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SIARAD CYMRAEG. croeso. dynion. merched. Dim ysmygu. ysgol. Ffôn argyfwng. Ffordd ar gau. Araf. Ar Agor. Ydych chi wedi talu ac arddangos?. Allanfa. Yr Wyddor The Alphabet . There are 28 letters in the Welsh alphabet. 7 vowels and 21 consonants There is no

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  2. croeso

  3. dynion

  4. merched

  5. Dim ysmygu

  6. ysgol

  7. Ffôn argyfwng

  8. Ffordd ar gau

  9. Araf

  10. Ar Agor

  11. Ydych chi wedi talu ac arddangos?

  12. Allanfa

  13. Yr Wyddor The Alphabet There are 28 letters in the Welsh alphabet. 7 vowels and 21 consonants There is no J K Q V X Z (but J has sneaked in as in ‘garej’)

  14. DOUBLE LETTERS ch chi (you) ddth as in that dyddSul(Sunday) ff f as in fox ffôn(phone) ngng as in sing llong(ship) llallan(out) ph ph as in physics phen(head) rhrhosyn(rose) thth as in things beth? (what?)

  15. The Vowels a e i o u w y

  16. THE VOWELS a as in can car (car) as in man gwlad(land) e as in then pen (head) hen (old) i as in ship dim (nothing) as in sheep tri (three) o as in top siop (shop) as in door côr (choir)

  17. u as in limp pump (five) • as in mean un (one) • w as in put twp (daft) • as in bluesŵn(noise) • y as in purr y (the) • as in upCymru(Wales) • as in sheepdyn(man) • as in ship mynydd (mountain

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