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Theme-based Research Scheme Briefing Session 12 April 2010

Theme-based Research Scheme Briefing Session 12 April 2010. Background. HK$18 billion Research Endowment Fund in 2009 Earmarked up to HK$4 billion REF Investment income about HK$200M per year Objective

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Theme-based Research Scheme Briefing Session 12 April 2010

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  1. Theme-based Research Scheme Briefing Session 12 April 2010

  2. Background • HK$18 billionResearch Endowment Fund in 2009 • Earmarked up to HK$4 billion REF • Investment income about HK$200M per year • Objective • To focus academic research efforts on themes of a more long-term nature and strategically beneficial to the development of Hong Kong

  3. Selection of Themes • Steering Committee was established by the Government (EDB) to advise on selection of research themes as well as framework and policy matters • Consultationwith stakeholders; three themes were selected for the initial rounds: • Promoting good health • Developing a sustainable environment • Enhancing Hong Kong’s strategic position as a regional and international business centre

  4. Grand Challenge Topics • Call for White Papers • The process is distinct from other existing UGC / RGC funding schemes (e.g. GRF, CRF, AoE) • Academics are invited to submit white papers – to suggest “ grand challenge topics ” under each of the 3 themes. • The Call for White Papers is NOT a Request for Proposals nor Submission of Pre-proposals. • The White Papers will be examined by multi-disciplinary panels, which mainly comprise external experts, for the selection of Topics.

  5. Selection of Topics • Workshops • To coordinate the submitted White Paper topics for discussion and consolidation • To recommend the selection of the final “grand challenge topics” • To facilitate the initial assembly of academics among institutions / academic units which could potentially form the project proposal teams • To be led by external leading experts as facilitators

  6. Topic Selection Criteria • Topic Selection Criteria • To contribute strategically to the long-term development and well-being of Hong Kong; • To create an impact on the creation, application, and transfer of knowledge; • To build on Hong Kong’s existing strengths, or stimulate new and emerging areas in which Hong Kong has demonstrable potential; • To encourage collaboration among institutions here and elsewhere, and help Hong Kong leverage our strengths.

  7. Preparation of White Papers • Content of the White Papers • What is the grand challenge / problem? • Why is it a grand challenge? • What new breakthroughs are needed for a major impact? • What capabilities and development are needed to achieve the breakthroughs? • What are the anticipated barriers? • How the challenge matches the selection criteria? • What are the research areas / projects to be developed in respect of the challenge?

  8. Preparation of White Papers • Content of the White Papers • What are the training / educational programs to be developed in respect of the challenge? • What are the relationships between academic and society or industry efforts, and how could they change to speed development in the area? • What are the expected new outcomes and capabilities? • Why the research on the suggested topics cannot be properly funded by the existing funding schemes (e.g. GRF, CRF, AoE, ITF, etc) ?

  9. Preparation of White Papers • Disclosure The White Papers are intended to be shared broadly with the research community – trade secrets, proprietary information, confidential financial and personnel data, etc should not be included.

  10. Call for Proposals • Call for Project Proposals • Based onthe workshops and recommendation by the multi-disciplinary panels, RGC will finalize the “grand challenge” topics under each theme. • Call for Proposals: September / October 2010 • Deadline for Proposals: January / February 2011 • Application eligibility same as the RGC GRF exercise

  11. Milestones and Timetable • Deadline for White Papers:17 May 2010 • Workshops:August / September 2010 • Call for Proposals:September / October 2010 • Deadline for Proposal:Jan / Feb 2011 • Funding Begins:July 2011

  12. Theme-based Research Thank YouQ & A

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