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Art in France lecture 5: 2 November 2009 Manet Manet The absinthe drinker 1858-9 Ny Carlsberg Glypothek, Copenhagen rejected from the Salon of 1859 A.A. Disdéri, The vagabond from Types photographiques , 1853. Salon of 1861 The Spanish singer Portrait of his parents
Manet The absinthe drinker 1858-9 Ny Carlsberg Glypothek, Copenhagen rejected from the Salon of 1859
A.A. Disdéri, The vagabond from Types photographiques, 1853.
Salon of 1861 The Spanish singer Portrait of his parents 1860 Metropolitan Museum, 1860 New York Musée d’Orsay, Paris
The old musician 1862 National Gallery of Art Washington Musique aux Tuileries 1862 National Gallery, London
detail showing the breadth of Manet’s technique
Le bain later renamed Déjeuner sur l’herbe both 1863 both Musée d’Orsay, Paris Olympia
Moniteur officiel, 24 April 1863, announcement of the salon des refusés Numerous complaints have reached the Emperor on the subject of works of art which have been refused by the jury of the exhibition. His Majesty, wishing to let the public judge the legitimacy of these complaints, has decided that the rejected works of art are to be exhibited in another part of the Palais de l’Industrie. The exhibition will be voluntary, and artists who may not wish to participate need only inform the administration, which will hasten to return their works to them. This exhibition will open on 15 May. Artists have until 7 May to withdraw their works. After this date their pictures will be considered not withdrawn and will be placed in the galleries.
works rejected from the Salon of 1863and shown instead in the Salon des refusésYoung man in the costume of a majo1862 Metropolitan Museum, New York Mlle. V. in the costume of an espada1862 Metropolitan Museum, New York Little cavaliers, after Velázquez etching 1861-2 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
Episode at a bullfight 1864 National Gallery of Art, Washington a fragment of a larger canvas, Incident in the bullring Salon of 1864 Dead Christ with angels 1864 Metropolitan Museum, New York
Salon of 1865 Mocking of Christ 1865 Art Institute of Chicago Olympia 1863 Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Salon of 1866 The fifer 1866 The tragic actor (Philibert Rouviere) 1865 Musée d’Orsay National Gallery of Art, Washington
View of the exposition universelle of 1867 1867 National Gallery, Oslo
Salon of 1868 Portrait of Emile Zola 1867-8 Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Utagawa Kuniaki II, The wrestler Onaratu Nadaemon, woodcut Velázquez, Los borrachos (The topers) 1629 Prado, Madrid