fréjus tunnel
Current Boulby projects ZEPLIN-III 2 phase (liquid/gas) high field Xenon WIMP dark matter detector. Installed 2007- now operating DRIFT-II Low pressure gas TPC directional DM detector. Installed – 2005. Continuing R&D and operation • Future Science Aims / Plans • Continued hosting / supporting Dark Matter searches (DRIFT, ZEPLIN-III and beyond) • Development of UK centre of excellence for ultra sensitive low activity material screening • Pursual of possible future small and large projects – e.g LAGUNA, ELENA, SKY-II LAGUNA SKY-ZERO Danish/UK expt to study the effect of cosmic rays on aerosols & cloud production. Phase 1 near completion.
6 approved experiments EXP-01-2008 (ANAIS)Dark Matter(NaI, Annual modulation) EXP-02-2008 (ROSEBUD)Dark Matter(Scintillating bolometers) EXP-03-2008 (BiPo)0nbb decay EXP-05-2008 (NEXT)0nbb decay(Enriched 136Xe TPC) EXP-06-2009 (SuperK-Gd)Systematic low background assay for Superkamiokande Gd proposal (Ge detectors) EXP-07-2009 (GEODYN)Under-surface geodynamic observatory Past experiments in the old Laboratory: IGEX, COSME, ANAIS, ROSEBUD