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Explore the comprehensive provision and funding of Welsh medium educational materials in schools from 1960 to 2001, including creation, production, and publication processes. Discover how resources cater to all ages, abilities, and subjects in Welsh and English. Learn about the evaluation and dissemination of materials for an enriched learning experience.

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  1. ADNODDAU CYMRAEG WELSH LANGUAGE RESOURCES John Lloyd John.Lloyd@Cymru.gsi.gov.uk

  2. Welsh speakers 1891-2001

  3. Current 5-11 provision • 20% of pupils (54,000) are taught mainly through the medium of Welsh • 30% of schools (446) teach mainly through the medium of Welsh, including 125 designated W.M. schools. • 7% of pupils speak Welsh at home.

  4. Current 11-19 provision • 21/273 designated W.M. schools; parental choice; mainly populous anglicised areas; all pupils speak Welsh; mainly Welsh medium provision • 33/273 local schools; mainly rural traditional Welsh speaking areas; varying % of Welsh speakers; mixed Welsh/English provision – language streams and bilingual classrooms

  5. Welsh medium examinations • 16+ examinations: 10% of all entries 23 subjects (30- 5,000 entries) • 18+ examinations 7% of all entries 20 subjects (10- 400 entries each)

  6. Resources - background • 1960s Local government funding • 1980 Central government grant funding (300,000 Euro) - resource centres (public sector) • 1994 Central government (or agency) commissions publishers by tender

  7. Resources - funding Annual: • 3m Euro budget • 50-60 projects commissioned • 250-300 titles published

  8. The range of materials • Pupil materials for ages 3-19 • All abilities and needs e.g. Braille • All media e.g. text, CD ROM, DVD, on-line • All subjects

  9. Different types of materials • Text 70% Digital 30% (disk or on-line) • Original 80% Translation/adaptation 20% • Welsh only 70% Welsh and English 30%

  10. Identifying the materials • Meeting the needs of the user – consult with teachers • Prioritising. Subject panels (x 15) meet annually, led by subject experts • End-product specifications drawn up by subject experts

  11. Choosing the publisher • European Framework Agreement- mini tenders • 30 agencies (small print publishers, University centres, multi-media and TV companies – private and public sector) • Different categories of projects (translation, original, bilingual, digital, film, Braille)

  12. Creation, Production and Publication Agencies tender for subsidy to complete all stages of projects: • Creation – selection of authors, translators • Production – edit, design, photos, illustrations, print, film, interactivity • Publication – selling, marketing, storage

  13. Contract monitoring • Projects subject to contract – timetable, payments, conditions • Quality control – original materials. Subject experts and monitoring group of teachers assess drafts + trialling • Quality control – translation/adaptation. Teachers comment on draft texts

  14. Dissemination • Publishers market and sell materials - schools purchase • Can buy through shops and on-line www.gwales.com • On-line content freely available www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk

  15. Evaluation • Collect sales figures every 6 months • Gross annual sales average 1.2m Euro. Useful feedback data • Commission independent evaluation studies to measure use and impact of materials on schools

  16. Science and maths texts

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