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Want to improve your English speaking skills and English communication skills? Follow these tips and you will be able to speak fluent English with confidence.
Introduction “Huh? What? Can you say thatagain? ”Does that soundfamiliar? We’ve all heard those words before, and we’ve all saidthem. No matter where we are or what language we speak, sometimes we have trouble communicating.Communication is a connection between people sharing information with each other. It’s important in everyday life, at work and nearly any time you interact with other people. Communication issues don’t always happen because of your English level. The truth is, you can know how tospeak English without knowing how to communicate in English.What’s the difference? Read on to find out—and learn how to fix the most basic communicationerrors!
1. KEEPTALKING Theproblem:Youmayhavetroublespeakingfluentlyif you’reunsureofyourgrammarorvocabulary.However, stopping a lot when you talk can make it difficult for peopletofocusonwhatyou’resaying. Thesolution:Knowyourfillerphrases!Fillerphrasesare phrases (and words) that act like placeholders in a sentence.Theyfillinsilencessothatyourspeechisnot interrupted. They don’t really add anything to the conversation,though,sotheygiveyoualittletime tothinkofwhattosay.
2. FIND A GOOD SPEAKINGRHYTHM Theproblem:Ifyoutrytospeaktoofast,yourwords don’tcomeoutright.Butifyoutrytoslowdown,you have troublefocusing. The solution: You need to work on your speaking rhythm, or the speed and “sound” of your speaking.Finding your perfect speaking rhythm will really help to improve your fluency. A good speaking paceiscomfortableforyouandthelistener,keepsyou focused,andgivesyouenoughtimetothinkthrough whatyouwanttosay.
3. MAKE SURE YOU’REUNDERSTOOD The problem: Because of the language barrier, you’re neversureifpeoplereallyunderstoodwhatyoumeant. The solution: Just ask them. Most of the time, you can make sure someone understood what you said by asking them to repeat what you said.If you’re worried aboutsoundingrude,youcanremindthemthatyouare still learning English, and you want to make sure you expressed yourselfcorrectly.
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