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RTD Activities plan for the next 12 months

RTD Activities plan for the next 12 months. Authors : Prime + Consortium. Summary. Milestones Activities per WP Deliverables Meetings. Milestones. WP2. Schedule D 1.1: end of sept. 2014– WP leader is waiting for INGV contribution D 2.2:

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RTD Activities plan for the next 12 months

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  1. RTD Activities plan for the next 12 months Authors: Prime + Consortium

  2. Summary • Milestones • Activities per WP • Deliverables • Meetings

  3. Milestones

  4. WP2 Schedule • D 1.1: end of sept. 2014– WP leader is waiting for INGV contribution • D 2.2: Sept 2014: 1st draft released to the partners Oct. 2014: include contribution from partners Report finalization and submission Main impact of the task: • products definition • approaches toward users • products dissemination and publicizing • Identification of potential services

  5. WP3 Status of deliverables: - D3.1, D3.2, D3.3 @ T0 + 18 Plan for the next period (up to T0+18): - Task 3.1 - SEVIRI ash retrievals (for 1 or 2 Etna test cases) Ash mass, AOD, re and concentration maps from SEVIRI data - Task 3.2 - Ground weather Radar Ash retrievals (for 1 or 2 Etna test cases) Generation of ash concentration and volcanic cloud altitude maps - Task 3.3 - LEO volcanic ash retrievals (for 1 or 2 Etna test cases) Ash mass, AOD, re and concentration maps - Task 3.4 - Spatial collocation of all the data sets and the retrievals Collocation and geocoding of satellite and ground data - Task 3.5 - Pre-processing of the SEVIRI ash retrievals - Task 3.6 - Integration on MACE

  6. WP4 - Task 4.1: finalise the input data selection and integration methods fro the vulnerability scenario generation - Task 4.2: consolidate the change detection for medium resolution EO data and generation of first products for the test site - Task 4.3: Perform a test of SAR contribution to the Aphorism overall damage likelihood index estimation by using a procedure consisting of the following main steps: Segmentation of the pre-event SAR image to extract layover areas and bright stripes due to double bounce Evaluation of SAR features on the extracted objects Classification of the objects as damaged or undamaged using a thresholding algorithm - Task 4.3: Perform a test of VHR Optical change detection approaches: object oriented methods to be considered

  7. WP5 - For the next 12 months (9-21) in WP5 activities only the task T5.2 (Product generation over the two selected sites) is scheduled. - Volcanic (MACE) and seismic product (APE) will be generated for the four selected sites using the methods developed in WP3 and WP4. These products will be the input of the testing. - The compatibility between selected test sites and test objectives will be verified.

  8. WP5 - Definition of the testing and preliminary validation tasks. Definition of criteria testing. Definition of the procedure testing. Definition of preliminary aspects for validation. - This activity will be carried out through a strong link among the partners implementing the proposed methodologies, and those in charge for testing and validating the products. - This period has no deliverables scheduled.

  9. WP6 - Acquisition of focussed market data - Coordination meetings with INGV - Internal meetings with APE and MACE developers - Direct interviews with main stakeholders (e.g. VAAC centers, airlines, insurance etc.) - Preparation of next deliverable: D6.2 : Summary of focused analysis of the APHORISM relevant market sectors addressing exploitation potential, risks to market entry and including: Competing products/systems; Regulatory and legal barriers, and Standardization requirements; [M24] - Participation to conference and workshops relevant with the activities of WP6 as well as dissemination

  10. WP7 Plan for the next 12 months: - New version of D7.3 (brochure and newsletter) by M12. Final brochure: defined content with updated results. First newsletter available. - Second newsletter during next 12 months (to be decided the period for the updates). - Updating Web Site (and intranet).

  11. WP7 Plan for the next 12 months: Planned publication activities: • 11 contributions at international conferences. • 6 proceedings at international conferences. • 3 papers in journals.

  12. Plan for the next 12 months WP7 Planned publication activities in 01/09/2014-30/11/2016

  13. Plan for the next 12 months WP7

  14. WP8 Status of deliverables: - Deliverables D8.2, D8.3, D8.4 @ T0 + 12, 24, 34 Plan for the next period (up to month 18): The Coordinator Management Team shall continue in assuring the smooth communication to all the partners and knowledge transfer of the APHORISM incomes and outcomes between them. The intranet website project is now operating and it is the main tool for the exchange, communication and transfer of working documents. The intranet is as well the repository of the APHORISM documentation (technical reporting templates, annual progress reports, etc.) The Coordinator Management Team is full involved in the organisational management of technical meetings (organisation of meetings, distribution of the corresponding resulting minutes and actions) as well as in monitoring the overall state of the project to overcome each milestone with the effectiveness, quality and adequate timing. The result of the deliverables monitoring in time and quality, of each work package, confirms the effectiveness of the work flow.

  15. Next meetings - The 1st year technical meeting is scheduled in the second half of January 2015, at INGV Headquarter in Rome. - The Advisory Group is asked to attend; it is also the occasion for the General Board annual meeting. - The RV2 (T0+18) mid term review is tentatively scheduled in September 2015, following the submission of expected documents (end of July 2015)

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