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Energy Infrastructure in the West. February 24, 2006. Major Natural Gas Pipelines Serving the Western States. Major Pipeline Projects Certificated (MMcf/d). Northwest (113). 1. CIG (92) 2. CIG (118) 3. WIC (116) 4. WIC (350) 5. TransColorado (125, 300) 6. Entrega (EnCana) (1,500).
Energy Infrastructurein the West February 24, 2006
Major Natural Gas PipelinesServing the Western States Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Major Pipeline Projects Certificated (MMcf/d) Northwest (113) 1. CIG (92) 2. CIG (118) 3. WIC (116) 4. WIC (350) 5. TransColorado (125, 300) 6. Entrega (EnCana) (1,500) WBI (80) Rendezvous (300) 6 2 3 Cheyenne Plains (560,170) 4 Questar (102) 5 1 El Paso (140) CIG (105) El Paso (502) Transwestern (375) El Paso (320) January 2003 to February 2006 5.4 BCF/D Total 1,344 Miles Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Major Pipeline Projectsin Pre-Filing (MMcf/d) Rockies Express (Rockies Express Pipeline) (1,500) Questar to Opal (Questar Pipeline) (550) 2 Phoenix Lateral (Transwestern) (500) North Baja Expansion (North Baja Pipeline) (987) El Paso (230,320,620) 3.5 BCF/D Total 1,084 Miles Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Existing Major Natural GasStorage and LNG Facilities Source: Based on Platts PowerMap Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Natural Gas Storage Projects (Capacity in Bcf) Cheyenne Market Center Expansion (Kinder Morgan Interstate) (6.5) Windy Hill Gas Storage (Unocal Windy Hill Gas) (6.0) 2 El Paso (230,320,620) Certificated Since 1/1/03 Currently Pending Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Existing and Proposed North American LNG Terminals US Jurisdiction FERC US Coast Guard CONSTRUCTED A. Everett, MA : 1.035 Bcfd (SUEZ/Tractebel - DOMAC) B. Cove Point, MD : 1.0 Bcfd (Dominion - Cove Point LNG) C. Elba Island, GA : 1.2 Bcfd (El Paso - Southern LNG) D. Lake Charles, LA : 1.2 Bcfd (Southern Union - Trunkline LNG) E. Gulf of Mexico: 0.5 Bcfd (Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge - Excelerate Energy) APPROVED BY FERC 1. Lake Charles, LA: 0.6 Bcfd (Southern Union - Trunkline LNG) 2. Hackberry, LA : 1.5 Bcfd (Cameron LNG - Sempra Energy) 3. Bahamas : 0.84 Bcfd (AES Ocean Express)* 4. Bahamas : 0.83 Bcfd (Calypso Tractebel)* 5. Freeport, TX : 1.5 Bcfd (Cheniere/Freeport LNG Dev.) 6. Sabine, LA : 2.6 Bcfd (Cheniere LNG) 7. Corpus Christi, TX: 2.6 Bcfd (Cheniere LNG) 8. Corpus Christi, TX : 1.0 Bcfd (Vista Del Sol - ExxonMobil) 9. Fall River, MA : 0.8 Bcfd (Weaver's Cove Energy/Hess LNG) 10. Sabine, TX : 1.0 Bcfd (Golden Pass - ExxonMobil) 11. Corpus Christi, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Ingleside Energy - Occidental Energy Ventures) APPROVED BY MARAD/COAST GUARD 12. Port Pelican: 1.6 Bcfd (Chevron Texaco) 13. Louisiana Offshore : 1.0 Bcfd (Gulf Landing - Shell) CANADIAN APPROVED TERMINALS 14. St. John, NB : 1.0 Bcfd (Canaport - Irving Oil) 15. Point Tupper, NS 1.0 Bcf/d (Bear Head LNG - Anadarko) MEXICAN APPROVED TERMINALS 16. Altamira, Tamulipas : 0.7 Bcfd, (Shell/Total/Mitsui) 17. Baja California, MX : 1.0 Bcfd, (Energy Costa Azul - Sempra) 18. Baja California - Offshore : 1.4 Bcfd, (Chevron Texaco) PROPOSED TO FERC 19. Long Beach, CA : 0.7 Bcfd, (Mitsubishi/ConocoPhillips - Sound Energy Solutions) 20. Logan Township, NJ : 1.2 Bcfd (Crown Landing LNG - BP) 21. Bahamas : 0.5 Bcfd, (Seafarer - El Paso/FPL ) 22. Port Arthur, TX: 1.5 Bcfd (Sempra) 23. Cove Point, MD : 0.8 Bcfd (Dominion) 24. LI Sound, NY: 1.0 Bcfd (Broadwater Energy - TransCanada/Shell) 25.Pascagoula, MS: 1.0 Bcfd (Gulf LNG Energy LLC) 26. Bradwood, OR: 1.0 Bcfd (Northern Star LNG - Northern Star Natural Gas LLC) 27.Pascagoula, MS: 1.3 Bcfd (Casotte Landing - ChevronTexaco) 28. Cameron, LA: 3.3 Bcfd (Creole Trail LNG - Cheniere LNG) 29. Port Lavaca, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Calhoun LNG - Gulf Coast LNG Partners) 30. Freeport, TX: 2.5 Bcfd (Cheniere/Freeport LNG Dev. - Expansion) 31. Sabine, LA: 1.4 Bcfd (Cheniere LNG - Expansion) 32. Hackberry, LA : 1.15 Bcfd (Cameron LNG - Sempra Energy - Expansion) 33. Pleasant Point, ME : 0.5 Bcfd (Quoddy Bay, LLC) 34. Robbinston, ME: 0.5 Bcfd (Downeast LNG - Kestrel Energy) 35. Elba Island, GA: 0.9 Bcfd (El Paso - Southern LNG) PROPOSED TO MARAD/COAST GUARD 36. California Offshore: 1.5 Bcfd (Cabrillo Port - BHP Billiton) 37. So. California Offshore : 0.5 Bcfd, (Crystal Energy) 38. Louisiana Offshore : 1.0 Bcfd (Main Pass McMoRan Exp.) 39. Gulf of Mexico:1.0 Bcfd (Compass Port - ConocoPhillips) 40. Gulf of Mexico: 1.5 Bcfd (Beacon Port Clean Energy Terminal - ConocoPhillips) 41. Offshore Boston, MA: 0.4 Bcfd (Neptune LNG - Tractebel) 42. Offshore Boston, MA: 0.8 Bcfd (Northeast Gateway - Excelerate Energy) 43. Gulf of Mexico: 1.4 Bcfd (Bienville Offshore Energy Terminal - TORP Technology) 15 14 33 34 41 26 A 42 9 24 20 B 23 36 19 37 C 35 18 17 21 25 6,31 2,32 28 D 5,30 27 3 4 22 1 10 7 39 38 8 11 E 40 29 13 12 16 As of February 19, 2006 * US pipeline approved; LNG terminal pending in Bahamas
