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Cymraeg. Dydd Mawrth 25 Tachwedd. Y treiglad llaes-aspirate mutation. There are three mutation systems in Welsh. We have already seen the soft mutation, and the nasal mutation. the aspirate mutation effects three sounds: C, T, P. Y treiglad llaes. These sounds change as follows:

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  1. Cymraeg Dydd Mawrth 25 Tachwedd

  2. Y treiglad llaes-aspirate mutation • There are three mutation systems in Welsh. • We have already seen the soft mutation, and the nasal mutation. • the aspirate mutation effects three sounds: • C, T, P

  3. Y treiglad llaes • These sounds change as follows: • C becomes Ch • T becomes Th • P becomes Ph

  4. Y treiglad llaes • In the modern language this mutation is only casued by a few words: • The most important is ei (her): • Ei chath (hi)= her cat • Ei phentref (hi)=her village • Ei thaid (hi)= her grandfather. • (Note that the identical word ei=his is followed by the soft mutation) • Ei gath (e); ei bentref (e), ei daid (e).

  5. Y treiglad llaes • Other words that cause treiglad llaes: • Tri (=three) • A (=and) • Â (=with) • Tua (=towards, about) • Chwe (=six) • Ni (=negative particle, used in formal Welsh).

  6. Rhaid: saying you have to do something • Mae rhaid i fi= I have to, I must • (variants: rhaid i fi, rhaid i mi) • Oes rhaid i chi= do you have to, must you • Does dim rhaid i fi= I don’t have to • Bydd rhaid i fi= I’ll have to

  7. Rhaid: saying you have to do something • This construction takes the preposition i (=to) plus a pronoun or noun. • Mae rhaid i’r plant fwyta brecwast (=the children have to eat breakfast). • Note the following: • I fi, i ti, iddo fe, iddi hi, i ni, i chi, iddyn nhw)

  8. Rhaid: saying you have to do something • Mae rhaid iddi hi godi am 6 bob bore. • Note: the verb in the sentence is always soft-mutated. (codi- godi). • Oes rhaid iddo fe gerdded? Oes/Nac oes. • Does dim rhaid i ni fynd eto. • Bydd rhaid iddyn nhw godi’n gynnar. • See page 81 for more examples.

  9. Rhaid: saying you have to do something • Note the following: • Mae rhaid i ti beidio ag aros (you must not wait). (from the verb peidio). • In place of mae rhaid i fi, it is also possible to use the verb gorfod. • Dw i’n gorfod mynd- I have to go.

  10. Making requests: esgusodwch fi-excuse me! • This requires adding –wch to the stem of the verb (for the chi form). • Gweithio (to work) gweithiwch-work! • See page 75 • Finding the stem: usually it is enough to drop the final vowel of the verb. • (eg gweithio-gweithi; canu- can; troi- tro) • Gweithiwch; canwch; trowch.

  11. Making requests • For the irregular verbs, the following should be noted: • Mynd (to go): ewch! • Gwneud (to do): gwnewch! • Dod (to come): dewch! • Bod (to be): byddwch!

  12. Making requests • To negate a command, you use the verb peidiwch (to stop, cease), plus â (ag before a verb), followed by the main verb. • Eg: peidiwch â smygu- don’t smoke • Peidiwch â cherdded lawr y stryd ‘na. • Note: although â is followed by treiglad llaes, speakers frequently omit this mutation, and even omit the â.

  13. Being polite… • Another way of conveying requests is to use the auxiliary verb (g)wneud with the main verb: • Wnewch chi agor y ffenest, os gwelwch yn dda?(instead of agorwch y ffenest)

  14. ymarfer • Astudiwch dudalen 73. • Ar ôl hynny, trowch i dudalen 75 ac wedyn 76. • Ymarfer 4, tudalen 77.

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