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Rome. Myths and Legends. Begin Rome… tomorrow!. chapter 5 quiz will be returned tomorrow 6.1 OUTLINE was to be done for today – take it out (but don’t TEAR it out), we will be using it Open notebook to a new page – TITLE CHAPTER 6 ROME big at the top,
Rome Myths and Legends
Begin Rome… tomorrow! • chapter 5 quiz will be returned tomorrow • 6.1 OUTLINE was to be done for today – take it out (but don’t TEAR it out), we will be using it • Open notebook to a new page – • TITLE CHAPTER 6 ROME big at the top, • then a second smaller title: 6.1 Beginning of Rome • How was the geography of Italy similar to the geography of Greece? • Name three early peoples of Rome • After overthrowing the last Latin king, what type of government was established? • Name the series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage.
1. Turn in homework, 5.1 FIB!(and any take-home tests) • KEEP YOUR VOICES LOW (or just don't talk at all) • Open book to p. 131 and read the Build Your Skills • Complete the skill practice exercise Reading a Special Purpose Map – turn it in • Open your notebooks & get ready for some questions about section 1!
Roman Republic, 6.1 • Voters elect representatives • In Rome it was based on tradition, not a written constitution • SENATE – council of representatives made up of patricians • CONSULS – 2 senators, one year term, proposed laws, led army, one had veto power over the other, most important officials • MAGISTRATES – government officials, included consuls, praetors (judiciary), aediles (supervised marketplace), questors (financial officers), censors (counted the population every 5 years). Most terms were one year • TRIBUNES – plebeian elected council
Roman Republic Society, 6.1 • PATRICIANS – descendants of founding families of Rome, upper class, ran the government • PLEBEIANS – commoners, controlled tribal assemblies, made up most of the population and most of the military • Plebeians demanded more rights from patricians and in 451bc forced patricians to publish the first written code of Roman Law: the Twelve Tables • Patricians and plebeians owned slaves • Women gained rights and independence, eventually took part in government and owned property • Religion borrowed from Greeks: Jupiter (Zeus), Juno (Hera), Minerva (Athena)
265bc Rome controlled most of Italy while Carthage controlled the Western Mediterranean “Punic” comes from the Latin word for Carthage 264-241bc 1st Punic War: Romans won, gaining control of Sicily 218-202bc 2nd Punic War: Hannibal (C) entered Gaul wanting to conquer Rome; Battle of Cannae (216bc) Romans lost so decided to invade Carthage; Battle of Zama (202bc) Scipio (R) defeated Hannibal 149-146bc 3rd Punic War: Rome destroyed Carthage and took its territory; Rome also conquered Greece at this time FINAL RESULT: Rome controls all of the Mediterranean Punic Wars of the Republic
Roman Empire, 6.2 • Established in 31bc by first emperor, Augustus • All emperors took the title, caesar • Caesars controlled the army, supervised provincial governors, took direct control of troubled provinces • The Senate advised the caesar, maintained the treasury, and oversaw the peaceful provinces • No laws said who the next caesar would be making the job of caesar a dangerous one • A series of roads connected the provinces to the city of Rome helping trade and the movement of troops • The Roman army was organized into legions, highly organized and efficient groups of 80-100 soldiers lead by an officer called a centurion
Thursday 10/17/13 • Turn in homework: 6.2 AND ANY OTHER ABSENT OR LATE ASSIGNMENTS TO HELP YOUR Q1 GRADE (Like an Athens or Sparta Essay!) • Open text book to page 131 – READ IT! • Open notebooks and take out GRADED FIBs from chapter 6, too
Friday 10/18/13 • Turn in 6.3: Due Monday(REMEMBER: full blank lines must be attempted – one fact for each line, -1 for each left empty, I would not leave out super important information) • Ch. 6 Quiz: Wed. 10/23 (late start ½ day) • In your notebooks from 6.3: • Name 2 decision Diocletian made • Name Constantine’s most notable achievement • What happened from ad410 to 476? Answer NOW if you can, or keep them in mind as you read 6.3 • Get ready for class!!! • Document-Based Questions: “Roads of Rome” • 6.3 Map p142
Christianity, 6.4 Jesus • As a Jew in Judaea, his family was allowed to worship freely • Herod the Great was ruler of the province at the time of his birth in city of Bethlehem • ad6 – Judaea officially becomes Roman and Roman laws are strictly enforced • Taught Jewish ideas of “one God” and laws like the Ten Commandments • Called himself the “Son of God” or Messiah (Hebrew: “anointed one”) later called Christ (Greek: “anointed one”) • ad30 Roman Governor Pontius Pilate sentences him to death by crucifixion at the urging of outraged Jews who disagreed with his teachings
FOR FRIDAY: • FINISH 6.4 – and any other missing/absent work • When you come in there will be some more clarifying notes • We will begin with the Review History… • …and finish with the Chapter 6 Quiz
KEEP homework (6.4) for quiz (turn in later) • Write these notes (below) • Begin Review History – Test Today! Christianity, 6.4 Christians • First followers: Jesus' 12 apostles • Spread first through Greek part of Roman world, taking on Greek name for messiah, Christos • Followers became known as Christians • Met in private homes, renounced evils though baptism, assembled on Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist (Last Supper) • Persecuted by Romans and Jews, murdered Christians became martyrs • Roman leaders were concerned that it went against the state religion and would cause civil disorder • Church hierarchy developed: Patriarch Bishop priest; lead by men • Teachings based on Hebrew scriptures and letters written by the apostles to early Christians • Became official religion of Roman Empire in ad380 by Theodosius I
Part A Options • abdication • heresy • hierarchy • magistrate • persecution • Senate • triumvirate • veto