Completed Electric Transmission Lines January 2003 – February 2006 230kV or Greater 230 kV 345 kV 500 kV January 2003 – February 2006 230kV or Greater Source: Based on NERC 2004 Electric Supply & Demand database, WECC “Existing Generation and Significant Additions and Changes to System Facilities” and FERC Transmission Database. Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Proposed Electric Transmission Lines 230 kV 345 kV 500 kV Merchant March 2006 – December 2014 230kV or Greater Source: Based on NERC 2004 Electric Supply & Demand database, WECC “Existing Generation and Significant Additions and Changes to System Facilities 2004-2014” and FERC Transmission Database. Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project The project includes a 500 kV and a 230 kV transmission lines. Source: http://www.sdge.com/sunrisepowerlink/info/ Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Green Path Coordinated Projects A joint project by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and Citizens Energy. It would allow LADWP access to renewable energy from IID. Source: http://www.caiso.com/14ba/14bad6e625110ex.html and Southwest Transmission Expansion Plan Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The TransWest Express This project would coordinate with other planned projects such as Palo Verde-Devers #2, Frontier and Northern Lights to increase access to coal and wind resources in Wyoming. Source: http://www.caiso.com/14bc/14bcead62520.pdf and Southwest Transmission Expansion Plan Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Frontier Project Source: Rocky Mountain Area Transmission Study (RMATS) Final Report, September 2004 Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Infrastructure Related • Gas • LNG (EPAct §311; amends §§1 and 3 of the Natural Gas Act) • Storage (EPAct §312; amends §4 of the Natural Gas Act) • Process Coordination (EPAct §313; amends §15 of Natural Gas Act) • Electricity • Siting of Electric Transmission Facilities (EPAct §1221; adds new §216 to Federal Power Act) Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005LNG and Storage LNG (§311) FERC is lead decisional agency Pre-filing is mandatory Regulations issued on October 7th Hackberry Policy is now codified Storage with market-based rates can be approved even if market power is present if customers are adequately protected. (§312) Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Gas • Process Coordination (§313) • FERC is lead agency for all Section 7 & 3 filings. • Establishes processing schedule • FERC record is the one record upon which all appeals of Federal actions are based • Judicial Streamlining • All appeals must be heard in Federal appeals court in the region where facility is to be located • Violation of schedule to be heard in US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Electricity - Backstop Authority • “Backstop” federal siting of interstate electric transmission facilities (§1221) by amending the FPA (§216) • Designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (§216(a)) • Construction Permit (§216(b)) • Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Transmission Facilities (§216(h)) Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Electricity - Backstop AuthorityElectric Transmission Corridors • Conduct study within 1 year of electric transmission congestion • Issue report based on study • Designate any geographic area that experiences congestion as a “National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor” Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Electricity - Backstop AuthorityConstruction Permit • FERC can authorize construction of transmission facilities in a corridor if: • A state has no authority to either site facilities or consider interstate benefits, or • A state, with authority to site, either does not act within 1 year or conditions approval such that there is either no reduction in congestion or is not economically feasible Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Electricity - Backstop AuthorityConstruction Permit • Application to be filed with FERC • Comments will be received • Rights-of-way • Right of eminent domain • Acquired right-of-way used exclusively for electric transmission facilities • Compensation Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
EPAct 2005Electricity - Backstop AuthorityCoordination of Federal Authorizations • DOE acts as lead agency • Must issue regulations within 18 months • Must enter into an MOU with other agencies within 1 year • All permit decisions and environmental reviews shall be completed within 1 year • Provide a pre-filing mechanism • DOE responsible for environmental review • Failures to act within deadlines may be appealed to the President Commissioner Suedeen Kelly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission